
Stygian King of Despair

After his city is destroyed by large hordes of monsters, Samuel devotes that for the rest of his life, he'll protect the people around him no matter what. He trains to grow stronger and stronger everyday, and eventually wants to be the strongest. Follow his journey, one filled with hardships and despair with a little bit of friendship sprinkled in.

Destrominator · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Once Professor and progressive

Rya walks down to him and hugs Samuel tightly. Rya was half giant so she was at least 6'5 if not taller.

"Oh my god! You've grown so much!" She squealed happily.

"Yeah yeah, don't be so rough." Samuel slightly pushes her off and unties the girls. He splashes water on their faces and they wake up.

"What!? Where are we..." Suzuni looked around confused.

"C'mon, get up, we gotta train." Samuel said as he helped her up. Kaiser picks up Lumine and lightly slaps her a bit.

"What do you mean by train?" Suzuni asked.

"You are too weak. You could barely hold your own against a person that is unhealthy. All three of you guys need to get stronger actually. Kaiser, not so much because he was able to hold his own against me but still. Far too weak, not even arch Wizards yet." Samuel tells them. He steps back a bit but bumps into Rya.

"Oh, sorry." He apologized but she grabbed him by the shoulders and rested her chest on his back and her head on his head.

"Aight, I'mma be gone for a long while so don't expect me to answer any of your summoning spells. But, if it is an actual life or death situation, draw that." He then points to the symbol he used to summon Rya.

"It's a one time use only though. Aight, see you guys in like a year." He then flies away.

"You fucking liar! You said you wouldn't leave! You trifling ass hoe!" Suzuni cried out to him.

"Alright children, it's now time to proceed in our training. Over the years he spent in Azure, he has been sending me letters telling everything I need to know about what is happening in his life but for the past year I've just been extremely worried. It's crazy how he can just come and leave like that. Anyways, I want you guys to fight me all at once. Use your full ability and if you can, try to inflict lethal blows. Don't worry though, none of you are capable of killing me, only I am capable of doing that." Rya tells them.

Out in the fields, Rya is battling Suzuni, Lumine, and Kaiser. Suzuni jumps in from the sky and fires a fireball down at her. Rya looks up to block but she sees Lumine charging at her. She dissipates the fire and is then tackled by Lumine. Suzuni comes crashing down and punches her with a fist engulfed with red flames. Rya kicks them off of her and throws multiple boulders at them. Kaiser appears behind her with his great sword and he swings it at her back. She grabs the blade and pushes it up while kicking him in the abdomen. She flicks her wrist in the opposite direction knocking down Suzuni with a vine whip. Lumine catches Suzuni and throws her at Rya with Lumine propelling herself with air magic. Kaiser jumps back and charges to thrust his blade into her. Everyone is then hit with a wall of concrete. Everyone drops to the ground with their faces plastered with blood and bruises.

"Okay, that's it for today. Suzuni, you can really use your surroundings along with magic mixed with physical attacks. Lumine, you're really good at supporting others but from what I saw, you are really adept with wind magic. And Kaiser, your body strength is incredible and you utilize it well with your magic. You could have a little more practice with swords and shit but we'll get to that another day. Rest up and I'll create a plan for everyone.

"Can we party with you?" Lumine asks.

"Of course, well, me and Samuel were always in a party so I'm already in your party. If you guys wanna come to my place you can, just be careful because I have a lot of stuff." She then walks off. Suzuni is first to follow then Lumine and Kaiser follow too.

In a different part of the continent, Samuel had entered the Demi-human lands. Demi-humans are humanoid creatures with animalistic features. They always have at least one feature from their animal and most but not all have the same personalities. Not like everyday personalities but in certain situations like flight or fight, breeding, and other intense situations. But it's also dangerous for humans to travel in the Demi-human lands because of their past with one another.

Hundreds of years ago, demi-humans were enslaved by humans. They were used to farm, mine, and do everyday chores that lazy rich people didn't want to do. There were also some instances where people used them as sex workers but most were uninterested in demi-human reproduction and actually were against interspecies breeding. But then they rebelled and have created their own country west of the main country, Juld. Juld is the country where Azure resides and is also one of the most magically active places on earth.

As he walked through the feline lands, a group of lions surrounded him. They were big and brolic with either a tail or a thick beard.

"What are you doing in our lands?" One asked him.

"I'm just walking by, so if you could leave me alone that would be amazing." Samuel tells them.

"We don't think so. Remember what you guys did to us, I think you should be punished." Another tells him.

"Don't be ridiculous! You think you can hurt him?" A female voice said from behind Samuel. He turned around and it was a cheetah. She had a long spotted tail on her back with ears on her hair. She had relatively dark skin and was skinny. She wore a skirt with leggings and a hoodie.

"Ah, Fermine! Why are you here?" One guy asked.

"I couldn't help but come over when I sensed a human had entered our territory. I just wanted to check if they were a threat or not." She tells him. She walks around Samuel and analyzes him.

"Fermine huh? You must be that assassin I've heard about. I can sense that you're strong..." Samuel then takes a deep breath. "You even put poisonous gas around us that only affects humans."

"How did you know?!" Fermine asked as she jumped back a few meters.

"Oh please, would a regular person just walk into dangerous territory if they weren't confident in themselves?" Samuel asked.

"Uhh,no but still. How are you not falling unconscious?" She asks him.

"Oh, your gas is made from poison sacs. I for one have grown a resistance to it and so, it has little to no effect on me. But if you really wanted a fight, you could've just asked." Samuel tells her.

"Aight, bet. You attack first." Fermine tells him.

"Say less." Suddenly, a massive cloud of dust and sand covered the area. Fermine couldn't see anything. After a few seconds, she felt stinging pains all around her body. She then felt her clothes getting wet. She then fell and wasn't able to move. Samuel then used a wind spell to push the dust away.

"How, what happened?" She asked.

"Simple, I cut each of your limbs 5 times. I cut the tendons and important muscles so now you can't move. I can heal you if you want." Samuel tells her.

"Please, it hurts. I've never felt this before. Please, it hurts!" She pleaded.

"Okay, okay, damn. Fucking pussy. Pfft, literally." Samuel kneels down and heals all of her wounds.

"Ah, thank you." She thanks him and Samuel helps her stand back up.

"I want to get stronger. I know that there's a catacomb where a demon resides. If I can recall, he is a grade 1 demon. If you help me, I'll help you for the rest of my life." Samuel tells her and holds his hand out.

"Okay, you need to help me get stronger too." She grasps his hands and shakes it. "Here, follow me."

As they hiked through the mountains, they made it to a giant door with metal reinforcement. Fermine tries to open it with physical force and magic but it doesn't budge.

"Here." Samuel walks up to the door and kicks it open. A massive gust of wind then spewed out. A demon then pounced onto Samuel. The demon was a tall humanoid creature with two large horns on his head. He had massive wings that stretched out 15 meters. He had long sharp nails and his limbs were completely devoid of color.

"You seek to slay me?" The demon asks him.

"Yeah." Samuel answers.

"If you can, I'll reward you with my soul and powers." The demon tells him as he struggles to grapple Samuel.

"Say less, you are about to become a victim." Samuel kicks him off and unsheathes his odachi and summons his scythe.