
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


After a few days of flying, we reached Wano, entered the country, we landed on the beach. The country state was pretty bad, the water was toxic, and the animals who drank the water their meat was poisonous. While flying we saw a few villages, people were smiling but I knew it wasn't their true smiles it was because of the smile fruit they ate. Honestly, it's a different feeling watching it in an anime and seeing it in real life.

When we entered the flower capital we flew to the tallest building, there Orochi the current leader of Wano, he was eating and drinking food, the amount of food he had was way too much for one person. We planned to steal some of their food and give it to the few villages before we head to Onigashima. Maki headed for their storage and I snuck behind Orochi.

"Don't you know gluttony is a sin?" I realized the invisibility magic and I was floating above him, my eyes had a slight red glow and with my demon wings out, the room had a slight ominous aura to it.

"You, who are you how did you get here!" Orochi dropped the food he was eating and turned around, he had sweat dripping down his forehead, his hands trembling, and his voice cracking. I planned to scare him and cut one of his arms because I didn't know if I could beat Kaido and if I killed him I don't know what kind of problems my actions will have.

"You're quite the sinful soul, Listen here Kurozumi Orochi, your time will come in a few years and the day you die I'll be there to collect your soul." I was full Chunny mode role-playing an evil demon. I saw his face go white and I swiftly summoned a wind blade and cut his arm. I burned with fire magic and left the building. Maki took a lot of food from them and we delivered them to the villagers and left for Onigashima.

Once we reached the island we flew above the island, I used observation haki to see if I could find Yamato, there were a lot of people there. In the Middle of the island, there was a strong aura, oddly enough the aura was one of a dragon. I'm sure that was Kaidou, he ate a devil fruit that gave him the power of a dragon, the Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon(Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu, for those of you that prefer the Japanese name).

"WORORORORORORORO, it's been a while since someone trespassed on my territory." the island started to shake, and a blue eastern dragon flew up into the air and looked in our direction. " How long are you guys going to hide yourselves?" He roared at us. I canceled the invisibility magic. I wasn't surprised he found us, anyone with Observation haki would be able to see us.

After Kaidou flew up towards us, a towering man at 20 ft tall, with a well-muscled, broad-shouldered frame and long limbs, he has large, black-feathered wings on his back that reach down to his knees. This was King.

"Well, this doesn't look good." Saying that I took out My sword Kur and Maki took out a black Katana.

"Who are you two and what are you doing here." King took out his sword and pointed it at us.

" Who we are doesn't really matter, and I'm here looking for someone." I didn't want to have a full-blown fight against the beast Pirates. I looked at Kaidou, and from what I could sense he was as strong as Current Mihawk, the Mihawks who increased his strength with Qi. This Guy is a true Monster.

"Enough talk since you dared come here that means you're prepared to forfeit your life." He charged an energy blast from his mouth and Launched it at us, I flew to the right and Maki to the Left, Maki charged at King and clashed with King's sword. I couldn't get distracted, I created 4 water balls and launched them at him, and Kaidou used his hands to destroy them.

He flew towards me and swung his hand, I quickly focused some energy into my arms and swung my sword, and clashed with Kaidou. A shock wave appeared due to our attacks. I was able to clash with him without using haki, No that my energy is under control I can show the true might of a royal demon with the Primordial chaos body, and with my gold core cultivation. Not to mention the insane amount of energy I have.

"WORORORORORO, Interesting brat to be able to match my physical strength In my dragon form. Join my crew brat." While he was speaking he swung his tail at me, I dodge it and created water chains and tried to chain him up for a bit.

"Master Kaidou watch out." King tried to help Kaidou after seeing the water chains grab Kaidous arms, Maki took advantage of his distraction and sent a roundhouse kick and hit King right on his face, then she used her speed to slash a wound on his body but the king quickly used his sword to block her sword strike.

"Tch, and here I thought I could get a good hit on you." Maki went back a little and swung her sword toward King, King raised his sword to defend from Maki's attack but Maki used her agility to launch a few strikes overwhelming King and landing a kick on his chest sending him out of the air.

Meanwhile, while Ren used his water chains to chain Kaidou for a bit he looked around looking for Yamato.

"Found you." I flew down and used signaled Maki to come to me. We flew straight down to where a tall beautiful woman with long white hair fades into an aqua-green color, she has large orange eyes. She has reddish-orange horns on her head, wearing a sleeveless white garment with a diamond-shaped design on both sides and an indigo, wisp-patterned bottom half. She wears a pair of red hakama pants and sandals and wears a large purple and white nio-dasuki behind her back inspired by Oden. This beauty was Yamato, I landed next to her and set up a Magic barrier around us.

"Hello there, My name is Ren Valefor, and this is Maki my friend and Knight of my peerage. I came here to Wano to find you." I politely introduced myself and Maki to her.

"Who are you and why are you looking for me," Yamato asked holding her club, she looked down at me because she was so tall.

" like I said I'm Ren Valefor, I'm a demon from another world. Before you ask let me finish. I came here 6 years ago with Maki, we came here from a different world to do some training. I have an ability that allows me to travel from my world to yours and many others. I also received some information about this world and the people which is why I know about you Yamato daughter of Kaidou. I want to invite you to join my peerage, I can promise you that I will not mistreat you, As well as promise you power and whatever you desire in exchange for you joining my peerage. Also, I would like an answer soon, this magic barrier can last for another 3 minutes." Yamato looked at me half expected and half hesitant. After a minute she looked me in the eyes and asked me two questions.

"What does it mean to join your peerage and will you let be free?" I explained the evil pieces system quickly and told her I won't make her my slave, she'll be free to do anything when I don't require her assistance.

" Also I can guarantee that we will go on a lot of adventures together and have lots of fun." I extend my hand and gave her a sincere smile hoping she would join.

"I'll agree and join your peerage." She shook my hand and smiled. I destroyed her sea prison stone it wasn't hard and I took out my evil pieces. My normal Rook flew to her and entered her body. Just then the barrier broke, then I saw Kaidou and King along with others looking at us. They saw Yamato glow and demon wings come out her back and her height which was 8'8 now shrunk to 6ft tall.

"Huh, What happened to her?" Kaidou asked me, he was in his human form. His human form was a tall bulky middle age man with huge shoulders and arms. He had a tattoo on his left arm, he held a large club in his hands.

System can you teleport us back home?

* conformation, teleporting host and peerage member back to the original world in 10 seconds*

I looked at Kaidou and said to him," Sorry Kaidou but I will be taking Yamato and cutting out the fight short here. But next time I see you I'll fight you and kill you." I said that stuff to buy time, before he could say anything a yellow and green light surround us and teleported us back.

A.N. Saw the Gear 5 episode today I enjoyed it 10/10 episode for me.