
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Journey for vacation

As Zenith made his way to the king, queen, and princess of the Elven kingdom, many guards walked close behind him. He is then granted the audience with the king and queen with pact in hand. The guards kneel and bow to their monarchs but Zenith doesn't move an inch. He throws the pact to the king and the king reads it to himself.

"As you know my master has all the respect for you, but if you do accept and break the pact, he will become your greatest enemy. Please consider all possibilities before stating your next move." Zenith tells him.

"I see, and if I accept this he will be of aid to the Elven kingdom in times of war? He will also supply us with any material we are in need of...But what he did was greatly disrespectful and arrogant, you know this right?" The king's voice was bellowing and intense but Zenith wasn't phased.

"Yes, he recognizes what he did was wrong and he will come in person to give an apology in the coming months but he is currently too busy." Zenith tells them.

"Okay, I'll sign this when I meet him again. Give him this message though, if he breaks the pact, he will receive punishment worse than death, along with his friends and family." The king told Zenith.

"Oh king, you have no idea who you are threatening do you?" Zenith asks with a smirk.

"Go on, elaborate."

"Samuel is not an ordinary wizard, no. He is much more. Do you know what grade of demon I was before he slayed me?" Zenith asked.

"No, but I am curious." The king answers him.

"I was a grade 1, king Julius. But that was a year ago, how much stronger do you think he has gotten?" Zenith asked again.

"I have no idea, but what I sensed from him when he disrespected our country, he was no more than a high level arch Wizard." The king said.

"Oh, king...What you perceived back then was him at his weakest point. He was running and fighting on the brink of death. He went weeks without sleep, days without food. He was at a complete disadvantage. But he still outmatched your most powerful mages. Currently, he is the most powerful wizard in the entire country if he were to regain all of his mana back." Zenith told him.

"What percent of his full strength do you think he was at when he first came?" The king asked Zenith.

"He was below 5 percent of his full strength sir. Now, he is at 5 percent of his full strength but he had 2 mana dampeners suppressing his power so really he is at 15 percent full power. If you were to fight him right now, Ms. Dobronx would have an excruciatingly difficult time." Zenith says as he stares into the hallway to his right. A tall woman in Knightley garments stood against the wall with her blade drawn. She had long silky blue hair and dark black eyes. Her skin was light and pale.

"Anyways, I'll inform him of your decision. Oh, and if you do betray his trust, pray that your God will protect you." Zenith disappears in a cloud of red and black mist then reappears in the abyss that is his soul. Zenith's soul is where he has given full control to Samuel and is basically an endless abyss where Samuel can do anything he wants. Whatever desires he has, whatever things he wants, he can get there.

"He declined and said he would accept it if you are present." Zenith informs him.

"Aight, I'm gonna sleep now." Samuel tells him.

"Okay." Zenith disappears and Samuel leaves his soul. He shuts his eyes and finally gets some sleep. When he woke up, he felt heavy pressure all over his body. He looked up and there was an amalgamation of objects stacked on top of him. He looks around and sees Suzuni, Kaiser, and Rya laughing their asses off. Lumine is sitting down hiding her face probably because she tried to stop them but they didn't listen.

"Aight, that's it. I'm ripping off these dampeners." Samuel says.

"No no no! Here!" Suzuni cried and began to take the stuff off of him. Rya and Kaiser join in too and take everything off of him.

"Y'all some bitches bruh." Samuel groans.

"You were asleep so we had to prank you bro." Suzuni tells him.

"You didn't have to, you just wanted to." Lumine says.

"Aight, imma head out. None of you follow me. I am not going to the Elven kingdom so don't worry, I just need to do something." Samuel takes his odachi and flies away. An hour later, he returned with a bag in his hand and a lot of hair on his clothes.

"The fuck happened?" Kaiser asked him.

"Demi-humans." Samuel told him. "Here, some snacks." Samuel tosses the bag on the coffee table and puts his odachi down.

Rya then came running down from the second floor with Suzuni following close behind her.

"Give that back!" Suzuni cried.

"You gotta catch me first!" Rya told her while holding Suzuni's pants. Lumine jumped down and covered Kaiser's eyes. Samuel put his hands on his head and made an exaggerated expression. He opened his mouth wide with a slight frown and opened his eyes as wide as he could.

"Yo! Nah! Mu'fucker stole that bitches pants!" He said while pointing to Suzuni.

"Stop looking you fucker!" Suzuni yelled at him.

"It's hard to not look when your shirt only goes down to your bellybutton." Samuel told her.

Suzuni's face became bright red and she clenched her fists. "Just don't look down there!" She cried.

Suzuni eventually caught Rya and began to put her pants back on but was really close to Samuel. Samuel couldn't help but look down as she put her pants back down and his face also became bright red. Suzuni turned around and noticed him staring so she slapped him in the face.

"Stop looking you perv!" She said.

"Fate is on my side today." Samuel said quietly as he sat down on the couch.

"Aye, my boy!" Kaiser said and fistbumps him. Lumine then slapped him in the back of the head.

"Aye, y'all wanna go to Aquacity after the festival is finished?" Samuel asked them.

"Yeah sure, we're all free the month after the last day of the festival ends." Rya tells him.

"How about you guys?" Samuel asks.

"Yeah, I'll go." Kaiser says.

"I'll go too." Lumine tells him.

"Yeah, me too." Suzuni says.


As the weeks passed, they got even more bored due to the lack of exciting battles in the festival and the lack of any new mission that they could partake in. Eventually it was the last day of the festival and they were granted a month off work. As they pack their bags, Samuel is sitting on the couch while clenching his hair.

"What's wrong with you?" Suzuni asked.

"I am on less than a single percent of my mana. I have not been able to regenerate whatsoever. It's also not helping that y'all won't take off these dampeners." Samuel tells her.

"Here, I'll take one off for you, only one though." Samuel nods and Suzuni releases the dampener. Samuel is filled with life again and is able to freely move around without any pain or anything.

"Aight, let's get going." Rya tells everyone. They grab their stuff and go to the carriage stalls to get a ride there. Despite their ability to go there quicker on foot, they wanted to conserve energy and chose the more relaxing route. They get a driver and they begin on the trail to Aquacity. The carriage was big enough to fit 6 people and had plenty of space for bags and other personal belongings. The journey was going to take about 2 days, and maybe 3 or 4 including the rest and stopping for supplies. About 3 hours in, Samuel is about to leave but then realizes something.

"If these guys are part of the government, wouldn't they know Fermine? The demi-humans and humans don't have a good relationship with one another but Juld and the Demi-human lands do hold a treaty with each other. If this is the case, Fermine is one of the Demi-human land's top assassins right? Surely she's been affiliated with their government a few times. I only spent a few weeks training her but she must know them." He thinks to himself as he's about to jump out. He sits back down and sighs.

"Do you guys know, Fermine?" He asks them.

"Huh? Fermine? Yeah, why?" Lumine asked.

"Oh shit, do you guys know her well?" Samuel asks them.

"We met her through business but we got close afterwards. Spent a few weeks in the Demi-human lands too." Suzuni tells him.

"Aight, aight. Was she stronger than you guys thought? If you even sparred at all." He asked them suspiciously.

"Yeah...She was much stronger than what we read about her. Why?" Kaiser asked him while squinting at him.

"Okay, that's good to know, then my teaching worked." Samuel said with a sigh.

"What?! What do you mean?" Suzuni jumped from her seat.

"I mean, I taught her for a few weeks y'know. Where did you think I was last year?"

"Actually, you mentioned something about getting your demon from the Demi-human lands right?" Lumine asked.

"Yep! You actually remembered." Samuel answered her.

"Well, we must've gone right after you left because she did tell us about a man who had been teaching her for only a month and now she had grown exponentially." Lumine said.

"Wait, actually. I'm pretty sure I saw government vehicles and I immediately left afterwards." Samuel mentioned, he then stepped up to a window in the carriage.

"Aight, imma go ahead of y'all. Remember, use the summoning circle for help." He leaps off and into the air, flying off into the distance.

"How does he do that man?" Suzuni asked.

"Really? It's pretty simple. He just uses gravity and wind magic." Kaiser tells her.
