
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Battle of the gods

When their ship docked, there were dozens of photographers, journalists, and civilians to watch them. The king was also awaiting their arrival. He had long black hair and a red robe with golden plates on his shoulders, back, and front. He wore a chest plate under the robe with Knightley garments and a staff that leaked tons of magical energy. He was awfully young for a king, being only 47 years old and already had 4 children. Everyone cheered when they saw them step out but all stopped when they saw Samuel.

"Who's the homeless looking guy with you?" The king asks Suzuni.

"He's a crucial part of this war, your honor." Suzuni tells him.

"Really, what can a kid that doesn't emit mana really do?" The king asked.

"Wanna see?" Samuel asked as he walked up. Rya then grabbed his hood and yanked him back.

"That's the king dumbass, don't do anything stupid." Rya warns him.

"Sir, I assure you, just because you can't sense his presence doesn't mean he's weak." Suzuni tells the king.

"Okay, I'll allow him to partake in this battle. But if he is insufficient, I will be highly disappointed in you Ms. Weltz." The king then turned his back and walked away. Suzuni and the others were then escorted to a temporary camp. They debriefed them on the situation and they made their way to the place of battle. A valley deep in the forests with steep cliffsides on each side and a shallow river flowing through. This operation had 10,000 soldiers fighting for Juld and 20,000 fighting for the Elves.

As the two armies marched towards each other, the elves stopped and the king stepped up along with Jessie Dobronx, the strongest royal Valkyrie. They stared at each other and hostility filled the air. Suzuni, Kaiser, Lumine, and Rya were in the front and as Suzuni took a step, Samuel jumped down from the cliff.

"Holy shit, you guys are here!" Samuel says as he notices the queen and Dobronx. He walks up to them without any animosity and puts his arms around their shoulders like they were close friends.

"Wow, long time no see. Especially you Jessie, I know we talked a lot when we were younger but y'know, I didn't have anyone to be friends with once you moved away. Anyways, let's have a great fight." Samuel steps back from them and all of the soldiers charge in. Suzuni and the others were going to step in but were stopped by a barrier made by Samuel when he jumped down. Samuel was swarmed with attacks but he immediately regenerated each time they hit him. Eventually he got bored and killed all of the soldiers except for the Elven queen and Dobronx.

"Aight, what will I do?" Samuel thinks of a plan and comes up with something diabolical. "I will let you attack me, but each time you do, that's a 1000 innocent civilians killed."

"Fuck you!" The queen yells.

"Sorry, no thanks. You're too old. I wouldn't mind if it was Jessie but I'm not attracted to her so even then, I wouldn't accept it. Anyways, fine then, I won't kill your people. I'll just kill your daughter." Samuel tells her. The queen and Dobronx jump back about 100 yards and the queen summons something. Once the dust cleared, a dragon stood in between them. It was a large, blue serpent with small limbs. It was the blue queen of the Elven Kingdom, Cerulea. The goddess worshiped and honored all over the Elven Kingdom. Even Verion worshipped her.

"Ah, nice, you got a goddess just to fight me." Samuel says.

"So you know of my status, what more do you know about me?" Cerulea asked him.

"That's all I know. I don't know the history or anything, I only know of you if that makes sense." Samuel tells her.

"Then you have no idea of my power...What a shame, I guess you'll die a fool." Cerulea lunges forward and attacks him. Samuel narrowly dodges but is smacked into the rocks by her tail. Samuel jumps out with a smile on his face and grabs hold of Cerulea's tail. He plants his feet on the ground and lifts her enormous body up. He slams her down but a beam of concentrated mana blasts into him. His clothes are slightly torn and he's pushed back to the barrier he had created.

"Fuck, I can't keep toying around." Samuel says to himself as blood drips from his mouth. He runs back this time with a plan. He steps to the left and quickly slips back around Cerulea and grabs her by the horns on her head. Cerulea jerks her head forward slamming Samuel on the ground but he throws her up and over. Her body slams into the dirt and he's able to charge an attack. An enormous amount of mana then concentrated around Cerulea's entire body. Large slashes then appear and start to slice at her. Dirt and grime filled the air as she flailed around in pain. Her roar filled the valley and Samuel chuckled to himself. When the attack was done, there was blood everywhere but the dust covered a ton of the area. That was when a woman jumped out and attacked Samuel.

She wore a black kimono with red and gold accents and a flower pattern on the sleeves. Her long flowing hair was bright blue and her skin was pale. She palms him in the chest and he gets sent flying back at the Elven queen and Dobronx. The three of them all begin to attack him all at once. Each punch, each kick, each cut from a blade was precise and coordinated. He felt his body failing and the sensation of pain flooded back into his body. For the first time in half a decade he felt fear and nervousness. It was just like when he fought Zenith for the first time, but this was different. Zenith was weak compared to these three. Samuel just stands there taking the full might of all three women. Thoughts ran through his mind. Was he going to die? Was it his time to go? Was this really how he wanted to die? Would this death be acceptable by his friends? Would he regret his choices in the afterlife? Would he forgive himself for being so weak!? No, he wouldn't.

Samuel stomps his feet on the ground and the three women jump back. Samuel slowly steps away from them with his arms flailing, clothes torn to shreds only leaving a little bit of his pants left. Blood covered his body from head to toe. His hair was all messed up and probably had a few broken bones too.

A euphoric smile plastered on his face and he grabbed Suzuni's hair tie. He ties his hair back and wipes the sweat and blood from his face away. He gets in a neutral wrestling stance and begins hopping up and down.

"Yes, finally. Finally! I am alive again!" He sprints towards the three women and easily knocks out the queen and Dobronx. Cerulea was much more difficult though. Samuel finally got a good hold on Cerulea's arms and started to squeeze as hard as he could. She could destroy the entire earth 10 times over and still have enough mana to destroy it a few times again. But instead of doing that, she focused all of her mana on fighting Samuel. Both fought at their peak, both were battered and bruised, and both were on the verge of collapsing. Samuel breaks her arm and sweeps her legs. He stops on her right shin and breaks it but then his legs collapse and he's unable to move. The barrier releases and Suzuni immediately grabs Samuel away in a flash. The army retreats and so do the elves.

When Samuel awoke, he was in an incredibly soft bed. He was still in immense pain though. He checked his surroundings and saw a piano, some plants, a shelf with some medals and framed photos, and finally a photo of him and Suzuni on the night stand next to the bed. He sighs deeply and sees Suzuni walking into the room. Suzuni moved his hair out of the way and kissed him on the forehead then set a bunch of paper and folders on her desk.

"Goddamn, I did consen-AH!" He yelled out in pain as he tried to sit up. His body flopped back down on the bead and he lied there hopelessly.

"Fuck, I'm weak now..." He said quietly, "But at least I didn't die a lil bitch!" He blurts out.

"Uh huh. Rest you dumbass. You've been in a coma for 3 weeks now so you still need some rest." Suzuni tells him.

"Ugh, rest you dumbass...You been in a coma for 3 weeks, mah mah. You still need to rest, ugh." Samuel mocks her. Suzuni slams her book closed and sands up. She places her hand around his throat and gets on top of him.

"I could very easily kill you right here right now." Suzuni tells him.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't, would you?"

"No, but there's plenty of other possibilities." Suzuni smirks at him as she leans in closer.

"Nah, you're too pussy to try and pull that off when it's the middle of the day." Samuel dismissed her statement.

"Do you really not think that I have grown? Oh you are still as stupid as you ever were. I'll do whatever I want to do with you, regardless of what time it is, regardless if we're in public, I don't care. Got it? Right now, you're just a helpless little vegetable. And I have all the power to do whatever I want without any consequences." Suzuni leaned even closer but Rya kicked down the door and pulled her off.

"As fun as that was to listen to, I would advise you not to do something that rash." Rya tells her.

"But why?" Suzuni wines as she flails around in the air.

"Because look at him, does it look like he'd enjoy that? Plus, even if he did, he would definitely retaliate with something much worse. Don't be so stupid." Rya puts her down and leaves the room. Suzuni walks over and proceeds to lock the door.

"Fucking hell, is the fight over?" Samuel asks her.

"Not yet, we're getting a treaty set up and we want you to present it to the queen for us." Suzuni tells him as she continues to look over her papers.

Samuel sighs, "Fuck...this some bullshit. Does the king respect me at least?"

"Oh, yes, most definitely. He commended you so much and was really persistent in checking up on you." Suzuni answers him.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna pass out soon so see ya."

"Sweet dreams."