
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Fatal Mistake

The next few days they spent partying and just getting to know the culture of the place. It was vastly different from Azure and was much more enjoyable. There would regularly be large flying creatures that looked like whales flying through the air. They were absolutely majestic. It was like they had a whole ecosystem of sea creatures that could fly and live outside of water. But their stay eventually ended and they would have to depart. But as they were packing their stuff, Verion mentioned something.

"Do you guys wanna go to the Elven kingdom? I have a friend that can get you a place to stay."

"Oh that's great actually, I have business in the Elven kingdom so I'll go. Do you guys want to?" Samuel asked the others. Everyone nodded and so they made their way to the Elven kingdom on foot. But along the way, they encountered a dungeon in the middle of the forest.

"Oh shit, you guys go ahead, let me get some mana back." Samuel said as he entered the dungeon. Rya sighed and everyone continued walking. After a few minutes, Kaiser and the others felt an enormous magical pressure. They immediately got into position and pulled out their weapons and protected Verion by creating a circle around her.

"Stay on guard!" Suzuni told everyone.

Then something flew down with a big crash. It creates a decently sized crater in the ground with a massive cloud of dust and sand. Rya blew away the dust with wind magic and revealed the person. Everyone sighed and put down their guards as they saw that it was only Samuel.

"Bro, don't scare us like that." Kaiser told him.

"My fault." They continued walking but Verion couldn't comprehend how powerful Samuel was. She was absolutely amazed by how strong he was. She would constantly stare at him and look away but stared at him again. Samuel eventually caught on and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just amazing how strong you are." Verion told him, "I've never seen someone as strong as you are."

"Really, not even Dobronx is as strong as me?" Samuel asked her.

"What, you know Ms. Dobronx?" Verion asked.

"Yeah, I met her before. I mean, it wasn't really a positive interaction because she far outclassed me when we met but I was practically on the verge of death back then." Samuel tells her.


Soon, they encountered a town filled with female giants.

"Fuck! Not this shit bruh." Samuel groaned.

"I know right, guess we just gotta speedrun through it." Kaiser said.

"What? Why? What's wrong with the town?" Suzuni asked them.

"Female giants..." Samuel told her.

"So? You're scared of women, is that it?" Suzuni asked him.

"Suzuni, the population of male giants have depleted the past century and so when female giants see a somewhat tall male human, their hormones go through the roof. They are massive sex beasts who crave male humans." Rya informs her.

"But why would they want Samuel and Kaiser?" Verion asked.

"They're both around 6 foot tall which is a little shorter than most male giants. The average height of giants is 6'6 for both males and females. Kaiser is like 6'1 and Samuel is 6'2 so they won't notice a difference." Rya tells her. "In fact, I am half giant, that's why I'm as tall as the boys."

"Yeah...Oh yeah I forgot! You are part giant! Wait, doesn't that mean you have the mindset of a giant?" Samuel asked her.

"Yes, sometimes I do." Rya answers him.

"Damn, Lumine, protect me." Kaiser steps behind Lumine and holds her in front of him.

"Tsk...It's okay, I know the girls here." Rya tells them.

"Of course you do." Samuel says quietly.

"Aight, I'm gonna go ahead, fuck y'all." Samuel jumps into the air and flies away.

"Me too." Kaiser then follows Samuel.

"They're just scared of women." Suzuni says.

"What? Have you seen what giants have done to people in the past?" Rya asks her.

"No, what?"

"They can literally steal all of your mana away. They could kill you from just their strength. Plus, they will exhaust you, they will hit you if you don't comply, and really they are just aggressive creatures." Rya tells her.

After the girls walked through the giant's town without any problems, they saw the Ancient Magic tree or AMT for short. The AMT is basically a highway of every country on their continent. It has massive gates that are all connected to a certain place on the continent. The girls made it to the roots of the tree and saw Kaiser and Samuel doing pull ups on some branches 100 meters up in the air.

"Aye, they're here." Kaiser tells Samuel.

"Aight, drop down." The two of them let go of the branches and they plummeted to the ground. Before they hit the ground, Samuel casts a wind spell to slow them down. Once they land, they regroup with the girls and continue into the AMT. On the other side is a massive prosperous city surrounded by walls of rock and crystals. The Elven kingdom is 2,300 square miles of city inside of a cave that also has an aquifer in it. When they stepped foot in, thousands of guards surrounded them and guided them to the Royal Family's Palace. When they enter the throne room, Ms. Dobronx steps out from the shadows wielding a massive blade.

"Ms. Dobronx! What's the meaning of this?!" Verion asked her but a guard kicked her down. Dobronx's eyes widen but she looks away in disappointment and stands next to the king's throne. Samuel looks back at the Verion and everyone else who was kneeling the presence of the king, queen, princess, and Royal Valkyrie.

"He stopped talking. Normally he'd be making jokes and shit but now he's completely silent. He looks so serious. I'm scared." Suzuni thought. A guard ran up to Samuel holding a spear and yelled at him.

"Kneel down before the ki-!" His head came clean off as Samuel unsheathed his odachi.

"Have you made up your mind?" Samuel asks him.

"Yes, and I will not accept the pact." The king tells him.

"But honey, he could help our country-" The queen was then interrupted by the king.

"Shut up woman! I am speaking!" The king stands up from his seat and slams his obese ass down the steps.

"This fat ass. How'd he get married to the queen anyways? Ugly fucker." Samuel thought.

"What you propose is tempting but I am afraid I cannot accept it! Guards, take his accomplices away." The king commanded. The guards grab hold of them but all of them collapse as their heads are cut clean off. Suddenly, large splatters of blood appear on Samuel's clothes without him even moving.

"Did you not read what the pact said? How idiotic do you have to be to not accept the alliance of someone who could easily wipe this country clean of all life?" Samuel's rage got ever so stronger. Each step had more power and intent behind it. Dobronx then interferes and gets between the king and Samuel.

"Stay back, Samuel. Remember what happened last time?" Dobronx tells him.

"Oh I remember. I still have the scar. But that was when I was weak. I am not that stupid, idiotic, mage that just messes with people anymore. Listen to me Ms. Dobronx. You lay a single finger on any of them, I will lay waste to this entire continent. Every animal, every living being, all of it will be gone if you interfere again. Step back."

"You know I can't do that, Samuel." Dobronx tells him as she steps closer to him.

"Jessie, I said stay back!" Samuel grabs her by her hair and throws her into a wall. Her body impacts the wall and creates a small crater.

"Oh shit. I accidentally said your first name. Too bad..." He then turns his attention to the king again. He steps closer and closer to him. Everything around them is blanketed in a black abyss as Samuel throws his odachi away.

"Samuel no!" Rya cries out to her. But when she held her arm out she appeared back in her house along with everyone else.

"Wait, how did we come back?" Lumine asked.

"He did this. Samuel took us back." Kaiser said.

"But how?" Suzuni asked.

"He ran. You can still see the dust clouds." Kaiser pointed out.

"Fuck..." Suzuni says.

Back in the royal family's palace, Samuel had brought them all into his own dimension.

"Welcome to the place where I am omniscient." He told them. The king, queen, princess, and Jessie Dobronx watched in horror as Zenith appeared in front of them.

"I warned you." He told them and then disappeared again. Samuel slowly walks up to the once mighty king who was now on his knees begging for mercy.

"Please, don't kill me. I'll give you anything you want! Money, power, riches, women? Anything! Just spare me!" The king groveled at his feet.

"You're a mistake of a man. Prioritizing yourself over your own family. Absolutely pitiful. I will not spare, but I will spare the others." Samuel kicks the king down and stabbed his arms and legs down with great swords. The abyss in which the king laid on then was erected into a cross. Samuel cut off his arms and legs but made sure to keep him alive.

"I've made it so that you are invincible until the nanosecond that you leave this domain. Your pain is tripled, and the sociological damage is ten fold. Samuel cuts his abdomen open and guts him clean of his internal organs. He cuts his lower body off and crushes his genitalia with a massive boulder. Samuel rips him off of the cross and grabs him by the scalp. He then digs his nails into his skull and rips off his skin. Piece by piece, more and more of his anatomy is revealed. He had no internal organs, no skin, he was just meat and bones. He couldn't see, hear, smell, but he felt all of it. He couldn't think because of how painful and damaging it was.

"If you're going to spare us, are you going to do something diabolical to us instead?" The queen asked him with tears in his eyes.

"I have no intention of harming you, the princess, or the Valkyrie. I am simply etching this sight into your mind so that next time you do something like this again, you think before you act. And even if I did have something diabolical in mind for you, I wouldn't unleash it upon you or the princess seeing as you had no say in this. But Jessie, you were the one that gave me that scar. At first I didn't care but now that you guys go after my party, it's different. Y'know, I could do literally anything I want right here, right now." Samuel says as he kneels down in front of the quivering Royal Valkyrie.

"What do you want? My body?" She asks him.

"No, I would never." Samuel sighs and stands up, "I'll let you go this one time. But just so you know, I will go into hiding after this." Samuel walks over to the king and grabs the back of his neck. He digs his fingers into him and grabs his vertebrae. He then rips his spine clean out and releases the abyss. Once they were out, the king died and the princess cried. They were defeated. Samuel was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in the city, he wasn't in the country, hell he wasn't even on the continent anymore. In the split second where he released his abyss, he had made his way to a country across the ocean on another continent. There he would start a new life. He walked among the people like normal, but he wasn't normal. He lived in the woods and survived off of what he hunted. He illegally raided dungeons and disappeared from the world for 5 years.

If you didn't know yet, this is a rework of one of my other novels. I really loved the original story and writing it was so fun but the ending was lacking and the writing was terrible compared to what I can do today. So I'm really happy I would rewrite this and just hope that people enjoy it for what it is.

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