
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

meeting the empty and Death

/Isaiel pov\

Falling, I was falling at a fast speed after I was hit with the banishing sigil. I was traveling the universe exceeding the speed of light, if anyone could see me. They would see the flash of a speeding comet. 

I wrapped my wings around my body to protect myself from the intense push of gravity. I could feel the wind rushing past due to the speed as I tried to flap my wings to slow down my descent.

I finally crashed when I hit the edge of the universe itself, a void of nothing was all around me. Just, like when I was first created at the beginning. 

The void itself was all black completely engulfing everything like a sea of black liquid, as I started to get up from my crash site. My wings were fine, as they weren't damaged during the process of me being flung across to the end of the universe. 

I couldn't feel anything disturbingly the numerous voices of angels that would communicate on angel radio were silent and I couldn't sense any beings, not a single angel, I began to panic. Was this what banished and fallen angels experience in the show?

Suddenly I felt a wave of calmness flow into my being. I could feel my grace and it wasn't damaged. as well as the link connecting me to the darkness and Lucifer. I sighed in relief at the fact that I wasn't completely powerless in here. Whatever here was it seemed familiar but I couldn't pinpoint what this place was. 

just, then a figure appeared from the void it looked like me with my wings just black. this thing had an uncomfortable presence it felt like bugs were crawling on my body.

"I shouldn't be here thought Isaiel." I felt like the longer I looked at the figure I felt dizzy and insane. The figure was smirking at my discomfort and confusion. 

"Well, looky here. What do we have here a new toy? it's been a long time since I saw anything in this empty place."  "Empty, isaiel thought Empty, Empty, Empty. Wait wasn't there a place where angels go when they die? Then, it clicked I was in the Empty." I went cold with fear as the figure stared at me sadistically. 

/Tien pov/

It had been a couple of hours since Isaiel had been gone when I tried the same banishing sigil with a lower-class angel. it took the angel three hours for the angel to come back from another section of heaven. I kept trying to establish a link to Isaiel, my brother but nothing was coming through. 

Isaiel, please come back I can not stand here. Where are you? I have searched all of heaven, other angels are starting to question your disappearance. I prayed on a private link to isaiel. 

Nothing, this wasn't like isaiel he would never leave a prayer unanswered. Could Isaiel be in danger? I thought I couldn't do this I had to tell the others about this as our brother was not in heaven. 

I opened my wings and flew into the sky, rushing past all the other angels flying as well they were inconsequential, the sound of the wind as I flew to the entrance to the throne room by its gate.

Standing there were the archangels and the rest of the seraphs, all with the candidates they picked to be managers. Ezekiel looked at my face and saw my worried expression.

"What is the matter brother? You look panicked is something wrong? Have you come to see Isaiel for something? Ezekiel asked with a calm and welcoming smile. 

I knew that I had to say something about isaiel disappearance from heaven. But how could I say that to them, my fellow angels? If word got out there would be chaos but I thought about Isaiel's utter silence and I needed to know if he was all right. 

 I grimaced as I said my next few words, "everyone there is a situation Isaiel has disappeared from heaven and can't be found. What did you just say, brother? Ezekiel questioned his tone was dark and his eyes turned into a more serious look. 

I explained to them everything calling Isaiel, the banishing sigil and its effects on angels, and how silent Isaiel had been with the struggle of not being able to find his grace signature. 

when I was done all of them looked at me, before I could blink my eyes. Lucifer was right in front of me with a murderous expression he grabbed my throat and pinned me to the gates.

Is this true he said, y-yes I responded struggling to even speak.

Brother that's enough let him go said Micheal, we don't have much time we must find isaiel and bring him back home.

Lucifer growled in anger he looked at me with bloodthirsty eyes if there is so much as a scratch on our brother you will pay the price and with that, he let go. 

Michael turned around and looked at the lower-ranked angels seriously, "you all wanted to prove yourself here is your first order I want all of you to assemble the garrisons you control and the first to find isaiel will be my right-hand man." 

"You will not say a word about isaiel disappearance to any angel is that understood? Yes, commander said the angels and they all flew away. 

Michael turned to Raphael and said "go back to your division and make sure everything is ready for everyone when the garrisons leave for the search." then to Gabriel get every messenger angel and send the word out that every garrison should combine with any other and search the universe.

Lucifer and then Michael both flew away but not before giving a glare to me. Serafina looked at Ezekiel and asked "what are we to do?" we don't have isaiel here to lead us." we do what we need to do, finding Isaiel is the top priority." 

"Serafina, I want you to see if you can use your power to sense isaiel grace's signature."

"the rest of you go back to your divisions and await orders from me or isaiel if he returns. Tien, you are to show me this sigil and see if there is any way to bring isaiel home." I nod ready to be of service.

/Isaiel pov/

I screamed again as the empty continued to torture me, it had been doing this for a while as a means to break me, the torture shredded my grace as it felt as if I was poked and prodded as if there were barbed wire attacking my grace every second.

As she punched me again and again the shadow's punches were like brinks slamming into me as she crackled at the pain I was in. Two of my wings were damaged and twisted. Its telekinesis was holding me down and making it impossible for me to get up. 

"Aww, is the little angel hurt? said, in a mocking tone haha I can't believe that someone as powerful as the natural order can be interested in something weak and pathetic." 

As the empty kicks me again I should throw you deep into the empty to put you out of your misery. After all, it was your kind's creation that woke me up.

That made me realize something, I remembered that empty needs its inhabitants to sleep so that it can sleep." then do it I challenged." You can't or else you would have done it already."

Before it could answer I used the remainder of my grace to shine my holy light. what are you doing the empty said. A little panic your creating noise before clutching its head.

I didn't answer I looked inside myself I had to connect with the host. using the link from the mark of Cain, I connected myself to Lucifer and asked him to quickly connect me with the host due to my light fading. 

Lucifer asked no questions I felt a surge of power like never before as 80 thousand angels flow into my body. My light became brighter it was so bright that the entire empty became a white light. the empty screamed saying it was too loud in here. Let me go I said as it continued to cry out in agony, I felt some sadistic satisfaction as it was in the same situation I was in. 

the empty looked at me with hateful eyes, you better not come back here or I will make you wish you could die. and with that, I was gone. I woke up in purgatory with gray skies and forests. 

I smiled at the fact I wasn't in the empty but I frowned knowing what place I was in I ran quickly as I couldn't fly as the Leviatians would be able to grab me in the sky with my speed.

Suddenly, a figure stood right in front of me it was a skeletal figure with grey eyes, pale skin, and massive wings that looked like the color and smelled like rot.

this being was one of the strongest in the show, a riddle that the living never solved the one who would reap god at the end of everything. the first and most powerful horsemen, DEATH I shivered in his presence I felt the coldness of Lucifer but this was a different cold. He looked at me with his eyes and all he said was you are interesting, you are a part of me, and then not."

" I hope you can accomplish your dream, Enjoy your new life isaiel. Then he disappeared and before I could process anything."

The flapping of wings was heard and Michael and Lucifer appeared in front of me. The next thing I knew I collapsed and Michael and Lucifer were looking at me with worry.