

All those years of moving, i made a few friends. We all are friends because we understand each other. We are all troubled teenagers.

Andy and Angie were the very first friends I've made. They are twins around my age, and just like my family, they also move around often. We met when i was just six years old. We were school-mates and play-mates.

When i was six years old, 8 had my very first mobile phone. " Happy 6th birthday Lea, your daddy and i have a surprise for you, here open it" Mom said.

At first, as a child expecting something a child can play with, i was confused. I didn't know what's this shiny black screen sitting in front kf me.

I look at my mom and raised my eyebrows out of confusion, then change my gaze to my dad who's standing on the other side of the table, crossing his hands.

"See, i told you she don't know anything about mobile phones. That gift is a bad idea, we should've bought her toys or books instead! " Dad said.

"Look dear, this is a mobile phone. With this, you can call mommy and daddy when we are not around" Mom said as she reached for the phone and start explaining its functions.

"Remember, you will only use this when it's an emergency, okay? " She added.

"Yes, mom" I said.

My 6th birthday ended just like that. My parents woke me up early in the morning, wearing office suits, gave the gift and then left.

I played around the phone mom gave me and fixed myself up for school. I brought the phone with me to the school and showed it to Andy and Angie.

They were so curious just like me at first. Asking so much questions just like any ordinary kid does.

"How does this work?" Andy asked.

"Wow~ i only see this things at older people hands and they seem so small, but now it's bigger than our hands! " Angie said.

I thought them everything i knew about a phone. Everyday at lunch break, we would meet together with the other children and talk about how cool the phone i had.

Several days later, the next thing i knew was both Andy and Angie got their phones too. I was very happy thinking we could talk through the phones now and that we can even spend more time together. Just any child-like bliss, but i was wrong... Instead, it was also for bitter reason.

"Lea, our mommy and daddy are taking us again somewhere far..." Angie said.

"But don't worry, we won't forget everything you said about the phone and we will call each other everyday! " Andy said.

"That's why you got your phone, because you're going away?" i asked.

"Yeah... Let's exchange numbers!!" Andy said.

I was sad, we were sad. We can't see each other anymore.. for a kid who thinks a mile is already that far, and by saying goodbye means bitter-ends... we were sad.

"Let's make a promise, we will never forget each other!" Andy said in as cheerful way possible.

He always had that positive and cheerful side of him, that i like...

I didn't knew that what i felt that day after they left is much more important and deeper for a child i was to have...