
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Verion Herm and the start of a vacation

As they were riding through a barren wasteland, Samuel flew back to the carriage.

"Aye, what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing." Kaiser said. Samuel made his way into the carriage and when he was about to get comfortable, he noticed a slave carriage in front of them. When they passed, he saw a girl about the same age as them tied up in the back with her arms and legs tied. Her clothes were ripped but no signs of struggle or any bruises so they probably drugged her.

"Aye, driver, stop the horses." Samuel tells the driver. He stops the horses and Samuel jumps off and catches up to the slave traders.

After the demi-humans rebelled, there was a civil war within Juld itself because there was a large population of human slaves too. So part of the country was pro slavery, and the other was against slavery. The side against slavery won and a law was passed stating that ownership of a slave is illegal and punishable by death. There is also another part where it states if any nonconsensual sexual interaction between the convicted and victim is found, the convicted will not be given a death penalty but given a life sentence for rape/sexual assault of an illegal slave.

Samuel destroys the trader's carriage's wheels and cuts the reins. 3 traders jump out all wearing all black clothing and black masks to conceal their identities. They have massive machetes but Samuel makes light work of them. He ties them up with the reins and goes into the carriage to retrieve the slave. He jumps into the back and cuts off the ropes. She had long rough light yellow hair with sharp pointed ears. She was an elf, but her skin was darker so she was probably a dark elf or just covered in dirt and grime. He picks her up and gently sets her down along their bags and stuff. He grabs the traders and takes them back to Juld. Kaiser allows the driver to go ahead and so he does.

After a few minutes, the elf girl jolts up and cowers in fear.

"Are- Are you the buyers?" He voice trembled. She was soft spoken with such a soothing voice.

"No, we aren't. Don't worry." Lumine reassured her.

"Did you guys save me?" She asked in a much clearer and well spoken tone. She was still trembling but a lot less now.

"No, our friend did though. He's gone back to Juld to turn in the traders that had you." Lumine tells her.

"Speaking of which, he should be back by now." Suzuni said.

"Yeah, I guess he's low on mana. I'll summon him." Kaiser says.

"Sorry but can you stop the cart? Just for a moment though." Suzuni tells the driver. Kaiser jumps down onto the road along with Suzuni. Lumine gives the girl her jacket and they also get off. Kaiser begins to draw the summoning circle and after he is done. A dark red mist covered the ground. A big puff of gas pops up and when it subsides, Samuel lies there with barely any movement.

"Oh shit. Lumine, remove the dampener!" Suzuni tells her.

"Okay." Lumine releases the second dampener and gives back Samuel 5 percent of his mana. He takes a deep breath and sits up.

"You assholes man. I could've fucking died if I ran out of mana. Do you know how much energy is required to maintain this shit?" Samuel frustratedly said. He gets back up and jumps onto the carriage. Everyone else gets back in and they continue their journey.

"Well, let us introduce ourselves! My name is Lumine." She says and holds out her hand to the girl. The girl shakes her hand and says, "My name is Verion Herm."

"Verion, nice to meet you!" Lumine says with a bright smile. "This is Kaiser, this is Rya, this is Suzuni, and that guy is Samuel. He's our friend that saved you by the way."

"Oh, hello. Thank you sir." Verion thanks Samuel and bows.

"No need to be formal, we're like the same age so you don't have to be as proper." Samuel tells her as he stares out the window.

"Uh, okay..." She says and sits back down.

"Don't worry about him, he can come off as harsh but get to know him and you'll love him! Wait, no, not like that! Like a friend. I meant like a friend." Kaiser accidentally said.

"Bro, think before you speak bruh." Suzuni tells her.

"Yeah, you fucking dumbass!" Samuel said.

"Bro, you can barely take one of us in the state you're in! You are probably at the weakest point you've ever been in a long time so I don't wanna hear it. You can't even regain mana normally bruh, you have to kill shit to do it. Sounds like a skill issue to me." Kaiser banters.

"I'll be at yo mu'fucking ass without using mana bitch!" Samuel cries.

"Do it bitch!" Samuel gets ready to punch him but Suzuni shoots him with her magic pistol.

"Stop. You're acting like a child." Suzuni tells them.

"Stop, you're acting like a child, uhh..." Samuel mocks her.

"I'll fucking kill you bitch!" Suzuni yells as she jumps onto Samuel and digs her gun into his head.

"Okay, all of you calm down." Lumine says as she pulls Suzuni off of Samuel. For the rest of the ride, nothing really exciting happened. It was just a lot of talking about stupid stuff and then arguing. Verion chuckled a little bitch throughout the ride causing Samuel to smile but that was really it. When they made it, Samuel had already booked them a place to stay in. It was a large lakeside cabin on the edge of the city with a massive hot spring and lake in the backyard.

"Bro, how did you pay for all of this!?" Kaiser asked him.

"It's called getting paid from the adventurers guild for a year's worth of quests and raids along with not spending any of it mixed with freeloading off you guys." Samuel tells him.

"Damn...Aight, Lumine and I get the largest room!" Kaiser told everyone.

"Alright. There are only 3 rooms in this bitch so another 2 have to share a room and one of you gets your own room." Samuel tells them.

"What? How about you?" Suzuni asks him.

"Don't worry about me and focus on Verion. Help her out bruh." Samuel says as he leaves the cabin with Kaiser. They roam around the city and find a market. They walk around buying groceries until Samuel bumps into a lady.

"Oh sorry." He apologized.

"It's alright. Wait, sir." The woman grabs a hold of his wrist and he gets a good look at her. She had a brown wolfcut and her eyes were bright orange. Her skin was light but not pale and she was tall.

"Would...Would you like to get a drink with me sometime or...Crap, sorry for even asking." She awkwardly fidgeted.

"It's alright but no, I have a girlfriend." Samuel tells her. The woman then walks away with her head down in disappointment.

"You're a fucking liar bruh." Kaiser told him.

"Yeah I know." When they returned to the cabin, they saw that the girls unveiled a stash of alcohol. They put the groceries down and stop them from drinking anymore.

"Bro, control yourselves!" Samuel says he takes the cups away from Suzuni and Rya. Lumine and Verion didn't drink any so they weren't yelled at. Samuel goes up to Verion and checks her out.

"Did Suzuni do anything to you?" He asks her.

"I mean, she got really close to me a few times and nearly kissed me a few times." Verion answers.

"Oops, watch out. I forgot that Rya is very emotional when she's drunk." Kaiser tells them.

"Oh my god. Not even gone for an hour and now they're drunk. And they call us immature, what bullshit bruh." Samuel says.

"I know right."

"Kay, Verion, you get a choice. Sleep with Rya, or sleep with Suzuni. Which one?" He asks her.

"I don't wanna sleep with either one of them." Verion tells him.

"Alright, you're sleeping with Rya because she is less likely to do something to you. Just drag her to bed, she's pretty light." Samuel tells her.

"Bro, she was a slave. Are you stupid?" Kaiser told him.

"Ugh..." Samuel groans and picks up Rya. He takes her to the room and settles her in.

"There, you're sleeping with her." Samuel said as he went downstairs to take Suzuni to her bed. He picked her up with ease but she kept moving and fighting.

"Put me down bitch! I'll bite you! Aughh! Fuck...Samuel! Put me dow...Put me down." Her speech was slurred and sometimes couldn't even let out a full word. He drops her into bed and goes back downstairs. He puts all of the groceries in the fridge. He takes off the jacket that he was borrowing from Kaiser and places it on a chair. He sits down on the massive couch in the living room and falls asleep.