
Sunshine in apocalypse(Escanor)

Worst of my FanFics and not a serious one either. So you are warned. Well let me get 2-3 things out of the way first. So that the people who don’t look at the tags know what they are getting themselves into. I don’t want them to moan in the novel because of this. This is (Wish Fulfilment) Mc is Op with a capital O The Harem will be big to Huge More of a Hentai than a serious novel tbh If it’s not your Cup of tea then don’t read and please leave like a respectful person. No one needs haters for no reason. I get that you didn’t like the character or found it hard to read then just leave. No need to bad mouth me or my character. Anyways, enjoy for those who like it. Alex was feeling distraught from his fourth breakup. He didn’t understand that why this was happening to him. He followed all of his Gf’s whims but still got disappointed. He vowed to just sit at home nice and quiet and just enjoy some good novels. He had a Apocalyptic Harem novels, manga and Anime list that was still unfinished. As he finished his whole list. Suddenly, the whole building started shaking. He fucking knew that the construction of this Apartment building was poor. As he thought of this, the building collapsed and he died as he was buried under the rubble. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to characters that have been already established but I own the right to my original story and characters.

Hancock_Sama · Book&Literature
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119 Chs

10. Dojo

Alex bid farewell to Alice and others as he got dragged back home by Mamako and Raikou. They were vehement in taking him back home as they had just come back from hunting and didn't see him at home.

They immediately felt that he was getting snatched away from them. So they used their senses and followed him all the way to the park. After finding him, they bought him back home with them to play.

Alex was currently being carried by Raikou as she didn't even want to let him down from her hands. She was cuddling him with herself as they went towards the Villa.

As they opened the door, they were greeted by maids cleaning the estate. After Mamako and Alex settled down in the house. Raikou took the liberty and hired some maids to clean the estate. She found a head Maid that Alex was quite fond of. If you guessed it right then yes, it is Grayfia Lucifuge.

As they entered the villa, they saw a busty woman that had silver hair with silver eyes that shone like the stars. She was wearing a Maid dress which made her look seductive and gave her a different mature charm.

"Welcome back Master and Madams". Grayfia bowed as she greeted the 3 when she saw them coming inside.

During the day, the maids were allowed to come in and work but they had to leave the estate when it comes to evening but Grayfia was the only exception. She lived with them even during the Night.

When Raikou and Mamako are out hunting. Grayfia looks after and stays with Alex as Mamako and Raikou are quite worrisome and don't want to leave him to someone they don't trust.

"I'm back". Alex said with a smile as he greeted back enthusiastically.

"Grayfia, you are a part of the family. You don't have to bow to us". Mamako helped Grayfia up as she said. As Grayfia mostly lived with them. They treated her like a family member rather than an employee.

Grayfia smiled slightly but shook her head resolutely at Mamako's words. She was happy that they treated her intimately and very nicely but her creed as a Maid was something that would never be violated.

All of them went towards the Living room as Grayfia followed behing them. Over the course of 5 years, she sometimes switched with Mamako in the hunts and had gotten herself to Tier 4, which wasn't anything small but after one becomes tier 4. Their levelling speed drops down severely. Mamako herself had barely reached tier 4 high level. Levels are further divided into 3 after an individual gets to Tier 4. Low, Mid and High, these 3 levels comprise the realms starting from tier 4.

After getting inside they got themselves comfortable and a maid brought them some juice. Grayfia just stood on the side while the three were sitting down.

"Grayfia-ka chan, can you come and sit down for a bit please". Alex said as he looked at her cutely to make her submit as she never goes against her duties except when it involves Alex.

"Mamako-ka chan, Raikou-ka chan, Grayfia-ka chan. I want to join to a Dojo". Alex took a deep breth in preparation before he put his words forward.

Even though Grayfia wasn't his mother but he still called her that because she took care of him since he was a child when Mamako amd Raikou were out hunting. Surprisingly, Mamako and Raikou never objected to this.

"No/Definitely Not/Denied". All three of them spoke at the same time. Alex looked at them astonished as they agreed to something related to him together for the first time.

"But why, I want to grow stronger and protect you all". Alex spoke seriously that looked cute on his face.

"Not happening, it's dangerous". Mamako said without a heartbeat's wait.

"But I want to go". Alex said while making his back straight like he was not going to back down either.

"Why can't you practice at home". Raikou asked this time as she was sure that she can teach Alex perfectly herself.

"You are not home and need to go out for hunting sometimes. So I need a professional place to practice". Alex said with a sound reasoning.

"Only at one condition. I will be accompanying alongside you". Grayfia spoke up this time and her reasoning made Mamako and Raikou quiet as they felt that this idea was plausible.

"Okay". Alex cheered happily as he got his wish. For some reason it is always hard to ask permission for something from your parents.

"Let's go then. I know the one I want to join". Alex said as he started to drag them all with him.

All three of them looked at his antics and smiled slightly. They thought Alex was quite cute when he acted like this. They followed behind him as he led the way in front.

After walking for good half an hour. They came in front of a big Dojo in the Villa area. The Dojo was built quite spaciously and was very sturdy as you could tell from the materials.

It had a name plaque on top that said: Hyuga Martial Dojo. The name was quite unique and Alex was sure that he will find one of his Waifus here. So he was vehement in joining this Dojo.

As they walked inside the Dojo, they heard shouts of children and adults practicing. The shouts were quite muffled but you could still make some things out of them.

Alex was curious so he walked towards the children area as he wanted to see the Dojo. As he went inside, he saw three boys surrounding a girl as they were making fun of her.

"Hey look at this freak". One bay said as he pointed at her.

"We should beat her up, so she doesn't come back here". Another one said as he was about to punch her.

Alex looked at this and was a bit angry in his heart. He quickly went in front of the girl and caught the punch. The girl had closed her eyes when she saw the guy punching towards her. But the expected pain never arrived.

"Oi, cut it out. She is a girl, don't you feel ashamed bullying others?" Alex said as he looked at the boys.

"Who are you and why are you siding with this freak?" The third boy said condescendingly when he looked towards Alex and the girl.

"Kono Dio Da". Alex said with a wide smirk on his face. The boys didn't understand but thought that Alex made fun of them.

So, The boys started to fight with Alex when they saw him protecting the target of their bullying and making fun of them. Alex also fought against them with everything he had. The boys were older than him, so they were stronger.

Alex confronted them head on without backing down and beat them down after taking a lot of beating himself. But he never took a step back or faltered.

The girl looked at Alex's back with warmth and safety. She was timid by nature and this was the first time that she had decided to visit the Dojo on a whim hut who knew that this would happen when she just came for a walk.

Mamako, Raikou and Grayfia had also noticed the commotion but didn't say anything for now. Although this didn't mean that they wouldn't do anything at all. They were going to have a good talk with the head of the Dojo, the kids and their lovely parents.

(A/N: just want to set up everything then we'll get timeskips)