
Sunshine in apocalypse(Escanor)

Worst of my FanFics and not a serious one either. So you are warned. Well let me get 2-3 things out of the way first. So that the people who don’t look at the tags know what they are getting themselves into. I don’t want them to moan in the novel because of this. This is (Wish Fulfilment) Mc is Op with a capital O The Harem will be big to Huge More of a Hentai than a serious novel tbh If it’s not your Cup of tea then don’t read and please leave like a respectful person. No one needs haters for no reason. I get that you didn’t like the character or found it hard to read then just leave. No need to bad mouth me or my character. Anyways, enjoy for those who like it. Alex was feeling distraught from his fourth breakup. He didn’t understand that why this was happening to him. He followed all of his Gf’s whims but still got disappointed. He vowed to just sit at home nice and quiet and just enjoy some good novels. He had a Apocalyptic Harem novels, manga and Anime list that was still unfinished. As he finished his whole list. Suddenly, the whole building started shaking. He fucking knew that the construction of this Apartment building was poor. As he thought of this, the building collapsed and he died as he was buried under the rubble. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to characters that have been already established but I own the right to my original story and characters.

Hancock_Sama · Book&Literature
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119 Chs

11. Hinata and other

Alex was battered and bruised but his straight and posture never faltered. He went toe to toe with the three older kids and fought like a madman. Punches and Kicks flying at each other in a messy manner.

After several rounds Alex won just because he never back down otherwise, he would've been on the ground long ago. After getting the victory, he stood there like he won a great war.

"Ano, a…are y…you o…okay?" A stuttering voice awoke him from his triumph and he looked behind him to see the girl he protected looking at him with worry.

"I'm fine". Alex said but his face was saying otherwise. His face was full of pain and bruises. His expression didn't look good either.

"I…I c…can h…help you". Hinata said as she looked at Alex with timidness and hope that he will take her offer.

Alex looked at her cute expression and smiled a little. "I'll be in your care". He said as he looked at her with a smile.

Hinata nodded and asked him to follow her. They got behind a door that led to the inner compounds of the Dojo. As they got to the living area, Alex saw that it was quite simple and neat.

But it gave a good aesthetic as the simpleness bought the unique atmosphere more from this abode. Alex just looked around the place as they made their way towards a room.

"Please s…sit d…down h…here". Hinata asked Alex to sit on a cushion with her cute stuttering voice as she went to get some medicine.

As Hinata and Alex were happily interacting with each other. The didn't know that they got under the radar of a girl with purple hair and blue eyes. She had seen Alex get into the fight and not back down at all even when he got his body fully bruised up.

She was wearing a cute traditional Japanese clothing and was practicing with a sword. She had stopped and was about to help the girl who was getting bullied but then she saw Alex step in before she could. So she just took a wait and see approach.

She felt that Alex was pretty good with his resilience. Even though, his technique was sloppy and he was just swinging his arms without any finesse. But that wild style and bravery attracted her.

Unlike the other children who were just standing there and looking without willing to mess with the older kids that were bullying the girl. They just didn't have the guts.

She had a glint in her eyes when she thought about Alex fighting in front of her. "I will test you". She muttered under her breath as she started to swing the Kodachi in her hand once more.

Meanwhile, the Three Mamas were facing the head of the Dojo. Their bodies were exuding a suffocating pressure as they looked at him.

"My Alex got hurt in your Dojo". Mamako said while her hairs were swaying slowly with the aura coming out of her body.

"Young Master was just here to join. Why is your security so bad". Grayfia said while looking into Hiashi's eyes.

Raikou didn't say anything but the pressure coming from her was saying the same thing and she was ready to take action if his answer didn't satisfy her.

Hiashi sitting in his chair was currently sweating buckets. He felt like he just fell into the clutches of Hell and there was no escape in sight.

"Please Ladies, I will look into this and will definitely punish the perpetrators". Hiashi said as he bowed towards the three.

"Not good enough". Raikou said for the first time since she came into the office.

That day Hiashi got a hands on experience on how terrifying Son-con, Yandere mothers can be and he vowed to never see one more in his life.

——back to Alex——

Alex was currently spending time and talking with Hinata as they enjoyed each other's company and Hinata had also opened up a bit to Alex and felt good as she talked with him.

She was actually stuttering less and was able to talk a bit more properly than before. She looked at Alex with admiration and obsession in her eyes. Looks like Alex had awakened the stalker Hinata from the legends of Naruto.

Although he would never mind having a cute stalker on his tail. He just looked at Hinata and smiled pleasantly on how cute she was.

"Hey Hinata-chan, I am going to join the Dojo and come here everyday. Will you join me in my practice?" Alex asked with a dazzling smile as he looked into her eyes.

"M….Me". Hinata said as she looked at Alex's dazzling smile and fainted from the sudden attack.

Alex looked at this with a wry smile and a troubled expression on his face. He knew that she was Timid as he had seen and even read Naruto's Manga but this was on another level altogether.

Alex tried to wake her up but she was knocked out cold. He saw that it was getting late, so he opted to just leaving a note. He took a piece of paper and pen from his space ring and wrote down a note and left it below Hinata's arms.

He was worried that if he didn't go early then the three mothers of his will come here looking for him. So he opted to go out himself. After leaving the compound, he found himself back in the Dojo.

There was some medicine applied to the bruises on his face and the medicine worked wonders as his face was practically fully healed.

When he got out of the Dojo, he was surrounded between some huge boobs as he heard a shout. "Alex!! Are you okay?!" Mamako picked Alex as she hugged him then let him down as she scanned Alex's body with her hands from top to bottom.

When she touched his body, Alex flinched a little. Seeing Alex's flinch Mamako grew worried, there was some mist in her eyes and she was scolding herself in her mind that why didn't she stop the fight.

Alex tried to divert the topic when he saw Mamako's expression as he was feeling a little anxious. "Where are Raikou- ka chan and Grayfia- ka chan". He bought them up to distract Mamako.

"They are coming, look". Mamako said as she motioned behind Alex.