
Superman's Saiyan little brother

Twelve years ago, the first spaceship brought the Kents a Superman son. Twelve years later, the second spaceship brought the Kents a Saiyan son. How will the brotherly combination of Superman and Saiyan create waves in the world? Ps1: the world background for the previous protagonist fusion of the universe after a new all-different U.S. comics integrated world, DC movie animation + Marvel movie part of the comic book + Jackie Chan Adventures + part of the film containing the power of the supernatural, which some of the characters and ability to set up the cards will not be in accordance with the set of rules and regulations, and will not follow the original plot process, but to intercept the events rewritten by the integrated world of the butterfly effect of the plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect, I will try my best to write you the world of the Saiyan brothers. The plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect of the integrated world, I will try my best to write a plot direction that you have not read (can not accept the DC Marvel mixed world and plot characters of the two creations of caution ~) Ps2: The protagonist is not simply a Saiyan, but also has some of the other abilities in the Dragon Ball. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Anime & Comics
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196 Chs

Chapter 30: Today is a Good Day

"Be careful, don't damage it; this was not easy to find! Didn't you see those guys came for it?" Alex carefully took the talisman, then hesitantly looked at Kara and asked, "You mentioned your findings were greater than mine, what did you discover?"

"An interesting... person." Kara's lips slightly curved up as she recalled Robert's weight training, his voracious eating, meditation, and the tail she didn't manage to touch.

"Let's talk about this later. I need to deal with them first and then take the talisman back to the base!" Alex, noticing the change in Kara's mood, quickly waved her hand, stored the talisman, and moved towards the masked men, then paused, "How did you dismantle their firearms?"

"What else? I'm not afraid of these toys, but what if you got hurt? My rescue would have been for nothing," Kara spread her hands innocently, looking at Alex.

"Alright, there's nothing for you here. I'll take care of them. Go check on mom and dad, let them not worry..." Alex sighed helplessly, softly speaking.

"Are you really going to handle it? I doubt your and your organization's capability!" Kara skeptically sized up Alex, her performance not reassuring enough for Kara to leave.

"I've already contacted the agency. You should leave now, as theoretically, I should keep this secret from my family." Alex's eyes flashed fiercely as she broke the necks of the masked men one by one.

Kara opened her mouth, not to stop Alex or out of mercy, since these masked men nearly threatened the Danvers' lives, Kara couldn't let them go.

Kara spared their lives, thinking Alex might have something to interrogate them about.

Seeing Alex taking action, Kara thought she could do it herself without letting Alex go through the trouble of twisting necks one by one, how tiring...

"Though I joined an official agency, it's better they don't know about your existence, as I don't fully understand them..." Alex explained softly after finishing, "So, you should leave now."

"Then we might as well destroy the evidence!" Kara shrugged, stepped aside from Alex, and shot a red beam from her eyes, blowing up the car on the spot, engulfing the bodies and traces of the masked men in the explosion flames.


With flames rising, Kara nodded at Alex and disappeared amidst Alex's twitching expression.

Half a moment later, a black car picked up Alex. Kara, who had been observing, finally returned home to reassure the Danvers and discuss moving plans.

Moving was necessary, as Alex had already been targeted, and those masked men clearly belonged to an organization. If they attacked the Danvers again, it might not be so easy to hide in the basement next time.

But moving wasn't something that could be done quickly, so Kara temporarily relocated the Danvers to a relative's house and packed up some valuable items.

It's worth mentioning that the spaceship Kara arrived in was hidden in the basement. If not for building the basement to conceal the spaceship, the Danvers might not have escaped this time...

However, Kara didn't bother with the spaceship for now, planning to move it under the cover of night after moving.


"Hm?" Near the end of school, under the puzzled gazes of the Danvers, Kara rushed to school, and Robert, meditating, felt Kara's presence, opening his eyes towards the school entrance.

Yes, Kara didn't enter the school, as there was no point in entering the classroom near the end of school, especially since she had taken leave. Besides, Robert couldn't slip away from under her watch.

Kara insisted on seeing Robert because she felt, having already revealed her abilities in front of him, there was no need to weave lies anymore. It was better to be open and have a proper talk.

Perhaps this could even bring them closer and unveil the secrets Robert held?

"Waiting for me?" Robert, sensing Kara's presence at the school entrance, had a flash of realization in his eyes, guessing her intention.


After school, Robert walked directly to where Kara was. Seeing Robert not avoiding her, Kara was in high spirits, bouncing up to him. To Kara, this was the first step in unraveling Robert's secrets!

"Thanks for helping me take leave!" Thinking this, Kara looked at Robert with a vibrant smile and thanked him.

"Let's go, we need to talk." Robert nodded, leading Kara away from the school.

The Dmitri quintet: o(╥﹏╥)o "I knew it, how could anyone resist Kara's charm? Him saying he's not interested in Kara was definitely a lie!" Jimmy sadly watched Robert and Kara's departing figures.

"It's unexpected, we've lost in love just like that. The gap in strength is too big, there's no chance of turning the tables!" Cain murmured sadly.

At this moment, the quintet's emotions resonated once again, the atmosphere of sadness spreading around, causing classmates to steer clear of these five love-lost individuals.

Robert and Kara were unaware of the quintet's sadness. Even if Kara had keen hearing, she wouldn't pay attention to others for now, focusing entirely on Robert, even occasionally glancing at his tail, itching to touch it...

"Enough! Stop using your x-ray vision on my tail!" Robert, noticing Kara's gaze on his tail, bluntly called her out.

"Ah!" Kara was startled, her face turning red, and steam almost rising from her head.

Kara didn't expect to be caught red-handed by Robert, even though she had been careful with her gaze...

"Come on, follow me home, I'll introduce you to someone!" Robert, seeing Kara's expression, shook his head helplessly, speaking seriously.

"Isn't it too early to meet the parents?" Kara, feeling her brilliant mind muddled, awkwardly responded.

Robert: (_???) You're not right!

Thank you to "Book Friend 20171007105235204" for 1 monthly ticket, "East Sea Dragon Prince" for 2 monthly tickets, and all the readers for their support and recommendation tickets, much appreciated!

The introduction can't be changed for now, but I'll talk about the early plotline when it's restored~ Today is a good day, have a great weekend, eat and drink well! (▽)

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