
Sunshine in apocalypse(Escanor)

Worst of my FanFics and not a serious one either. So you are warned. Well let me get 2-3 things out of the way first. So that the people who don’t look at the tags know what they are getting themselves into. I don’t want them to moan in the novel because of this. This is (Wish Fulfilment) Mc is Op with a capital O The Harem will be big to Huge More of a Hentai than a serious novel tbh If it’s not your Cup of tea then don’t read and please leave like a respectful person. No one needs haters for no reason. I get that you didn’t like the character or found it hard to read then just leave. No need to bad mouth me or my character. Anyways, enjoy for those who like it. Alex was feeling distraught from his fourth breakup. He didn’t understand that why this was happening to him. He followed all of his Gf’s whims but still got disappointed. He vowed to just sit at home nice and quiet and just enjoy some good novels. He had a Apocalyptic Harem novels, manga and Anime list that was still unfinished. As he finished his whole list. Suddenly, the whole building started shaking. He fucking knew that the construction of this Apartment building was poor. As he thought of this, the building collapsed and he died as he was buried under the rubble. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to characters that have been already established but I own the right to my original story and characters.

Hancock_Sama · Book&Literature
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119 Chs

31. Training

(A/N: another chapter for the hundred power stones. Enjoy.)

The next day, Alex took a break from the school. Tomorrow is his lesson with Gimli. Where he will once again learn the Axe arts.

Today, he was going to ask the maids to help him with making the required training grounds for him. He wasn't that tall and why do things yourself when you got servants for it.

Alex trotted over to the maids cleaning the garden as he asked. "U-um, can you help me?" Alex asked as he looked at the maid.

"What would like help with, Young Master?" The maid stood up as she asked.

"I want to you to help me tie some logs with the monkey bars in the play yard". Alex said as he looked at the maid with shining eyes.

"Young master, I am just a normal human. So this is difficult for me. Shall I call some workers for help?" The maid said with a smile as she asked.

"Mmhmm". Alex nodded as he agreed tot he Maid's request.

The maid then took her leave as Alex was the only one left in the yard. 'Now the hard part is convincing Ka-chan'. He thought as he knew that the 3 of them were very overprotective and the first to hear about this would be Grayfia.

So without skipping a beat, he ran inside the Villa to look for her. After looking around, he saw Grayfia coming towards him.

"Young Master, were you looking for me?" Grayfia asked as she sat down and hot on eye level with Alex.

"Hmm, how do you know, Ka-chan?" Alex asked as he tilted his head in a puzzled way.

"I just had a feeling". Grayfia smiled as she picked Alex up in her arms and just kept him at eye level.

"I want to make training grounds". Alex said as he didn't beat around the bush.

"What kind of training ground?" Grayfia looked at Alex with a bit of intrigue.

Alex then proceeded to tell her about his idea. As he knew that he can't hide this from her anyway. Since he will be getting hurt in the process.

"Haaa, okay". Grayfia sighed as she agreed.

Alex looked at Grayfia in stupor as he didn't expect this response. He thought of different ways to convince but never thought that she will just agree like that.

"Ufufufu, Young Master, I know you will do it anyway. I have seen your struggle to get stronger over the years. So, I don't want to be the one to hold you back". Grayfia laughed as she explained herself.

Alex smiled back happily. It felt good when someone acknowledged your hard work and cared about you like this.

"I will protect you, Ka-chan". Alex said as he hugged Grayfia and buried his face in her boobs.

Grayfia just smiled and patted Alex's head with her hands. She put him down and went to call some workers as described by Alex.

The workers came quickly as they set up poles around an empty area in the yard and tied some logs to the little poles coming out of the massive poles on top.

Alex watched with rapt attention and corrected, where he wanted some difference in structure. The logs were detachable and could replaced with heavier objects in the future.

A machine was set up to control the speed of the logs' swing. This was done to make sure that Alex could use it without too much danger.

He wanted to train Observation Haki and not put his little life in danger. After the whole set up was done. Alex went in the training area as he looked around and felt quite smug about it.

There was a month to the inter school competition. Since Saeko and the other girl weren't in his school then they must in one of the others. He wanted to get a power up and show them who wears the pants.

Done with his preparations, he found a black cloth that he tied to his eyes after folding it two or three times. He stood in the middle of the Logs taking deep breaths to prepare himself for the inevitable beat down.

Good thing, the logs were thin. So they counted as sticks rather than logs in the truest sense. He waved his hand and a maid near the machine started operating it.

The logs started to move erratically as Alex tried to dodge by the sound but he wasn't adept at the thing so started to receive some heavy beating from the logs.

He quickly signalled and the logs stopped moving. As soon as the machine stopped, Alex laid down on the ground as he groaned in pain.

'I'm not a Masochist. So this thing feels really painful and unpleasant'. Alex thought as he couldn't even move from the pain of all those hits.

'But I have to do it to keep everyone safe'. He tightened his resolve as he stood up unsteadily. His back and arms were in pain as he shielded his front with his arms.

'First, I need to hone my other senses before I can unlock the sixth sense of Haki. Otherwise, I will never get there'. Alex thought and got ready as he signalled for the machine to start.

One thing he found in these years is that his healing ability is very string. It is way faster than the others. Even if the medicine of this era is good, it shouldn't as fast as he heals.

He didn't know the reason behind. So he chalked it up to Big Bro Yama's help. He probably gave Alex a little perk in that regard. He should contact him again.

Alex finished training two more times as he couldn't continue anymore. It was too painful on his small body. He wanted to continue but he knew that overexercise was bad and not beneficial.

He asked the maid to apply some medicine and got back to his room. He was feeling tired, so as soon as he laid on the bed. He was knocked out.

As soon as he slept, he found himself in a bizarre dream with a beautiful lady in front of him.