
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs

time skip no jutsu!

months later.

The time continued normally, Wiliam decreases the missions that he was accepting a little because his mother was becoming very suspicious.

He also managed to add 35 more orphaned babies using some connections using money was easy, and between babies 2 were mutants one had the power to cause vibrations in solid objects and the other he didn't know yet but would find out later.

> With that I have 36 future disciples now just wait for them to grow up and train them!

Wiliam, who was in the orphanage director's office, looked at the staff taking care of the babies on the screen, at first he was reluctant to hire people to take care of the babies and decided to try to resolve this on his own.

He was not able to last even 3 hours against the babies and this forced him to hire maids whom he would fire 1 or 3 years from now.

- Okay, I have something important to do today!

Wiliam dressed in casual clothes and left the orphanage heading towards the city center, today he planned to meet with the old woman, he was not there to train and learn magic but to try to make a deal with her.

(Oh guys, you don't mind me buffing Sub-zero's powers using some MCU stuff, do you?)

A few minutes of walking after he was able to reach the front of the magicians' building, he started up the stairs.

(Note: I don't know the name of the place.)

When he arrived in front of the door a monk unlocked it and opened it, he looked around confirming that there was no one else before turning to him.

- Wiliam?

- Right!

- The old lady is waiting for you!

With that he entered the building and Wiliam followed behind him, he was calm on the outside but sweating like a river in his mind.

> Stopping to notice now, the old woman is like the Kronika of this universe, the two are bald, powerful, have something that controls the time and like to make fun of their opponents.

Wiliam followed the monk until they reached a door.

- She is waiting for you inside!

- Thanks!

The monk then left, leaving Wiliam alone in front of the door, he came over and knocked on the door.


- In between!

A woman's voice was heard, Wiliam took a deep breath and entered the room and saw a bald woman drinking tea.

The old woman also saw Wiliam but she was a little surprised when she tried to read his mind.

> But what is this?

She thought as she looked at the mental image of a man and a blond boy entering a room, then he removed his clothes and was going to start doing the wrong things she stopped snooping around Wiliam's mind.

- I see you tried to read my mind!

What Wiliam used now was a Lin Kuei technique to go against people able to read minds, this technique consists of thinking about their biggest traumas and fears and what Wiliam showed the old woman was a cut from the episode of Boku no piko.

- I must say that discovering that you are gay on my first impression was not something I expected!

- Wait I'm not gay, stop making that little smile that says you're not going to judge me for who I am!

Wiliam snorted and sat down in front of the old woman who was now giving that provocative smile.

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point, I'd like to negotiate with you!"

"Oh, what would you like to negotiate with me?" The old woman replied as she swallowed her tea.

"Well I want access to your library, help finding and collecting rare minerals like Vibranium and Adamantium, I also need you to teach me how to open portals or be my personal taxi." If anyone outside looked at these requests they would talk to you he is crazy, how can we agree with that however Wiliam was confident that the old woman would accept the agreement.

"And why do you think I should agree with your proposal?" The smile never left her face but her eyebrow rose slightly.

"Well, why don't you look to the future and tell me?"

The old woman closed her eyes soon after, after a few seconds she opened her eyes again and held out her hand to Wiliam.

"I don't see why not do this business, but I hope you keep your word"

"And I wouldn't dare to break an agreement with you!"

The two shook hands and then started to talk about some things but most of the conversation was with Wiliam collecting information and the old woman trying to read his mind and seeing more and more horrible things that would judge the mental capacity of a normal person.


"I'm at home" Wiliam opened the door to his house and went in, his baby pigeon that he took in months ago grew up to be a big pigeon that was watching the house now.

He did a little cafune on the pigeon and went into the house, he soon noticed that it seemed too quiet for her taste.

"Anyone at home?" He asked but didn't hear an answer.


Wiliam turned his head towards the noise upstairs, he sneaked up the stairs and found the door to his parents' room half open.

The voices of his parents were talking inside, it seemed that they were in a fight he approached and started to listen to the conversation.

"I can't let you do that," James said as he held Margaret's hands, her eyes were already swollen from crying and despair could be seen on her face.

"This is my decision James, but know that I always loved you!" Margaret was also not very well but she managed to remain calm and kissed the tearful James.

"Really not in any other way?" He said with a hint of sadness in his voice as he looked at his wife's belly.

"You listened to the doctor, I will not survive the birth but I don't have the courage to have an abortion so James I ask you to take care of our family for me and Wiliam!" drink than a war veteran.


The couple turned their heads to the door and saw a Wiliam there with a bitter expression on his face.

"What do you mean by that!" He shouted as he tried to keep his face straight but was visibly shaking.

"Oh Wiliam!" Margaret opened her arms and Wiliam ran and hugged her too while crying, despite being cold-blooded and not caring about the lives of others discovering that his mother would die for his brother to be born was something he was not prepared for.

(Before you call it hypocrisy, know that Scorpion killed entire families when he worked as a murderer and became super pistol when they killed his. To simplify the most valuable people in what is ours, not others and if you deny it is a lie I am sure that if you could choose between your mother living or the mother of a person you never met you would accept the first option without even considering.)

(Also, some people said that what he did was cruel in the last chapter but know that Kira (Death Note) made a pregnant woman commit suicide just for fun.)


Oh guys here is the author and I was slow to post a chapter because yesterday I cut my hand.

Then you wonder how you cut your hand well it was next.

I was at home helping my mother build a fence when one of my friends called saying that a feminist demonstration was going to a church to burn it!

Hearing those words, the Templar inside me woke up and I said.

"It's time to burn heretics!" I quickly went into the house and put on my armor, took out a wooden sword for training purposes.

I called my horse Juan and we went towards the church to protect it on the way I met other brothers who were going with me on this journey.

On the way to the church we passed through the streets full of posters of protesters and garbage and by the amount we could deduce that their numbers were at least 5,000.

Only 28 riders were going with me on this journey and despite the chances of victory being minimal we did not back down and move on.

We made a detour in an alley to pass the mob and soon arrived at the church that was now empty.


We entered and soon we began to barricade the entrance with chairs and wooden logs, one of our guides guided the horses to a safe place.

At the church altar a white-haired priest was silently praying. I approached and waited for him to finish his prayer.

"Father, I ask you to leave, things will be dangerous here!" I gave my warning to the priest but he just looked at me and smiled.

"The house of God is my place and this is where I must be, I will not leave it just because of people who do not believe in God!"

After those words, I didn't try to convince the priest anymore, but I prepared myself for the fight that would follow.

30 minutes later we could feel the crowd shaking, their voices were getting louder and louder as they approached the church.

I turned to my nervous companions and said words to cheer them up.

"Brothers, do not fear! Although our enemies may be many, we are protected by the grace of God and if they want to set fire to the house of the Lord, they will have to pass by their soldiers! "


"FOR THE GLORY OF GOD !!!" They shouted together with me and we all looked back at the gate.


The protesters started knocking on the gate sending strong tremors to the door, the tables and timbers were being pushed back a little at a time.


The noises rang in our ears, the air was full of tension for what was to come.


I gave one last prayer to God asking for strength and raised my sword, my colleagues followed my example.



The doors opened and hundreds of protesters came in screaming and running towards us, I didn't even have to aim and swung my sword towards a protester.

The sword hit the man's head and threw him dizzy backwards. I selected my next target and swung the sword again.

A fierce fight ensued, thanks to the tight space the battle was balanced and we were not losing much ground.

I was hit by punches and blows from the protesters but I didn't hesitate, we continued to fight until my arms were numb from swinging the sword.

Time passed, seconds, minutes and finally 20 minutes since the battle started.

My armor was dirty and worn, my cloak torn and sweat was descending from my skin that was now full of cuts and bruises but the battle was not over yet.


"Argh! "One of ours was hit by a sledgehammer and flew backwards, our attention returned to the figure that launched one of ours flying.

She was a big, fat woman with muscular arms, she was carrying a black sledgehammer.

The woman screamed and advanced towards our fallen companion to finish him off, others tried to get closer to help him but they were too far away and the closest one was me.

Clenching my teeth, I stepped forward and stood in front of my companion swinging my sword defensively to hold the blow.

BAM! Crack!

I was thrown back, my wooden sword was broken in half, and a large cut opened in my hand when the skin was severely ripped off.

However, I didn't have time to prepare because it was coming again with the sledgehammer raised, with no other choice I grabbed my broken sword with my bleeding hand and prepared myself for the impact.



But the impact never came, one of my teammates blocked the attack with his shield, which ended up with a big dent.

"AAAAAAA! "He screamed as he pushed with all his strength, unbalancing the woman and throwing her back, at that moment the comrade I protected stood up and swung his club with all his strength towards the woman.


Some teeth came out when the woman was hit and thrown on the floor, we didn't have time to celebrate because other protesters were already coming towards us.

I got up carefully and looked at my injured companions and prepared for the next wave.

In the end, the police arrived and expelled the protesters, apparently the priest had called the authorities when we started fighting, which ended up saving us.

I had to keep my hand bandaged for a few days so I couldn't post a chapter.

(Ps: This is all true, don't you dare say otherwise!)