

We moved once again...

At our new school, wearing our new uniforms, i can still see the sad eyes my sister had since last time.

The first day at our new school was greater than i expected. My parents made invitations for our classmates for our upcoming birthday celebration at our house.

Little did i know, that birthday party had my heart start beating differently...

"Happy Birthday, Andy and Angie~" She said.

I just froze there and stared at her, questioning why i felt my heart racing. She's cute...

"Hi~ welcome to the party!! Let's go inside and eat a lot of sweets!!" My sister said.

I never saw anyone cuter than my sister that time... I looked at her playing together with my sister and the other kids, she looked so beautiful and innocent and cute and sweet...

I didn't know what i was feeling that day, i thought i got sick and needed treatment. Later that day, i went to my parents room, and talked to them about the feelings i got.


"I don't know what is happening to me~ i think i have something wrong with my heart Mom, dad" I complained.

"Did your heart hurt?" Mom asked.

"No, it didn't! But it felt weird and, and my face! I think i have a fever!" I still complained.

I complained about those confusing feelings i had to my parents all night, they stayed up and listen to me whining.

They suddenly bursts into laughter...

"Why?! What's wrong?! Am i sick?!" I asked.

"Son, you're in love~" Dad said.

"I guess my baby is not a baby anymore ahahha" Mom added.

They were laughing while i was confused by the situation. I went to my room with a heavier thought that night.

"What's in LOVE...?" I asked to myself.

I got my first love when i was 7 years old. The greatest gift i had.



Time flies so fast, we were already 9 years old, this was the longest time we stayed at a place.

"Lea!!!! We haven't talk in a while!" Angie shouted.

"Oh, hi there Lea... " I said. Waving my hand.

"We are having a slee-over with my friends here, I'll introduce you to them!!" Angie said, filled with excitement.

"This is Yana, she's our classroom president, pretty tough right? Yana, she's my very best friend from Alleyway, Valley. Her name's Lea.

Oh! And he is Dave, one of our classmates too, and that one is Alex"

"Hi, nice to meet you Yana, Dave, and Alex... I'm Lea" She said.

"Hi~ nice to meet you~ let's all be friends!!" Yana said

How can be two girls from the same age, totally had different faces when greeting? Lea, is too much of a professional greeter, while Yana is so cheerfully-driven. They're so much different.


Yana and my sister went into her room, while Dave, Alex and i were at my room. That night we played game consoles.

"Hey, who's that girl earlier? She looks cool" Dave suddenly said.

I look at him and said. " Who, Lea? She's our friend from the South"

"Whoa... Since when? "Dave asked.

"Since.. I don't know, maybe when i was 6 years old...?" I said.

"Woah~~ you still kept in touch with her even til now?!" He said

"Uh.. Yeah, we were pretty closes with her. Especially my sister, they were inseparable"

"You're one lucky guy! Hey, introduce me to her when you have time.. "


"What?! You like Lea? Lea Kim?!" I shouted.

"Dude... Keep it down, i don't want the girls to hear... " Dave said.

"Wow~ you really have the courage to confess your love here... Cool, man" Alex said.

"Dude, how can you like her? She's gloomy and dark and her face looks so sad..."

When i say Lea? I remembered her as gloomy and sad and darked-face and... Suddenly i remembered the time she smiled when we sang her the happy birthday song.

"Well, i guess she did also smiled back then.. " I said to myself.

"Dude, you're creeping me out... Seriously... " Alex said.

"Okay, I'll introduce you to her next time" I said.

"YES!!!!!!" Dave yelled.