
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Conflicts and suspicion

After a few dozen minutes of being unresponsive, they bust down the door to the bathroom to see if Samuel was alright. What they found was him naked, sitting in the tub, fast asleep.

"Aye! Wake up!" Rya yelled. "You're wasting my water!"

"Oh, what? Huh? What's happening?" He asked in a dazed state. They turn off the water and Samuel manages to change clothes. They drop him down on the couch and they sit around each other.

"How are you running low on mana?" Lumine asked him, "You had so much mana back in the stadium."

"Ugh, as I am soul bound to a demon, I require energy from humans or humanoids to regain mana. I am gradually losing mana by the second too." Samuel tells her.

"You're losing mana? How?" Kaiser asked.

"I am constantly holding back so that I don't destroy anything which has a toll when you use copious amounts of mana to control yourself. Also, killing and just draining humanoids of energy would suffice. Killing is quicker but I prefer to drain them because I get to watch their life fade away from their eyes as my fingers entangle their necks, y'know what I mean?" Samuel tells them. Everyone then looks at him completely perplexed and Suzuni who was sitting text to him scoots away a little. Samuel drops his head and leans on Suzuni's shoulders as he tries to stay awake. Eventually, Suzuni felt the sensation of her life leaving her body. Her air, blood, and everything depleted. When he could barely breathe, she kicked him off and the sensation stopped.

"Yo! Why'd you do that?!" Kaiser asked her as he knelt down to check on Samuel.

"He-He." He stutters while trying to regain her breath, "He was draining me of my mana. I felt like I was gonna die."

"Ah, thanks for waking me up though." Samuel says as he stands up and stretches. "That was enough to get me about 15 percent of my total mana pool back so I could go for another day or so."

"Only 15 percent? How low were you in the stadium?" Lumine asks him.

"I was at like 9...10 percent of my full mana pool." Samuel answers her.

"What the fuck! You only took 5 percent of your whole mana pool?" Suzuni asks him.

"Yeah, I'm never at my full potential. Usually I stay around 10-30 percent so that I don't get detained or anything." Samuel tells them.

"I see, so it's safe to assume you are one of if not the most powerful wizards in the world? Because we are already strong as is and we have fought in foreign conflicts which was a complete cake walk. But for you to not only intimidate us but not even have a quarter of your strength is insane! Aye, I'm just happy you're on our side." Kaiser says.

"Am I the strongest? I'm pretty sure I am but then there are also other countries too. Ugh...I probably am but there could be others across the globe so I can't confidently say that I am. But in the proxy being this country, yes I am the strongest." Samuel clarifies.

"Aight, get some sleep because there's a lot of shit to do tomorrow. We have to regulate the matches and make sure that it's completely fine. We get going at 5 in the morning so wake up like 30 minutes before then. Okay, good night." Rya says and goes upstairs. Samuel drops his head and just sits there fidgeting with his thumbs.

"Aye, what are you scheming?" Suzuni asked him.

"What? I'm not scheming anything." Samuel tells her.

"Really, cause it seems like you've really been awkward ever since you've come back. I see you playing with your hair and these little mannerisms that you didn't have before are popping up now." Suzuni tells him.

"Yeah, I've also noticed you being way more sweaty. But when we found you in the shower you looked like you didn't care but now you're acting all weird." Lumine butts in.

"Yeah, same." Kaiser says.

Samuel sighs. "You wanna know why I'm doing all this weird shit?"

"Why?" Suzuni asks him.

"Because I'm in deep thought. For the past few hours I have been thinking of really important shit. Nothing that involves any evil or anything, no, I just need to get business done by next week and there's a lot that I have to plan. There, that's why. Now, it may be political but still, it is something that you don't need to worry about." Samuel admits.

"Something political? Do you know who you're talking to bruh? We're all in politics, what you just said gives us even better reasons to be suspicious." Suzuni tells him as she begins to draw out something on her thighs with mana. Samuel notices and glances for a quick second and then goes back to maintaining eye contact.

"Is that so...Well, then. That just gives me all the reasons not to tell you." He says with a sigh. Suzuni is finished with her spell and thousands of mana filled chains pour in around them. Kaiser and Lumine also contribute by restraining him with mana dampeners. Mana dampeners suppress 5 percent of the target's full mana pool. Since two of them are on Samuel, he is down to 5 percent which is only enough to take out one or two of them.

"Hey, what's with the noise?" Rya asks as she walks downstairs. She sees Samuel chained up with a lot of his mana missing.

"So, y'all noticed too?" She asked.

"Yeah, and he won't tell us." Suzuni says.

"I did tell y'all, I just didn't specify." Samuel told her.

"Still, how can we trust you if you can't even tell us what you're up to?" Kaiser asked him.

"Ha, fine. I messed up in the Elven kingdom and now I have to settle it so if a war breaks out, just know, I warned you." Samuel admits.

"Okay, I'll let go of him, but make sure those dampeners stay on him." Suzuni says. The chains dissipate and Samuel drops to the floor. His body encapsulates a black mist and then he disappears.

"We don't have to worry about him for now, we just need to worry about the elves." Suzuni says.

"Okay." Kaiser says. They turn off the lights and everyone goes to sleep. As Samuel roams through the endless abyss of the demon's soul, he gets an idea.

"Holy shit! I can just make a pact with them!" He says out loud.

"You really only thought of that now?" Zenith asked him.

"Shut up and give me some paper!" Samuel sits down and begins to write down an official pact for him and the Elven kingdom. After a few minutes, he is finished and he returns to the real world. When he returns, everyone is fast asleep. He sits down at the edge of the couch where Suzuni was sleeping and ran his fingers through his hair. He noticed that Kaiser and Lumine were sleeping together and were cuddling with each other. He smiled slightly and dropped his head back. He sighed and closed his eyes. He sat there for a few hours but couldn't fall asleep. He was getting a little frustrated but he contained himself.

He just sat there but then felt the couch move. He opened his eyes and looked to his left. Suzuni was getting up and was half asleep. She got up and went to get some water in the kitchen and came back. She stood in front of Samuel for a few seconds before moving her pillow next to him. He watched her do this and was a little confused. She then leaned against him and began to fall asleep again. She grabbed his arm and was completely unconscious.

"Fucking hell bruh, I can't even sleep." He groaned quietly. He sat through the night trying not to wake up Suzuni and when the sun was just about to come up, Kaiser woke up. He and Lumine had separated in the middle of the night so he could easily sit up. He rubbed his eyes a bit and then noticed Samuel. He saw the predicament that he was in and chuckled.

"You mother fucker!" Samuel said quietly.

"Alright alright, calm down." He stood up and went over to wake up Suzuni. He nudged her a bit and called out to her.

"Hey, wake up! We got shit to do!" He said in a deep and raspy voice.

"Bro's morning voice is demonic. Bro, I had to use so much mana to drink water. I had to make my own water because of this bitch." He tells him.

"Damn, skill issue. Wake up dumbass!" He said in a louder voice which awoke Lumine. Suzuni moved a bit and gripped onto Samuel harder. She groaned a bit and finally opened her eyes. She looks up at Samuel and grabs him by the cheeks. She checks him out and drops her head down along with her hand. She grunts and stands up to go to the bathroom. Samuel sighs and lays down.

"What the fuck was that bruh?" He asked.

"Don't worry about her, she's always like that when she wakes up." Lumine tells him.

"Really, does she touch y'all that sensually too?" Samuel asks.

"No, she only does that Rya because she recognizes that we're in a relationship and doesn't want to do anything bad. Rya has complained about it but other days she accepts it because of how stressful we've been recently." Kaiser tells him.

"Damn...Well, I'm gonna get some sleep now." Samuel tells him.

"Aren't you gonna watch the fights?" Lumine asks him.

"Nah, I'll go another day." Samuel says as he turns around on the couch.

"Aight." Kaiser says then goes upstairs to the bathroom.

"Zenith..." Samuel whispers.

"What?" Zenith asks him.

"Go to the Elven kingdom and propose the pact but if they refuse, tell them I'll go there in a few months or so." Samuel tells him.


"Fuck bruh, I gotta rest more." Samuel says to himself.