

Ever since i could remember, my family always have to moved from time to time. I have a sister, a twin, Angie. Even though we are twins, i felt i was older and that i have to protect her. Angie, to be honest, is a fragile, vulnerable child.

We lacked attention from our parents growing up. They are always busy from their work, still, from time-to-time, they didn't totally failed from supporting us—mentally, emotionally, and physically. They always thought of making some time for us to be together and spend time.

Back when i was 6 years old. We moved to Alleyway, Valley, down South. Our parents would always tell us, how we have to moved and why. They would always tell us to prepare if we want to bid our goodbyes to our friends.

One time at school, we met Lea Kim. At first she didn't talk much, she always avoid crowds and sit far away from the group. My sister Angie saw her and wanted to be friend with her.

"Hi~ why are you all here sitting all alone?"Angie asked.

"Because i don't have any friends... " She replied.

"Then, let's be friend! Come sit with us from now on! " I said.

That was the day we became friends. The three of us were always seen together everytime. We were stuck together. Angie would always talk about her and how she's so kind and pretty. She would always talk about her at home, how she has a very special friend now.

She always talk with sparkles in her eyes whenever she mentions Lea Kim. She was happy, very happy. My sister was satisfied with her one friend, and i was also happy seeing her like that.

One day, Lea brought a mobile phone at school. We were so amazed by that thing. We would always gather up at the middle and talk about how the phone magically worked.

"My parents only have those... how did you get it?" I asked her.

"My parents gave it to me this morning as a present... Today's my birthday *GIGGLES" she said.

"Wow~ happy birthday Lea!!" Angie shouted.

Because of that, it encouraged everyone to sing her the song. I guess she was so happy based on her looks. My sister was happy too.

It was all moment of bliss, until...

"You know when we said, we're not going to say here for long, right?" Dad suddenly said.

"Uhuh... " I said.

"Well, your mom and i will start working on a business up North, and we have to say goodbye again to this place... " Dad said.

"...Does that mean, i have to say goodbye to my friends again...? " Angie said.

"No, you don't say goodbye to your friends okay, you eill meet them again some time~" My mother tried to console her.

For the first time in my life that i can remember, i saw Angie cried her eyes out. I know how attached she is to that girl.

"Mommy, daddy? Can i have one request?" I asked them.

"What is it dear? " Dad asked.

"Can Angie and i borrow your old phones? Our friend got her phone and we want to keep in-touch with each other..." I said.

My parents gladly took my request and handed us their old working phones.

The next morning, we rushed our way to school and met Lea. We saw her from a distance, we were both running waving our phones in the air.

Well... Nothing really happened that day, we bid our goodbyes and Angie didn't took it too seriously and was still happy that we can still connect and talk with each other.

We exchange numbers and went on our way. Angie was so happy, despite of moving away, she kept staring at her phone on our way home.