
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

creation of humanity and start of Rebellion

It has been 311 million years since the incident with the banishing silgl and a lot has changed.

After, finding me in purgatory Michael and Helel quickly brought me to heaven to be treated by Raphael.

The seraphs began to never leave my side after Raphael treated me, even going so far as making rotations and leaving any work they had to Their lieutenants and other lower-class angels.

Ezekiel was the most protective out of them all going so far as to attack other angels or glare at them for so much as looking at me.

Kemuel, reaction to my return was quite interesting depending on which emotion was active during the time.

Anger's reaction was as what you expected he was engaged at my disappearance, joy was overjoyed with my return, and calm was an interesting one as he started to cry and hug me.

Cael when he first learned of my disappearance cried for the whole day and when I awaken I was met with a charging angel with a bear hug. Shaking me and holding me tight.

Abaddon, Uriel, and Ramiel didn't mind my disappearance much. Raguel and Raziel were the most curious about where I went.

They kept asking me questions and so when Father came I told them all about everything. The empty, my torture, and My encounter with death.

Tien was the most apologetic from the whole thing he begged me to punish him even when I had forgiven him and with his Tien's, Helel's, and Ezekiel's insistence I gave in and gave Tien.

"As punishment when the earth was created, he would stay at earth for 200 thousand years, had his division cut in half and be sent elsewhere, and his work would on the silgls be secured in Raziel library and forbidden for an angel other than an archangel, seraphs, and very selected managers to know of its existence. "

After that had happened, Father brought me to an empty space with white liquid light.

" This place would be the housing place of my new galaxy I call it the Milky Way. And I want you to fill it with whatever you want only he points to a black ball of matter you will leave that one to me."

"I want you to not comment on anything about this planet until I'm done including questions."

God went and worked on the planet which would presumably be Earth.

I went and used My grace to create stars surrounding the Milky Way galaxy, next, I created a giant ball of flaming gas created from my flames. Calling it the sun, and finally created the planets.

The order was Mercury, Venus, Earth, (created by god) Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

(For the moment)

I made their characteristics based on the remainder of my sibling's best qualities. After I was done I flew to my father and stayed quiet so as to not disturb my Father. After god finished the creation of earth he looked at me.

"Why my son what do you think? Is it good?

"Yes Father it is but if I may ask what will this purpose and why is It so special? Well, my son said God, this planet will be home to many creatures and will serve as paradise for both angels and these creatures. "

A few million years later I have seen everything from the micro bacteria living on Earth to the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and the entire Mesozoic Era.

I saw the early stages of the animals evolving into dinosaurs, the angels were all sent to do various tasks on earth, and Hael and their garrison were in charge of creating mountains and shifting the tectonic plates.

After that, it is now 311 million years and I was summoned by my Father to meet him in a private part of the Axis Moudi to help him with his new creation project.

I had an idea what that was as there was only one thing that would have come next Humanity, I couldn't wait to see the the first humans, the progenitors of the homo-sapiens.

When I reached there, there were two humans on the ground in the mud." Hello, my son." Said Father smiling at me with a warm smile.

"I need your help with my newest creations, humans I created them but it doesn't feel right as if a piece was missing I want your assistance to help me create that piece."

I nodded closed my many eyes and concentrated I felt my grace but I moved passed it as I was searching for something to help solve the problem.

Till I found this blue substance that had wisps of energy it kinda reminds me of grace. I took it out of my body and it felt so warm like a sunny day on the beach, I could take it energy and power myself right now.

"Interesting said God looking at the bright object with wonder and excitement on his face."

What is it called? Suddenly I knew what this was a soul. I looked at my Father and said the answer to the problem.

I gave the soul to the two humans, When the soul entered the body a surge of bright light appeared from within them.

"What will you name them Father? I asked their names Adam and Lilith. When God spoke those names a spark emitted and the two humans started to take physical features.

Father smiled and said that they were ready

And perfect. Father looked at me and said to call your brothers to meet me in the garden.

/Castiel pov/

It has been 3 million years since my creation I live the life of a soldier.

Enduring brutal training from Ishim and Mirabel, establishing friendships with Benjamin and Akobel in secret as Ishim doesn't want anyone In the flight to show emotions.

As he says emotions are weaknesses and its weaknesses that will kill you and your brothers.

Ishim would make us spare with real angel blades, and if an angel loses or gets cut it's grueling punishment for the garrison.

Ishim says that these punishments are to eliminate any weaknesses in the garrison.

After I few million there were creatures called dinosaurs and the garrison was ordered to with another garrison watch the earth and its inhabitants.

We fly ourselves downwards towards earth and meet up with this garrison.

It was a wonder how beautiful my father made his creations, we met up with Anna and her garrison. Which consisted of 4 angels, Balthazar, Hester, Inais, And another angel named Serquel.

Listen here, he told the garrison our orders are to watch and observe the species of Father's new creation until we are given new orders.

I was told to observe this section of were a species called the sarcopterygian fish at this river. Just then archangel Gabriel was right next to me he always came whenever I was stationed somewhere.

I Turned to face the archangel, his form was glowing like the sun it was warmth with his multiple golden wings. I bowed my head in supplication not directly looking at the archangel's face. "Greetings archangel Gabriel, What can I do for you?

"Oh come on enough about this formal archangel crap, you're making me feel old.

"He laughed just call me Gabe. Gabe, calling an archangel by there name was unheard of.

And with such a casual way too, I shouldn't say this with any one of the garrison."

"Ishim would punish me severely for daring to talk to someone as high up as an archangel in such a manner."

Saying nothing, I continued to watch and observe while Gabriel was talking to me. When a fish from the river started to reach land and it hobbled across.

I moved to bring it back into the water however, Gabriel stopped me "don't step on that fish little brother." God has big plans for that fish."

Just then the sound of flapping wings was right next to me, I turned expecting Ishim but found the second most important angel next to the archangels. Isaiel and his six ginormous wings were looking at me. If Gabriel's aura was something of sweet warmth.

Then Isaiel's aura was that of the temperatures of Venus, it was all life-encompassing, with a halo of 16 crowns signifying the 16 seraphs under his command.

"Hello Gabe, how are you today still causing chaos in heaven, you trickster." Gabriel laughed he's form glowing brightly. Of course, Brother Michael and the rest of our siblings have become such a bore.

Isaiel nodded and looked at me, I felt a sudden rush of fear come at me when he looked. It was like he was inspecting me, don't be afraid said Isaiel he nodded as if he understood something then with one final look. Isaiel disappears from sight.

A few thousand decades passed as all I did was watch and wait for orders, as well as report any findings or information to Ishim every 100 years.

another thousands of years go by and the dinosaurs are no more as Isaiel went and destroyed them saying, that God had commanded that the dinosaurs be wiped out for space and that Earth was going to be the home of Father's newest creations.

Many angels tried to stop him even Zachariah went so far as to try and fight the seraph, but fell when he was captured and sent somewhere but came back a different angel. Merciless as he punished any angel or garrison for anything he considered a failure.

After 3 million years on earth, we finally come back home to heaven. When Isaiel spoke telepathically to all of heaven. " ALL ANGELS STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, BY ORDER OF THE ALLMIGHTLY EVERY ANGEL MUST REPORT TO THE GARDEN."


Immediately all 80 thousand of us went into the garden where our father was present.

Thousands upon thousands of voices were whispering all around wondering what this was about. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael were in the front Helel and Isaiel were on both the left and right side of our Father.

When all of the angels were in attendance, God spoke about how he brought us here to see her newest creations.

They were called humans and they were naked, they were different then us angels. Didn't have wings, or grace in their body like us angels. That sparked my curiosity about why God asked us to see his new creation from mud.

Then God uttered a strange request," my children I asked you here not only to see my newest creations but as a sign of obedience. I want you all to bow and kneel before them and love them as you even love me."

The host was shocked even Micheal the loyal son didn't even move as no one could understand this request to love these creations more than our Father'. Then something happened Isaiel went in front of the afraid humans and in front of the holy host, he kneeled and bowed in front of the humans.

Everyone was shocked, Isaiel the first seraph God most trusted in the eyes of the angels bowed to humans. Next was Michael then Raphael, then Gabriel, the rest of the seraphs, and then one by one every angel keeled except for Helel.

"I refuse Father you can be serious this is madness, Helel kneeled before the humans said, Michael. "No, I refuse Father these unworthy beings shouldn't be exalted as you, but should be kneeling to us than us kneeling to these mud-monkeys."

"HELEL, you will kneel to the humans ordered Father, anger in his tone. No, I refuse why create something that is so disgusting, flawed, and weak to make his point he attacked the two humans."

 Isaiel quickly intercepted and covered the humans with his wings. the blast connected and Isaiel was still covering the humans. 

Helel grew in anger and turned back to the host and said "Brothers, come join me if you agree with me. why should we kneel when we are god's most perfect creation, why should we listen to god when she favors these things made from mud over his most loyal creations? What will happen when God becomes tired of our inquiries? 

After he said those words he left with a flutter of wings and I saw many of my older siblings, get up and follow Helel but what was so surprising was that the seraphs Abbodon and Remiel followed suit. 

Micheal turned to the rest of the hosts and said all of you leave and continue your duties. 

/end of Castiel pov/

/ isaiel pov/ 

I flew off to find my Father in his office and I knocked on the door. Enter said my Father in a tone of power.

I opened the door when my father looked at me he smiled and I said to him, how are you God? You seem heavy harded? Would you like to talk to me? That seemed to help you before.

Yes my son I would like that said my Father and Isaiel did you forget what I told you to call me when were alone.

I smirk, of course it's the most enduring name to call you Father. I then conjered a chair and Sat across from him. What troubles you Father? Even though I can already guess the topic.

I'm going to tell you something that the others don't already know. You mean more than I already know that the others don't.

Father chuckled at that, yes however, his expression became serious. I fear that Helel has already begun starting a rebellion as he already convinced other angels to follow him.

I grimace recalling the scene of Ramiel and Abbodon following lucifer.

It made sense as Helel was close with Remiel, Abaddon, and Uriel. Hmm uriel I might have to watch out for him I can't allow Helel to convince uriel to his side.

Hah, I thought we wouldn't have other war since the Darkness, but now Helel... I tried you know. I knew that was corrupting him, I had hoped that he would seceded in taming it but now I'm not sure what to do.

Perhaps, we could take the mark away from him. If we do that maybe it would clear____

I stopped when Father hold up his hand.

Even if that were to happen Helel has gone to far he disobey in front of everyone there must be consequences for his actions and besides who would bear the mark if we were to remove it?


Y---yes f-f-Father, I understand never in my lives have a ever been so terrified in my lives.

Now I Understood why God's wrath was something to not play around with and why the angels were so terrified of it.

The sky in heaven was dark with sounds of thunder overhead, lighting crash and boomed in my senses as I could feel, taste, and smell the atomic rage in the sky.

God sighed and told me to get out of his office and take Michael with me to try and convince Helel to stand down and one final chance, a final mercy from Father before preparing for civil war.

I got up and noded and left. I went outside and went directly straight into the training area where Michael was teaching the angels combat and how to use there power.

I landed next to Michael, Michael we must go Father has ordered us to try and convince Helel to stand down.

We took off in a burst of speed, what was that about with the lighting Isaiel. All of heaven heard Father voice and rage. It was about Helel. Father is considerably upset about Helel disobedience.

Michael nodded and we soon reached the spot were Helel grace was and was shocked to see that 1/3 (about 240 thousand angels) of the heavenly host had joined his side.

Helel turned to look at us. Ah Isaiel and Michael have you come to join me? In this rebellion? Helel was is this blasphemy? What have you done you turned 1/3 of our family against our Father.

Yes Helel said come join me in my thurmph against our Father, look at how he disrespected us by make us kneel to those humans.

When I became ruler of the host I'll before Helel could say another word. Michael punched him in the face.



Before Michael could attack again I rushed into the fight and grabbed his arm and tried to restain him. Helel got up bloodied and burised. With fury in his eyes, so I see that that's a no he looked at me. How about you Brother, will you join me?

Together we can win the war with the seraphs I know they will listen to you then our father we can create a new Era without these humans.

Join me Brother, Ramiel and Abbodon have already joined with the rest of the seraphs we will be unstoppable or taste eternal defeat at my victory.

I was silent while Helel was talking, hoping that he would make sense but I couldn't all i could see his grace all it was bitter cold Helel had officially lose his mind there was no negotiation or mercy for him.

I looked at lucifer, what has been done cannot be undone you have chosen your path lucifer and all who have lost faith we beg for a forgiveness they do not deserve. After that I left with Michael to inform Father.