
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs

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James left the room, leaving Wiliam and Margaret alone.

The two will continue to hold each other for a while before Margaret releases him and enters serious mother mode.

"Your father told me what you are doing at night!" She said with a serious look on her face to Wiliam, the last one just nodded in confirmation and waited for her mother's scolding.

However, the scolding never came.

"I know you must be waiting for me to judge you for that, but I won't, despite being your mother we all make choices in life and bear the consequences!" Margaret said as she wiped the tears from her face.

"Uh?" Wiliam was confused and his mind didn't lock when his mother said that.

"However, because I love you, I must say this to you." Margaret's eyes went sharp and a mother's aura passed over her.

"Keep your honor, your great grandfather told your grandfather when he joined the army, no matter how heavy your sins are or what you did always keep your honor!" Wiliam's eyes widened when he heard it from his mother , he knew she had no idea what that meant but that didn't stop her from saying that.

Margaret did not know that she had been exposed and still had her chin up with a face of superiority.

"Thank you mom!" Wiliam was sincere.

"You're welcome son, now going back to the subject of the baby" Margaret's voice was a little sad when she said that.

"The doctor said that my body is too weak to support the birth of his brother, if he is born I will die!"

The two stared at each other for a while before Wiliam spoke.

"I think you already made your decision, don't you?" Wiliam's sad words came out of his mouth, although he thought it was sad he understands his mother's decision.

"Yes, I made my choice and I hope you can accept it!"

" I understand."

A silence stayed over the two of them for a while before they embraced with tears in their eyes.

"Wiliam please take care of your father, he will try to blame himself for what will happen to me but I hope you can help him!" Margaret's last concern in this life now is to leave James unable to take care of himself.

"Don't worry, I won't let the old man fall!" Wiliam smiled, he would ensure that his father is able to recover from his mother's loss.

The two were leaning against each other for a while before Wiliam left to complete his night's mission.


Wiliam wore his blue suit and went out at night, today his mission is a little bit special.

He was contacted by the Russians, the ninjas, some old criminal forces to invade a laboratory that had the prototype of the super soldier serum, a version more flawed than the one used in the Hulk but its value is very high.

It is so high that even the general hired him to protect the formula, in the end he ended up accepting the mission after all the attack on the base is only happening because he stole information about the serum.

So today probably dozens of forces will attack the base, which has only a few hundred soldiers.

"I feel sorry for the soldiers at the base, but I think they are unlucky!" Wiliam looked at the base that was now going on high alert, soldiers were running and setting up machine guns, barricades were being erected, patrols were going all over the place.

The base had already become a fortress, but would it be able to stop what was coming?

As time passed, Wiliam could see dozens of camouflaged elements looking at the base, mostly scouts, there were ninjas, Russian spies, mercenaries, he even saw Hydra soldiers among them.

"Wait, Hydra?" Wiliam turned his attention to that soldier's uniform, there was no symbol on his clothes but a hydra tattoo was on his neck.

"The situation is getting out of control!" Only the scouts were already forming a hundred, imagine when the main forces arrive, it will be a bloodbath.

Wiliam was getting nervous now, if it were just normal ninjas and soldiers he would have no problem but something on that scale is sure to have some experts.

He ran his hand over his body and looked for a strengthening pill, as a good Chinese clan the Lin Kuei also knew how to make pills although it was not like those Wuxia novels still allowed young cryomancers to last longer using their powers.

10 minutes later he heard the first movement, a convoy of cars moved quickly towards the base the soldiers did not even shout to identify themselves and opened fire.

However the vehicles were armored, the scene was a little strange because you had 1960s cars armored with machine guns but who am I to judge.


The car in front broke through the gate and a fierce gunfire ensued, but Wiliam's attention was not on them.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

he guards were distracted by the sounds of gunshots, but it did not last long when a sergeant noticed what was happening and shouted alerting the soldiers, of course even with the alert soldiers now it did not help much against the most capable enemies.

What followed was a massacre, the soldiers tried to resist at first but were overwhelmed when more and more enemy forces arrived they were overcome and killed.

Soon an order to retreat inside the base was issued and the surviving soldiers rushed to the facility to protect themselves.

"I think it's time for me to get in!" Wiliam put his mask on his face that made Tig fit, he backed up a little and then jumped from the building falling towards an enemy watchman.

When he was 50 meters on the ground, he launched a ray of ice forming a slide that was forming to the ground.

"Uhn?" The watchman looked at the snowflake in front of him and thought, "Snow? But isn't it summer?"


A stake of ice pierced his neck and dug into the ground shortly thereafter making a bloody scene, Wiliam fell on his side shortly thereafter and moved towards the next batter.

While Wiliam killed the observers, the invading forces were staring at each other waiting for someone to make the first move, the minutes passed and the air grew tense until a ninja master took a step forward.

"I think we are having a misunderstanding here!" He said with his accent.

"Look, ninja, we were hired so how about you get out while we are still patient!" A mercenary said to the ninja master, some common forces also expressed their agreement.

The wick of tension once again returned to the air but this time who took a step forward was a figure feared by many.

"We are going to run, whoever gets the formula and gets out of here will go away with it, is everyone in agreement?" The winter soldier said as he looked at the others, especially the mercenaries who felt chills down their spines.

" I agree!"

"We agree!"

Several confirmations came from the teams and soon the groups split up and went to the different entrances leaving some staff behind to cover the withdrawal.

The shooting and stabbing sounds returned soon after, but everyone knew that most of the shots and cuts were not aimed at base soldiers, but at the other invading forces.

Those who stayed outside remained on a state of extreme alert knowing that anything that was not known left the facility they were supposed to kill.

"Er, ice?" A mercenary looked over his shoulder and saw fragments of ice rising into the air, but not just near him, but all over the place.


"What's that?" A Hydra soldier exclaimed, hundreds of fragments were condensing in the air forming a beautiful sight.

A tentacle ninja master who was left behind was also looking curiously at the ice fragments but suddenly he felt a great sense of danger.

"Get away !!!" He shouted to get everyone's attention but it was too late.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Stab! Stab!

The fragments of ice descended at high speed on them, some fragments were sharp and pricked people others froze the person when they touched his body.

This scene covered the entire base and several screams were heard shortly thereafter.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The ninja master swung his sword and deflected the ice fragments but he soon noticed that his sword was frozen.

"What the hell is this!" He had seen a lot, from mutants to people coming back from the dead, but he didn't remember anything like that.

However, his question was soon answered.

Tig! Tig!

The ice broke when a small blue figure passed by the frozen dead, its skin was pale as ice and its eyes shone with a deep dark blue.

"Sub-zero!" The ninja master exclaimed and advanced towards Wiliam.

Wiliam looked calmly at his opponent and held out both hands to his sides.


A sword and an ax formed on each side, the ninja made no small talk and attacked him quickly with his short sword.

Thing! Thing!

Quick blows were exchanged between the two, the ninja threw a kick towards Wiliam quickly but the latter simply ducked to avoid the blow.


He swung his sword aiming at Wiliam's heart but was stopped by the ice sword.

"You shouldn't be approaching a Cryomancer!" Wiliam's icy voice rang in the ninja master's ears and he felt a deep threat and tried to retreat but it was too late.


The ice went through his sword and went straight to his hand, freezing it and before he could even think about letting go of his hand his legs were also frozen.

"Adios!" Wiliam raised his ax and swung towards the ninja's chest.


The ax stuck in his chest and he let out a cry of pain before the forces of his body left and he died.