
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


"Never need a girl I'm what a girl needs!" A young somewhat decent young man can be seen walking down a road singing a song by one of his favorite artists.

The young man looked to be around 20, he had short black hair and brown eyes with an average body. This young man is the main character of the story Ren Lunaris.

Ren was a simple guy he often hung out with his friends and family, watched anime, listened to music, and played games. He's a normal guy, except he has absolutely trash at attracting women. He had female friends but whenever he liked a girl and wanted to shoot his shoot he would freeze and his mind would go blank. His friends told him he was just scared but believed he was cursed, because there was no way he would get scared every time he tried to get a girlfriend he would get scared right?

(A.N from this point on it will be written from Ren's pov)

What a nice day today is, I hope nothing ruins it. I walked down the sidewalk listening and enjoying my music I saw something that caught my full attention. As I was crossing the street I saw in front of me a beautiful woman, walking near me and I looked at her to admire her beauty, forgetting something crucial. I was walking near a busy road and I wasn't paying attention to the road. As I was admiring this woman I failed to notice a guy speeding in a sports car.


All of a sudden I felt my body being hit by something and the next thing I knew I was laying down on the floor bleeding out.

" Shit, I hit someone with my dad's car. When he finds out I'll be in so much trouble."

As I was bleeding out I heard the guy who hit me, not gone lie I was a little angry that his attention was on the fact he hit me with his dad's car in the trouble he'll be in instead of the fact that a person is dying due to his speeding.

Well, I could've probably avoided him if I wasn't distracted by that woman. Kind of sad I'm dying because I was distracted by a female's appearance and a rich kid speeding in his daddy's car. Oh well, hopefully, my parents won't be sad for too long. I hope my older siblings confront them during this time.

I wish I could've done more with my life, I spent most of my life in school and don't travel much, I want to see more of the world and more beautiful places. Also, I wish I was able to have a get a girlfriend. Everything is going quiet and dark, I wonder what happens now.




I don't know how long I was out for but for a little while I've been hearing something that sounds like water. Why am I hearing water!?

Suddenly I opened my eyes, astonished by what I saw, in front of me were a few trees, and a few feet away there was a river. It was night but what surprised me was that I was able to see in the dark even better than I was able to see in the night.


I got up and walked to the river and looked in the water to see my reflection. I was shocked because what I saw was a young boy around the age of 10 with black hair and red eyes. My appearance was shocking, I couldn't believe how good-looking I was.

After admiring myself for a while, I sat down and tried to think about my situation. I was thinking about how if I was reincarnated, I didn't meet Rob, a goddess or the absolute creator god who happened to choose me to reincarnate.

The next thing I tried to do was to see if I could recover the previous host's memories, but I failed and couldn't remember anything.

Hmmm do I have a system, might as well try.

"System" I yelled in the middle of god knows where.


*System initialization has begun*

*1%, 36%, 69% 100%*

*Welcome host to the supremacy system*

Supremacy system! system what are your functions

*Supremacy system functions are

Quest- quest will be given to the host randomly, the host will receive rewards when the quest is completed. Quest difficulty ranks are Easy, Normal, Hard, and insane.

store- can buy anything in the multiverse and realms.

inventory- An infinite space that can store anything except living beings.

stats- shows host cultivation level

Does The host want to open the gift package?*

Yes, Open the gift package.

*Ding gift pack has been opened.

The host has received God-level signing skills

The host has received God-level cooking skills

The host has received Primordial Chaos body

The host has received the Supreme Chaos cultivation technique*


Honestly, I was so excited to see the stuff I got. I Already guessed what the god-level skills were but I wanted to know more about the other 2.

The primordial chaos body is a type of physique that allows the owner to use both the highest level of mana and spiritual Qi, primordial mana and spiritual Qi. The owner's body will be able to use every element and will have no talent limit.

The Supreme Chaos cultivation technique is a technique that allows the user to absorb the mana and spiritual qi in the air and purify the energy of impurities and circulate the energy in the body. The cultivation Levels in the lower realms are

Body refining- Refine the skin, organs, blood, and bones of impurities and strengthen them.

Mana/qi circulation- circulates the energy in the body and accumulates energy to build a foundation.

Foundation establishment- Use the energy to create spiritual pillars in the body, the pillars will be the foundation for future cultivation. The more pillars the stronger the foundation, the known limit is 9.

Gold core- The gold core stage is where the spiritual pillars transform into a core and break the limit of the mortal body-transforming the body into a spiritual body extending the life span to over 10,000 years and making the person immune to mortal diseases and poison.

Nascent soul- The gold core transforms into a Nascent soul, in the Nascent soul one won't truly die until their soul is destroyed. In this stage, the soul sense is developed and The spiritual sea will be opened in the user's mind.

Spiritual palace realm- Build a spiritual palace in the soul. This strengthens the soul and strengthens the soul, mind, body, and spiritual sea.

Unity Realm- In this stage, the soul, mind, and body find harmony elevating the person's abilities expansionary.

The heavenly tribulation realm- Experience the heavenly tribulation 9 different times, at the end of each tribulation the person will receive a bit of the heavenly tribulation thunder, and that thunder is used to transform the energy to immortal energy.

Emperor realm- After experiencing the tribulation the energy in the body is a mixture of immortal and regular energy. last stage in the Lower realm, once all the energy is transformed into the immortal energy the person will be able to ascend to the immortal realm.

Each Realm has 9 stages

Amazing, this is so amazing. System I accept the gifts.

All of a sudden I felt the information from the Supreme Chaos cultivation technique go into my mind. I had a headache for a bit, but what hurt was when my body transformed into the Primordial chaos body. I felt every single part of my body change and all I could think was.

" F**************************************************ck"