
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Hi Samuel, long time no see!" She greeted him with a fake smile.

"Oh shit. Uhh, hi Suzuni, how have you been?" Samuel asks awkwardly.

"I've been good, but I couldn't help but notice that you never made an attempt to find us after the city was raided. Do you know how worried we were? Like...You can't just leave the city after it's completely destroyed! At least regroup with your friends so that they know you're fine! God! You can be so stupid and selfish sometimes y'know that?" She yells at him.

"Okay okay, I get it. But how would I be able to when every other part of the city was blocked off? The only place I could've gone was the forest, right?" Samuel tries defending himself.

"No! There were literal knights there! You could've called for help!" She scolded him.

"Okay, jeez! Get off my dick bruh. Fucking..." Samuel groans angrily.

"The fuck was that? Because last time I checked, I wasn't the dumbass that ran off into the wilderness without anything to his name! You had nothing. No one to help you, no armor, no tools, not even food or water!"

"Aye, I still made it out alive didn't I?" He asked.

"Yes, but...Ughh! You are so annoying..." She groaned. She crosses her arms and lays her head on them. She looks up at him with worried eyes and begins to speak again.

"We were just worried about you. I lost contact with Kaiser but he has been traveling with Lumine so he's probably around the city somewhere."

"Lumine? Like the top ranked student?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, that Lumine." Suzuni confirmed.

"Aye! My boy be bagging!" Samuel said jokingly.

"Yeah? Well, wanna come back to my place? I'm currently renting out a place in the city so you can stay there if you want." Suzuni offered.

"Sure, I'll stay." Samuel accepted the offer.

As they walked through the streets, Samuel admired the architecture and studied the buildings around them. They then get to an apartment complex with well over 400 homes in it. 4 floors with 100 homes. As they go up to the 3rd floor, many people greet Suzuni.

"Suzuni, thanks for tutoring my kid!" One guy thanked her.

"Suzuni! I was wondering if...Oh nevermind, you have a boy over." An older woman said.

"Su...Did you get a boyfriend? I've never seen him before." Another woman asks.

"Damn, how do so many people know you?" Samuel asked.

"Unlike you, I was helping and gave back to the community." Suzuni told him fiercely. She unlocks her door and shoves him into the house. His scythe drags against the floor and he spins a little after being pushed.

"What the fuck?"

"What? You can do what you want so why shouldn't I be able to?" She asked him angrily.

"Why are you so mad?" Samuel asked her confused.

"Why!? Mother fucker! You left us for a year! Why wouldn't I be mad!? We were so worried for you! But look at you! As prosperous as one could be!" She stomps over to him and slaps his hard. His head flicks and a red mark is left on his cheek. He slowly raises his hand to put on his cheek but Suzuni slaps him again. Suzuni walks up to slap him again but he puts his guard up and pleads for forgiveness.

"Okay! Okay! Please stop! I'm sorry! Please I'm sorry..." He apologized.

"Just one more slap. C'mon." Suzuni said.

"No! Not one more slap!" Suzuni winds up and Samuel braces himself but nothing hits him. He lowers his guard and that's when she punches him.

"Augh, fuck, sadistic fucker bruh. How are you so strong now? The first time we met you couldn't even defend yourself against that fucking twig."

"Because I've been training and you haven't. I can see the fat on your body better. Your arms are also less defined along with your face." Suzuni tells him.

"Oh shit." Samuel sighs, "Yeah, you're right. Fuck...But could you stop hitting me?"

"I will, just don't leave again." Suzuni said.

"Okay, I won't. Can I use your shower?" Samuel asked.

"Yeah, I set up a place for you to sleep." Suzuni tells him. After the shower, Samuel then realized he had no extra clothes.

"Fuck!" He yelled. Suzuni came running in and looked worried.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked him.

"I don't have any extra clothes." Samuel tells her while turning around butt naked.

"Ah!" Suzuni squeals and shuts the door. "I'll get you some clothes at the store, just wait for a little bit."

Samuel sighs and sits on the edge of the tub.

"The fuck am I supposed to do? Augh!" He groaned to himself. After half an hour of waiting, Suzuni came back with some clothes for him.

"Uh, thanks. It was cold as shit in there." Samuel thanks her and puts on a shirt with sweatpants.

The next morning, Samuel had his scythe slung over his shoulder as they walked around trying to find Kaiser. They went around the city asking if they'd seen him but no one knew where he was. That was until they came across Lumine. She had long blonde hair and bright red eyes. She wore an unzipped jacket with a grey shirt underneath that was tucked into her jeans. Samuel noticed that she was more curvy than the last time she saw her and guessed that she just grew a bit.

"Suzuni!" She said happily.

"Lumine, how's it going?"

"Pretty good. Guess what?" She asked happily.


"Me and Kaiser are a thing now!" She squealed excitedly.

"Yeah, speaking of that man, ugh, do you know where he is?" Samuel asked her.

"Oh, he went to the blacksmith." Before she could even finish her sentence, Samuel ran off leaving Suzuni and Lumine. He had gone to the capital once but he still remembered its layout. The first time he came to the capital was for some training with his old private teacher, Rya Vorpot.

His feet drifted on the ground and he swung the doors open. And sure as hell, Kaiser was there talking to the blacksmith.

"You mother fucker!" Kaiser greeted him with a smirk.

"My guy!" Samuel walks up to him and they dap each other up.

Kaiser had cut his hair only keeping the top and front relatively long. His sides and back were shorter and faded into his skin.

"Aye, after my blade is done, wanna spar?" Kaiser asked him.

"Hell yeah." Samuel agreed. After they talked for a while, Suzuni and Lumine finally made it to the blacksmith.

"Holy shit! How did you run that far and not get exhausted?" Suzuni asks him.

"You're just a pussy." Samuel told her.

"Sir, your great sword is finished." The blacksmith told Kaiser.

"Thank you." He thanks her and takes his sword. "Wanna go spar now?"


Kaiser then takes them to a small lake where the water is only about 3 feet deep and the deepest parts. The girls are sitting under the trees as Kaiser and Samuel fight one another. Kaiser and Samuel encircle one another slowly trying to get closer. Though Samuel had a longer range, the area of effect is much less than Kaiser's.

Kaiser's eyes get tired and he blinks, but once he opens his eyes, Samuel is right in his face. Samuel punches him in the gut but his armor protects him from the impact. Kaiser slams the hilt of his great sword into Samuel's shoulder but that does nothing to Samuel. Samuel drops his scythe and grabs Kaiser by the head. He picks him up and throws him to the side. Kaiser sticks his sword into the ground to stop himself from going any further but Samuel kicks his hands off the sword and punches him down. The girls watch in horror as they contemplate whether they should intervene or not.

Kaiser keeps trying to get up but Samuel kicks him down again and again. Kaiser tries getting up but as Samuel kicks him, Kaiser grabs his legs and pulls him down. Kaiser mounts him and starts to beat him down. Punch after punch, he sinks deeper and deeper into the soil. Kaiser raises his fists and punches but Samuel parries his punch and chops him in the throat. Kaiser drops while trying to get air and Samuel grapples his way out. He pins Kaiser down making sure his face was in the water. Kaiser struggles and struggles until Suzuni and Lumine have to separate them.

"Aye! Why'd you do that!? We were just getting started!" Samuel cried out angrily.

"You were going to drown him!" Suzuni yelled back.

"No he wasn't! He wasn't even going hard on each other! We were barely hitting each other bro! Why'd you stop us!?" Kaiser was frustrated as well.

"What? But you were squirming around and stuff." Lumine told him.

"Yeah, I was getting him wet so that I could do something!" Kaiser tells her.

"Oh my god..." Samuel groans as he sits down.

"Well, don't scare us like that. Now get back on shore." Lumine told him. She helps him up and they go back to the shore. Samuel continues to sit in the water with his knees up, arms crossed on his knees, with his face hidden in his arms.

"Hey! Can I look at your guild card?" Suzuni asks him. Samuel didn't respond but he gave her the thumbs up then flipped her off. Suzuni takes his card out of her bag because he didn't have one and checked over his stuff.

[ Samuel Cai - Human?

Sex - Male

Age - 18


Strength - 92

Speed- 90

Agility - 103

IQ - 194

Most powerful skill - Lai Slash]

"Wait, why does it have a question mark after his race?" Suzuni asks Lumine.

"What? Let me see." Lumine takes the card and her eyes widen.

"So, what does it mean?" Suzuni asks.

"I know why he's just sitting there." Kaiser then said.

"He's not sure if he's human or not." Lumine then said slowly.

"Wait, why is he just sitting there then?" Suzuni asked Kaiser.

"He's trying to control himself. As he gets older, he'll get better control of his emotions, don't worry." Kaiser tells her.

"But what is he exactly then?" Lumine asks.

"He's not a demon, but he is human." Kaiser answers her.

"But how? On his card there's a question mark on it." Suzuni was confused and so was Lumine.

"He is human, there's just something inside of him that makes it seem like he isn't human. He's struggling to find out who he truly is." Kaiser tells them.