
Sunshine in apocalypse(Escanor)

Worst of my FanFics and not a serious one either. So you are warned. Well let me get 2-3 things out of the way first. So that the people who don’t look at the tags know what they are getting themselves into. I don’t want them to moan in the novel because of this. This is (Wish Fulfilment) Mc is Op with a capital O The Harem will be big to Huge More of a Hentai than a serious novel tbh If it’s not your Cup of tea then don’t read and please leave like a respectful person. No one needs haters for no reason. I get that you didn’t like the character or found it hard to read then just leave. No need to bad mouth me or my character. Anyways, enjoy for those who like it. Alex was feeling distraught from his fourth breakup. He didn’t understand that why this was happening to him. He followed all of his Gf’s whims but still got disappointed. He vowed to just sit at home nice and quiet and just enjoy some good novels. He had a Apocalyptic Harem novels, manga and Anime list that was still unfinished. As he finished his whole list. Suddenly, the whole building started shaking. He fucking knew that the construction of this Apartment building was poor. As he thought of this, the building collapsed and he died as he was buried under the rubble. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to characters that have been already established but I own the right to my original story and characters.

Hancock_Sama · Book&Literature
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119 Chs

32. Dream

Alex found himself in a meadow full of flowers of every kind. The flowers ranged from Dandelions to different coloured Roses. There was every flower you could ever think of.

It looked beautiful and the fragrance was even better. It was soothing and pleasant and not too overpowering on the senses.

He roamed around for a while, not knowing that someone was following while floating behind him. After roaming around for a while, he got bored and just decided to sit down.

"Finally finished?" The person that was following said. The voice was young and attractive, sounding a bit seductive.

Alex jumped on his feet as he made a stance and looked at his opponent. When he saw the other person, he was utterly dazed because he knew who that was. He had watched Seven Deadly Sins but not fully. He was over with that shit after a while.

But the one in front of him was unforgettable. It was none other than Boar Sin of Gluttony- Merlin, in the flesh. It could be his dream but he wouldn't be so sure now.

He continued his act and asked. "Who are you?" He acted as he put a hint of vigilance on his face and voice.

"No need to be so alert. I am your Mother's teammate and also your Future guide". Merlin said with a smile, trying to reassure him.

"How do I believe you?" Alex said, not letting his act drop.

"You don't have to but this should help". She said and projected something in front of him.

It was scene of her with Raikou going on hunts and there was Mamako in the picture as well. The Merlin in the picture waved her hand towards their direction.

She even directed Raikou and Mamako to do the same. "I took permission from your Mother before doing this. Although, it took a lot of convincing". She said with a helpless expression when she talked about that.

She had to literally beg and give arguments that it was for Alex's own good. This went on for a month before she had enough and asked them if they will allow her on some condition.

"You will have to protect him with everything you got. Also, you cannot seduce him". Both of them joined their arms in front of their chest as they said self righteously.

"I was going to do that in the first place". She face palmed in front of them when she heard that.

Mamako and Raikou knew that she wasn't going to leave Alex's grasp, once they met. So, they opted to this instead. At least, they could pull some strings to make it difficult for Merlin.

"Haaa". Merlin sighed one more time and looked at Alex again with a smile that was a little forced now.

Alex's lips twitched when he saw Merlin's behaviour. He could guess what happened and he felt sorry for her but he also felt very warm because of his Mothers' care.

"So, do you trust me now?" Merlin said as she looked at Alex with a little anticipation.

'Why does she look eager for my trust? We don't even know each other. Maybe she knows but I don't'. Alex thought but didn't say anything to Merlin yet.

"Let's say, I trust you. Then what?" Alex asked as he looked at Merlin sceptically.

"I am here to guide you in your cultivation". Merlin said as she smiled and thought that they were getting somewhere. Not knowing that Alex was acting all this time.

"But why, I am not even starting it before Tier 1. So why now?" Alex asked genuinely puzzled this time.


"I have a friend that is very much interested in making you her pupil in weapon arts and one that is willing to teach you in hand to hand combat". Merlin laughed as she found Alex cute as he questioned her like an adult. Although, she saw his future and knew that he will mature fast but that still didn't beat the cuteness he was showing now.

"I will ask Mom. If she agrees then I will agree". Alex said after some thought. Although, he was tempted, he wanted to make sure that she could trusted. It didn't matter if she was an anime character.

He spent five long years with Mamako, Raikou and Grayfia. He could say with certainty that they loved him and cared about him. The rest of the characters that he found were still children. So there wasn't much of a danger factor there.

But now it was an adult and a very powerful evolver at that. So, he didn't want to take any chances here. That's why, he gave this proposition.

"Okay, I'll wait for your response. Just think of me and we'll meet here again". Merlin said and the dreamland started to distort and fade away.

Alex woke up a bit groggily as he looked around and found Grayfia lying down beside with her upper body propped against the headrest.

He felt very touched as he knew that Grayfia was probably sitting beside him as she took care of him. He laid her down slowly and carefully as he covered her with the quilt to let her rest properly.

"Thank you, Ka-chan". Alex smiled as he got out of the room and thought of preparing some tea and biscuits for both of them.

He made some classic Indian Masala Tea. It isn't really hard to make really. As he finished preparing that, he took some rusks from the cupboard and prepared to head back to the room.

In the peaceful era, it wouldn't even take a £1-2 to make this tea but now he was sure that it was at least worth more than £10,000. If you measure it by the old currencies.

Right now, the internationally accepted currency was Credits. You could use them for anything and anywhere. They worked mostly like Bitcoins and were secure and couldn't be tracked. So Fighters and Evolvers liked this currency the best.

Everything other than basic food and necessities was super inflated in prices. The government tried to give relief by at least keeping the basic prices down but People were still starving as the basic wages were barely even enough to buy food that could last you a month.

Sometimes, Beasts and monsters become more active that makes the prices for everything rise even more and the prices for the commodities rise even more.

Only Fighters and Evolvers can earn enough to love a leisure life hut that comes with its own risks and hardships. Most ordinary people can't even reach Tier 1 in their prime and after that there is little hope for that.

Alex just shook his head and took the tray back to the room with a smile on his cute face. He put the tray down as he opened the door and got in with the tray.

The maids weren't back on duty yet. So he made the tea by himself and he quite enjoyed it. It felt good to do these small things for your loved ones.

"Grayfia-Ka chan, Ka-chan, wake up". Alex shook Grayfia's shoulder as he tried to wake her up.

Grayfia stretched her arms as she woke up a bit groggily and looked at Alex, who was standing beside her bed.

"Look, I made tea for us". Alex smiled happily as he showed her.

Grayfia quickly snapped her eyes open as she first checked Alex before looking at the tea. "You didn't hurt yourself in the process, right". Grayfia asked with some worry.

Alex smiled affectionately at her concern and said. "No, I'm fine but you need to finish my Tea". Alex quickly put the tray on the bed and got on top as well.

Grayfia smiled as they happily chatted and enjoyed the tea made by Alex. She was feeling very smug as this was the first time Alex made tea and she was the first to taste it.