
Subduing The Devil Overlord

Author: NyxReveuse
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 256.3K Views
  • 165 Chs
  • 4.8
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  • NO.200+

What is Subduing The Devil Overlord

Read ‘Subduing The Devil Overlord’ Online for Free, written by the author NyxReveuse, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, SLICEOFLIFE Light Novel, POSSESSIVE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [WARNING: Mature Content 18+]"My soul craved yours from the very beginning of time."____Theodore Blackwell was the very ...


[WARNING: Mature Content 18+] "My soul craved yours from the very beginning of time." ____ Theodore Blackwell was the very reincarnation of the Devil yet Eva fell straight into his arms, not knowing that the Devil doesn't come to you with a red face and horns. He arrived in her life as everything she had ever desired... [Excerpt] Instead, a tall man stood there looking like the very reincarnation of the devil himself and Eva felt uneasy as she felt the dark aura around him markedly. He was handsome looking, no, handsome was not enough to describe his appearance. It was hard to describe him as handsome when she had seen no one as attractive as him in her whole life. His hand was in the pocket of his slacks as he walked forward in her direction. When she noticed him coming close to her, Eva took a few steps back until her back met the hard wall behind her. He didn't stop approaching her and Eva held her breath when he entered her breathing space. She was a head shorter than him so he leaned down until their faces were in front of each other. His hand was placed on the wall, right beside her as Eva stared straight into his obsidian black eyes which were darker and deeper than normal human beings. Was this a staring competition, thought Eva as she tried not to blink under his intimidating gaze. By any chance, did he not have the ability to speak? Finally, he opened his mouth to speak. In a smooth tone, he spoke, "You're staring in my eyes." _______ Handsome looks: Triple Check! Evil family relative: Check! Misunderstandings: Check! Power building: Double Check! A/N: This story has a slow-pace beginning and quite a lot of it consists of healing since trauma and panic attacks are discussed in detail. If you're not comfortable with it, I suggest skipping those chapters with warnings. Hope you all enjoy and stay for the whole ride! _______ Disclaimer: Cover is mine. Please don't copy or use it without my permission. Wanna support? ^^ You can do so below~ Patreon: patreon.com/nyx_reveuse Instagram: nyx_reveuse Discord server: https://discord.gg/jm97MnPu

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 : Eva and Theo


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Okay, this takes a straight 5/5, without thinking twice. Considering this is the author’s first work…GOOD JOBBB👏👏👏, you did amazing, the explanations are clear and the story progresses smoothly. The tale Mr.Blythe told Eva ended in quite a peculiar way in the first chap, and it was quite unexpected for a six year time skip to happen. Basically took me unguarded. Again 5/5 and good job!


Welcome to my first novel >.< If anyone has any questions related to the book, feel free to ask me here ^^ I'm up for all types of feedback, no matter what kind it is or how kind it is, so go for it! Subduing The Devil Overlord is predicted to reach at least 800 chapters so it's gonna be a long run, do check out the synopsis for links on how you can talk to me privately. Enjoy reading ❤


hi, dear author, it's a beautifully written and captive book......with a well-designed character and world background. I must say I love to read it more......keep it up seat.....


Huhuhu...😭😭😭 means what to say about this novel...just so so outstanding. Loved it from the bottom of my heart. I am regretting I haven't I have seen it till now.😭😭😭 Author you are so good. Pls pls keep going...😭😭 [img=update][img=recommend]


Well written work. The fairy tale touch at the beginning like beauty and the beast made it all the more intriguing. It’s a dark fantasy romance with with two very interesting lead characters to follow. Very much worth reading. Great job author.


Writing quality is great! I love how the first chapter began, introducing the characters and giving us little details about their personalities was a genius idea. I love the pace work and the story flows very well with your choice of words. What I noticed is your inability to describe with all five senses but that did not ruin your writing in anyway. It's like a standard fairytale with well thought of descriptions and engaging conversations. I also feel the conversations should be separated from the paragraphs not buried in them. It makes it a little hard to tell who's talking. But it's an awesome story, one I presume will have a blossoming fanbase in the future. Supposing it has about ≈300-700 chapters.


Nice work! Would recommend This is the second Good romance book i saw today


Interesting story! Feels just like a fairytale! Love the fantasy bit on the MC's design such as silver hair and stuff The writing is pretty detailed, it made me feel like I was watching a movie. Great job! Although it could use some alterations like different choices of words here and there to match the setting of the story but overall it's still great! Keep up the good work, fellow author! 💪💖


I feel like I'm reading the best version of a fairy tale. I was hooked from the first paragraph. I just want to keep reading and not stop. It is one of the best books I have read so far! Love your book very much,author


From the first few chapters that I read, I knew this book is going to be great! The style of writing and the smoothness of the reading flow is superb! The way the MC was introduced is enough to draw you in. Keep it up author !


The writer did a very good job with introducing the readers to the story. I love the dynamic between the father and daughter, and I look forward to more deep conversations like this as well...


If the book was a person I'd say they're absolutely stunning!! The way the characters interact and different scenes unfolds just makes me so excited and want to read for more! I say great work author and definitely hoping for the best both for you and to your book from the bottom of my heart! Goodluck ♡


The starting of the story was my favorite, Felt like i was transported there, worthy of it getting five stars, good job author[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


The synopsis itself is intriguing and while I was sceptical to read it, all my doubts were later dispelled after gazing upon the first few chapters. As someone who doesn't read romance often, this will forever have a place in my heart.


It felt like reading a movie- absolutely loved it- rend till ch 21- and my favorit was ch 20 with the dance and the end left me with so manu questions and im very excited for


The first few chapters have hooked my interest and I am glad to have ever find out about this book. I like the writing style and I hope you continue to write more. I hope for a lot more chapters to read in the future :))


The way the author tells the story is quite immersive. I felt that I was watching a movie because of how smooth the flow is. The world where mythical creatures exist was already intriguing. I can feel that the author invested in this book. I'm looking forward to Eva's journey, and how the firstborn of Queen ends up.


This is your first novel? Dang, this one is good, loved the quotes at the beginning of each chapter. The story is like a Disney fairy tale or something, it has that kind of feel to it when reading. Overall, it is good! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ


oh my God, thus is one of the best novels I have read, Absolutely love it...it really amazing, So worth reading it 😊😊


I'm not a romance novel type of guy, but this novel got me going for a second there. I read a fair bit into it, and if you're looking for high-quality romance, intrigue, and amazing characters, you'll love it.


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