
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A dungeon and destruction

As they begin walking back to the city, Samuel takes the lead but is walking slowly. But then they hear screams and Samuel comes back to reality.

"Fuck! There's a demon in the capital!" Samuel tells them.

"What? How do you know?" Kaiser asked.

"I could just sense it. C'mon!" They run back to the capital and see that it is in flames.

"Evacuate the city and I'll take care of the demon!" Samuel commands them.


Samuel jumps up into the sky with his scythe and meets eyes with the demon. From his analysis, the demon was about Grade 6. It was a dark humanoid figure with dark horns and shredded wings. The demon's eyes are pure white but Samuel could tell he was serious. Samuel waits for everyone to evacuate and then puts up a barrier above the city. Samuel conceals the demon in some branches using plant magic and creates a massive beam of light that slams down on the demon. The beam is so powerful that it destroys some of the barriers protecting the city. After a good 3 minutes of holy magic blasting the demon, it's core is destroyed and everyone is safe.

After the incident, Samuel and them are back in Azure, the city that they all used to live in. They walk around for a bit and soon return to the Azure Magic academy.

"Man, this shit is already rebuilt?" Samuel says to himself.

"Wait a minute, did you even graduate?" Kaiser asked Samuel.

"Ugh...Fuck. No, I didn't." Samuel answers.

"Oh my god. You fucking dumbass bruh." Suzuni sighs.

"Let's just go to a dungeon." Samuel tells them. They all follow him into the fields as they cross upon a dungeon. Dungeons are portals to lairs where there are monsters you hunt and get paid for completing one. They usually form around less populated areas. They also have tablets at the entrance that give information about the dungeon.

The one they were entering was a brood mother's den. A female demon whose lower body is that of a spider. They can lay hundreds if not thousands of eggs in mere days depending on the season. They enter the dungeon and begin to fight off the hordes of tiny baby spiders. Once they get to the boss room, the brood mother grabs Samuel and throws him into the wall. He's all bloodied up and bruised.

"Run! Get out mother fuckers!" He yelled. The rest of them hesitate but see the urgency in his eyes and they run out. The brood mother picks him up and starts kissing him. She then stabs her stinger into his abdomen. She wasn't kissing him out of love or attraction no, she just needed to inflict her venom for her eggs to start incubating. She slams him into the ground once more and kills him by stomping his head in. She then feels something heavy on her spider body and something touches her shoulder. She turns around and Samuel is sitting on her.

"Hallucinogenic venom is great isn't it? You can make your target think whatever they want and you can just do anything you watch them helplessly fight." Samuel told her. She jumps back and Samuel's dead body disappeared.

"What? What the hell!? How- How did you do that?" She asked while shaking and quivering as Samuel got closer to her.

"Simple really, my scythe. I can make anyone hallucinate and then I can easily kill them. Now, die you silly bitch." He swings his scythe down on her neck and her head comes clean off. As Samuel exits the dungeon, everyone is stunned by the fact that he wasn't injured the slightest bit.

"What the fuck?" Suzuni gasped.

"How...What happened to all of your injuries?" Lumine asked.

"Injuries? I never had any injuries. I simply just made you guys hallucinate. Check your pinkies." Everyone looks down at their hands and sees a small cut on their right pinkie.

"What? How?" Kaiser asked.

"When we walked into the dungeon's boss room, I cut all of your fingers and then cut the brood mother on the back. Nothing really happened to me, I just wanted to get all of the rewards for myself." Samuel tells them.

"Oh my god you are a greedy bitch." Suzuni groaned.

The next day, Kaiser and Samuel are at the blacksmith admiring the craftsmanship of the different blades. Samuel got some parts of the brood mother and asked for an Odachi to be made for him.

"Sir, your weapon is ready." The blacksmith tells him.

"Thank you." Samuel picks up the blade but when he does, loud explosions and screams could be heard outside. Samuel and Kaiser run outside and see that multiple mages are attacking the city.

"Fuck! No signal from Suzuni or Lumine!" Kaiser grunts.

"Aye, I'll take care of the mages and you go find them!" Samuel tells him.

"Aight, see ya!" Kaiser runs away and through the city trying to find them. Samuel flies up into the air and finds the mages attacking the city. He kills all of them swiftly with his Odachi that has a way longer range than his old scythe. It was an 8 foot blade with a two foot hilt. Kaiser and him then meet up but no signs of them.

"Hold on...I got a signal! Follow me!" Kaiser then runs off into a cave along a cliffside. They bust in and kill everyone there. They then finally reach the final room where the two girls are tied to a tree trunk. A tall fat man then walks into view. He wore a big robe that dragged on the floor and had typical leather clothes along with leather boots and gloves.

"Why do you want these girls?" Kaiser asked the man.

"Oh, so I can produce the strongest kid in all of the universe. They will rule over the world! Destroy every last weakling and create the perfect world. I am too old for that now, so I needed to find the strongest women in this city to achieve my goals. And the two strongest just so happened to be these two. And don't worry about them not complying, I'll just force it on them." The man said maniacally.

Samuel sat down and slit his thumb. He then drew some symbols on the ground. "So, have you done it to them yet?" Samuel asks him nonchalantly.

"No, but I will after I kill you bo-" The rocks above him crumble in and a woman in a black robe stands atop the pile of rocks that crushed the gluttonous abomination. She had long flowing black hair and glistening blue eyes. Her skin was light and vibrant and contrasted her dark clothing.

"Long time no see, Samuel." Her voice was absolutely biblical. It was so soft and soothing yet had that sense of dominance and power.

"Yeah, it has been, Rya." Samuel smirks at her.