
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Realm of perfection, Parry

All of a sudden Tian Feng released all of his Peak Spirit concentration realm cultivation,shortly later his body started to enlarge,furry black hair appeared all over his body, the muscles on his face also morphed, now he looked almost the same as the Titan Ape phantom from earlier.

"This look really suits you ,I never thought you could become even hairier " Flare said mockingly

"You !!!!!!" Tian Feng shouted in rage

Seeing this, Flare knew he had to get really serious,if he fought like he did before he would probably lose in the next attacks.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Flames erupted all over his body and quickly condensed into his Battle Flame Armor, at the same time the heavy sword in his hand was suddenly sit a blaze.Across from him Tian Feng kept beating his chest like a crazy monkey you see in the forest.With a big leap, Tian Feng, in his 7 meter tall ape form, jumped really high into the sky about 25 meters, luckily the roof of the Battle Room was really high, but still, he almost collided with the roof .A second or so later he started to descend towards Flare's position like a cannon ball.

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

Flare dodged quickly ,Tian Feng collided with the concrete floor , destroying where Flare stood earlier . Flare's flaming sword slashed apart the air as he used the basic sword move .A silver iron stick suddenly appeared in Tian Feng's hands and block Flare's sword, however the flames still burnt the hair on his hand.

"Is that all you've got hairy monkey..."Flare mocked, but moments later his eyes opened wide in disbelief.

To Flare's surprise, the silver iron stick in Tian Feng's hand lengthened and attacked Flare who was only ten meters away,with so little time to respond, he could only protect himself from a fatal injury,but he was still sent flying swallowing some dirt in the process.

Tian Feng didn't give Flare any time to recover,he smashed down in a non-stop barrage with his iron stick. With no choice,he performed the basic sword move ,second style,block repeatedly to stop Tian Feng's continuous assault.Everytime he blocked the concrete under his feet would break apart,making it quite obvious that Tian Feng had the upper hand.

"Damn it ,who the hell told me to be so arrogont ,if I had activated the Fire Dragon Wings earlier I wouldn't be in this situation.If I activate it now ,I will surely lose balance and get hit directly with this iron stick" Flare cursed himself

After he received the fire Dragon Wings innate skill a few days ago ,he experimented with it,he soon realized that while it was activating he would lose balance for a second or two. This can be detrimental in a life or death battle as one second can determine the outcome.In his situation now,he knew if he activated it,he won't be able to defend himself properly.

"Am I really going to lose my first fight in the Battle God Palace?...."Flare said inwardly almost resigning to his fate


Some distance away Instructor Lily watched Flare's and Tian Feng fight intently ,if Flare was in any life threatening situations she would immediately intervene.

"That red haired boy's harmony is at least at 95% ,even for growth type talents that's almost unheard of ,if his talent was one rank higher at A rank, that ape kid would have lost within a few swords moves" Instructor Lily said shaking her head.

"But to fight so evenly for so long the Palace really picked up a treasure this time,In a few years when Ancient Lands opens up he will surely shine"saying that she was ready to stop the fight, as she was about to stop the fight she heard Flare shout and was amazed by the following sight.


"How can I lose my first real battle ,I won't accept this"


Flare's shout echoed in the surroundings as he fought with all he had, he started performing basic sword move faster and smoother.With the same amount of time he used to perform one basic sword move before,now he was performing two sword move in the same time.Performing a block then a slash, the pressure on him kept lowering.

He felt his comprehension of basic sword move started advancing at a very rapid rate ,from two sword moves to Three sword move it felt very unreal,but it didn't stop there,from three sword move to four,Tian Feng's huge body was finally forced back a few steps as Flare was performing the sword moves too fast.

A name of a new sword move also appeared in his mind that made him dazed for awhile.

No matter how fast an attack is just parry it.No matter how strong the attack is, just parry it,even if the stars are falling down on you, just parry it.

"do you need to take the blow head on? "

"No!" Flare said inwardly as he finally comprehended.

No matter how overwhelmed you feel, just use your sword to parry it.

Basic Sword Move realm of perfection, Fourth move, Parry.

[Congratulations you've advanced basic sword technique from completion to perfection without using the system, 1200 bonus points gained]

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Concentration Realm late stage

Burning Points (BP) : 1540

Talent : Dragon Flames B rank (A rank ?? )

Innate Skills :

Level 2 Dragon Flame armor (?? ) :( Cool down 1 hour 30 minutes ).....

Level 1 Fire Dragon Wings (??) : ...

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique (Realm of perfection)

Whoosh!Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Flare looked up as he felt wind blowing across his face,he saw Tian Feng's long steel stick smashing towards him again,this time he wasn't worried at all though ,instead he felt anticipation to test out his new sword move.

"Parry!!! "

As the tip of Flare's heavy sword touched the steel stick ,the heavy impact expected didn't happen , instead the steel stick slid across the body of the heavy sword away and away from Flare's body .

Flare neatly maneuvered himself until he was infront Tian Feng's large body, pouring all his strength into his sword ,he performed four slashes one after the other before Tian Feng could respond.

However like a ghost, Instructor Lily appeared and block the attacks for Tian Feng .

"Didn't you hear,no fatal blows are allowed!!!"

"This match, Flare wins!"

"No I can...." Tian Feng wanted to say something but was caught on his words.His eyes looked decadent as he avoided everyones eye contact.

"It might seem like you fall deeply here, however what really matter, is how high you bounce back " said instructor Lily. Although she didn't like Tian Feng's shameless behavior from earlier, to her Tian Feng was still young and could still be reshaped into a better person.

A few years later she would realize that her choice was correct.


The fights went on for a few more hours finally only Catherna's fight was left.She had a fight against Yang Yun from the Weapon Hall.

Using his Energy manipulatuon, he created many weapons and even beast out of pure energy. As his creations attacked Catherina, she only disappeared and reappeared at strange locations around the battle room making all of Yang Yun's attempts useless.

The last time she disappeared, she appeared behind Yang Yun, he soon felt something sharp pressing against his neck, with no other choice, he had to concede the fight, and that wrapped up the battle session.

Everyone in the room had mix expressions across their faces, some were clearly disappointed.Flare was probably the one who benefitted the most from this session. Now he saw and experienced how other people fought, before the only experience he had was fighting against monsters ,but now he clearly saw the difference.Humans were intelligent while Monsters are not.He also gained some good ideas of how he can used his fire talent.

The next thing Instructor Lily did was to tell us what category our talents fell in ,and without much surprise Flare was an Elemental talent. Suprisingly though quite a few of the disciples fell into more than one categories,like Xia Ming who is a weapon type and Elemental type ,Catherina is Special type and elemental type and Yuki is Elemental,special type and Beast type.

"For the people who placed in the top ten in the entrance examination, the Palace has awarded you contributions points , you can use it as you want, it should be on your disciple tokens by now" Instructor Lily said before the class ended