
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A feat of strength and The Great Elven War

As Samuel tied his long scruffy hair back, he saw a large black and red ship dock. He was looking around and saw that it was only a few hundred meters away so he went to check it out. When he got close enough, he saw that it was a ship from Juld. He fled from Juld 5 years ago and is now living in Feory. He was still in his party from Juld but now he lives in Feory. Feory and Juld have different adventuring guilds so it would've been a hefty process if he did try to switch over. Samuel was wearing a hoodie and black cargo pants with black combat boots. He had his hood on but when he saw people exiting the ship, he took it off to see who they were. His eyes lit up when he saw who they were.

Suzuni, who was now the president of the Adventurers guild meaning she basically held a large portion of the country's militarial power.

Kamesh, who was now the Vice president. If the president was ever to be too busy or unable to perform a task, he would do it in her place. He also kept adventurers in place and took care of their documents.

Lumine, she was now in charge of the guild's import and exportation of supplies, equipment, and other miscellaneous things. She doesn't control the entire country's trade though, only the stuff that the guild trades.

Rya, she is now in charge of the military. She would train the forces, get them ready for battle, and put them on different patrols and missions. She was still under the king and queen but she still held a large chunk of power.

Then finally Verion, she was now the principal of the Azure Magic academy. For the past five years she had been working up the ranks with her being an elf meaning she had much more mana than regular humans, she quickly gained popularity. She showed great leadership, power, and talent so 6 months before they docked on Feory, she was appointed principal.

As they stepped down, they all wore thick black coats, black cargo pants, and combat boots. Suzuni, Kaiser, and Rya had their weapons on them. Suzuni had a gun, Kaiser had a great sword, and Rya had a spear. They all emitted an incredible amount of pressure and we're definitely as strong if not stronger than Samuel was 5 years ago.

Samuel smirked as he saw how much they had grown. An older gentleman in a black suit then walked up and saluted them. He was the president of the Feory Adventurers guild and looked like he was extremely nervous. Samuel walked over to them confidently but was stopped by a guard.

"Stay back, sir!" He told Samuel.

"And why would I do that?" Samuel asked him.

"If you don't comply I will have to use force on you." The guard warns him.

"Bitch please, you couldn't even hold a candle to a single one of them. So what would you be able to do against me?"

"Sir, I highly doubt that you're stronger than those 5. I can't even sense any mana from you." The guard tells him.

"Eh, too bad." Samuel grabs the guard by the wrist and twists it. Samuel sweeps his feet and throws him onto the ground. "Would you look at that? I didn't even use any magic on you." Samuel then continues to pursue the five. He finally caught up to them but was stopped by multiple guards this time. He also got the attention of all five of them.

"Man y'all are some dumbasses. Aight, godspeed." Samuel was about to attack when Suzuni stopped him.

"Samuel! Stop! Guards, let him go." Suzuni commands.

"But ma'am, he's being a disturbance." One guard tells her.

"A disturbance that is far too strong to mess with so let him come through." She commands him.

"Yes ma'am." The guards let Samuel through but they all give him a dirty look.

"What's with the snarling? Mad that she took my side? Aww, that's too bad for you then. Missed your chance huh? Yeah? Uh huh? Fucking pussy." Samuel walks past and fistbumps Kaiser.

"Samuel!" Lumine runs up to him and hugs him.

"Damn, aight get off me now." Samuel says as he slightly pushes her away. When he did, he noticed a ring on her left ring finger.

"Samuel...My guy!" Rya says and hugs him. She holds him close and picks him up with all of her might. Verion daps him up and shoulder bumps him.

"What? No dap up? No hug? Cold bitch..." Samuel asks Suzuni. The Feory Adventurers guild president just watched in horror as someone without any magical presence called Suzuni a cold bitch. They follow the Feory Adventurers guild president to his office and they sit down and talk.

"Okay, my secretary has told me that you've come for aid, is that correct?" He asks Suzuni. Suzuni was sitting across from him while everyone else was standing. And Samuel is still being immature and distracting Suzuni by poking and toying with her.

"Yes sir, as you may know, Juld has come into conflict with the Elven Kingdom." Suzuni answers him.

"How long has this conflict been going on for?" Feory's adventurers guild president asked.

"5 years now, right after the death of the king." Suzuni tells him.

"Really? Do you know the person who killed the king?" He asked.

"Yes, we do. But giving out that information wouldn't benefit anyone." Suzuni answers him.

"Then who killed him?"

"He did." Suzuni then points at Samuel.

"The brat that has no magical presence? Is this some kind of joke?" He asked with a little bit of hostility.

"Sir, sit back down. Please do not provoke him. He may not have a magical presence but that's because he's too strong for you to sense." Suzuni warns him. The Feory's adventurers guild president sighs and sits back down.

"Okay, what do you need from us?" He asks her.

"Medical supplies, rations, and all of the man power you can give." Suzuni tells him.

"Okay, will do. But I'd like to see a demonstration of all of your strengths please, if that's not too difficult."

"Will do, we need an open field though." Suzuni tells him.

"Don't worry, I found one. Just come through the portal." Kaiser tells them and creates a large white and grey circular portal. Everyone walks through and they end up in the middle of an open field with a tree edge 30 miles away and mountains at least a few dozen kilometers away.

"Okay, who do you want to see first?" Suzuni asks the Feory Adventurers guild president.

"I'll see his first." He points to Samuel.

"Aight, bet." Samuel says as he steps up. He claps his hands together and transports everyone to the abyss.

"What is it? Do you want to see a general attack or my strongest attack?" He asks him.

"A general attack is fine." The president tells him.

"Aight." Samuel raises both of his arms and forms an astronomically large spherical ball of rock and magma. They then see comets land and steam filling the area around it, creating clouds and creating oceans. Greenery pops up everywhere and life starts forming.

"What the fuck?" Kaiser said in awe.

"He really just created a replica of earth?" Rya asked.

"Yeah, he did. It's spot on too. Wait, if this isn't the attack, then what is?" Suzuni asks Samuel.

"You'll see. The Earth that I've just created is a 1:1 scale replica. It contains all of the humans, all of the animals, all of the monsters, all of the gates, everything. You see, I created this replica to show you one of my weaker attacks." When Samuel finished his sentence, everyone froze. The absolute scale was already crazy, but it was one of his weaker attacks. Everyone quaked and shivered. An enormous amount of mana filled the area around them and was concentrated on the replica earth. Massive slashes of light and plasma cut through every atom of the earth, creating atomic blast after atomic blast. Nuclear fusion caused by the heat of the slashes created stars that disappeared within seconds of birth. After what felt like centuries, the replica was nothing more than an iron ball floating around. The iron ball was still about 1200 kilometers thick so it wasn't small at all. Samuel took a hold of it and crushed it with his bare hands. He wasn't enormous, no, he crushed it in his regular size. Samuel dropped down and his knees buckled.

"Fuck, that took more than I expected." He groaned as he tried to stand up but his legs were unresponsive.

"Fuck, this is what happens when you try to perform a massive feet without a year of using mana. It was difficult just to protect you guys from the attack. Maybe that's why it took so much. Ah, fuck, yeah, I'm falling unconscious." Samuel's body collapsed and everyone was transported out of the abyss.

"What about you guys? I know it wouldn't be as spectacular but I'd still like to know." Feory's adventurers guild president asked.

"We're all around the same level but we need to conserve mana so I'll just tell you. We are all capable of destroying multiple continents." Suzuni tells him.

"Okay, that's still monstrously powerful but not as much as him. Alright, we'll help. Better to be on the good side of monsters like you." The Feory's adventurers guild president then shook hands with Suzuni.

"Alright, take Samuel and let's get back on the ship." Suzuni tells them. Kaiser creates a portal back to the ship and Rya picks Samuel up. But as she did, he awoke. Rya still picked him up and slung him over her shoulder. Samuel didn't mind and began to draw a magic circle on her back.

"Stop, that feels weird." She tells him.

"Wait, I'm almost done." They get back on the ship and Rya puts him down. Samuel then draws the same circle on Kaiser's arm. Then Lumine and Verion. Suzuni wasn't around so he sat down on some crates and sighed. He kicked his feet out of boredom and decided to go on the deck. He makes his way out of the storage room and makes his way up some stairs. He opens the door and everyone stares at him.

"Ah fuck, these bitches all got uniforms on." He thinks to himself. The captain of the ship then came up to him menacingly.

"Who are you and why were you in our storage space?" He asks aggressively.

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't want to speak to you, out of my way."

"Punk!" The captain punches him in the face as he tries to walk away and some blood splatters on the floor.

"Look, you got my deck dirty! You little-!" Samuel grabs him by the throat and slams him down. The ship was made out of reinforced metal so any physical attacks wouldn't damage it and Samuel knew this so he started beating the captain down. Samuel mounts him and begins to slam his fists into his face. Without any magic used or any enhancement spells, he single handily made a dent in the deck before Suzuni had to pull him off.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asks him.

"He punched me so I punched him back." Samuel answers her.

"Punched? From what is aw you were on top of him continuously hitting him! Man, just go to the others and wait for me." As Suzuni was scolding him, he was drawing the same magic circle on her back. She drops him and he begins to draw magic symbols on his hands. He was still experimenting but his spell should be finished.

"Sir, are you alright?" Suzuni asks the captain.

"What is his name? I'll kill him! I'll kill his frie-!" Samuel appeared behind him and grabbed him by the head. He squeezed harder and harder by the second and picked him up.

"What the fuck was that? I could kill you right now. But since that was just a threat, I'll let it go. But just know, I will kill you again and again. I will make you reincarnate and I will kill you again. I swear to every fucking god on this world, your life will never end. It will be endless torment and you will feel all of it-"

"Okay, he gets it bro, look at him." Kaiser grabs Samuel's wrist and makes him drop the captain. Samuel sighs and walks away. When he got close to a wall, he brought his fist up to punch the wall with a high concentration of mana in his fist.

"Stop!" Suzuni yells at him, but it was too late, Samuel was about to make contact with the ship. And when he does, it will destroy everything in a 1 mile radius. Luckily, Kaiser stepped in and used his great sword to cut his arm. Unfortunately, he sliced his entire forearm off. Kaiser looks at him nervously and Samuel looks at him with an unimpressed expression. Samuel walks it off and regenerates his arm. First the bones, the nerves, muscle, fat, and skin. Everyone watched in horror as he saw his arm just appear again.

"Ha...Those fucking elves. Can't wait for a rematch." Samuel says to himself.


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