
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Battle session

The disciple introductions continued after Instructor Lily finish her unplanned lesson about harmony.

Tian Feng, awakened 2 months, S rank Titan ape Transformation ....

Mark Lee....

Yang Yun, awakened 2 months, S rank Energy Transformation. He was the other youth from the Weapon Hall who came to the main peak with with Flare.

Instructor Lily gave him a glance after hearing his talent , energy transformation talents no matter the rank is a top class talent.

"Another top talent, this year keeps on getting better and better "


After everyone finished their introductions, Instructor Lily brought them to a large room, bigger than a football field.

"The Battle God Palace is not like other sacred grounds, we don't nurture green house disciples, we don't need useless disciples who can't perform in real combat."

"After one year you will have to accept missions from outside the Palace,alot of unexpected things occurs on missions, so train well while you can"

"The next session of today's class is a battle session, no fatal attacks is allowed"

" Form two lines, 14 on each side, the person next to you in the opposite line will be your battle companion"

Flare and the others quickly followed instructor Lily's instructions, opposite him, in the next line he saw a tall, Muscular guy with a beard and mustache , despite his age being similar to Flare's, he looked twenty years older than him and everyone in the class. It was Tian Feng of the Beast Hall, who had the Titan ape Transformation talent.


Instructor Lily was very efficient,it didn't take long for the first fight to begin, it was Xia Ming against Fiona from medicine Hall.Out of all the Peaks, Medicine hall is known for being the weakest Peak in terms of Combat power because of how devote they are to medicine refining, however no one dared to mock them, instead they were given the utmost respect. Medicine refiners no matter where they go are treated well, because they have the power to save your life in the most desperate times , not only that they can even make pills that can increase cultivation. So just. Like Blacksmiths, they have a special status anywhere.

Xia Ming and Fiona's battle drew alot of attention as they were both really beautiful, for boys age 16 and 17 with high hormones, they couldn't help themselves from turning their heads.

"what the hell, is the Battle god Palace purposely recruiting girls with good looks" Flare said inwardly,he wasn't a Saint either he couldn't help but look a few times before he coud controll himself .

Back on the battlefield, Xia Ming Summoned her large heavenly hammer.This made a really funny sight as the hammer was at least twice her size.At the same time opposite her Fiona's body was surrounded by white Flames,her flames strangely gave off both hot and cold energy that strangely didn't reject each other, instead it visibly danced around her body happily.

Xia Ming's heavenly hammer fell from the sky and attacked Fiona on it's own, like Thor's hammer, it carried lightning and thunder with it everywhere it went. Fiona controlled here white Flames forming a shield that completely surrounded her,it protected her from any unwanted attacks.

Xia Ming's heavenly hammer impacted Fiona's shield causing a huge explosion of energy. As the commotion settled Fiona's shield could be seen with multiple visible cracks, but she was still unharmed.

Xia Ming's Heavenly Hammer returned to her hands as she prepared her next attack. This time more thunder gathered around her hammer causing a blinding light.

Sensing the terror of Xia Ming's thammer, Hot and Cold energy started to spread out from Fiona's body which slowly formed two lotuses, one emitting hot air and the other cold air. The lotus that emitted cold air enlarged around Fiona's body forming a lotus shield that looked many times sturdier than the one from earlier, while the other lotus attacked Xia Ming at a very fast speed but was met by Xia Ming's Heavenly Hammer.

Boom! Boom! Boom! boom!

Loud explosions were heard as the thunder hammer smashed the fire lotus. After destroying the white fire lotus the hammer attacked Fiona's Ice lotus shield ferociously.

Bang! bang! bang! bang!

The shield slowly cracked but the hammer also lost alot of it's ferocity.

As Xian Ming prepared for another round of attacks Instructor Lily stopped the fight .

"This match is a draw , next "

"Wait why" Xia Ming asked utterly surprised.

" This is not a battle of life and death , there's no need to fight too desperately ,save that for the outer disciple competition" said Instructor Lily

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief hearing Instructor Lily, she didn't have much attacking skills,only defence,if the fight continued it's only a matter of time for her to lose, well unless she used her pills....


Yuki was next person to fight , she was up against Azizi who had the S rank Metal body talent.

Miora didn't appear ,she only took out her Tier 3 enchanted ice bow.

It didn't take long for tens of ice arrows to attack Azizi from all directions, however the arrows were only met by his metal skin.With his defence he can ignore almost all attacks,however it came with a huge disadvantage,he was really slow, something that Yuki excelled in.

Few minutes passed since their battle started, after Azizi block3d hundreds of ice arrows with his metal body ,he ran out spiritual energy because of overusing his talent,he had no choice but to concede.


Flare watched all the fights from start to end ,this was the perfect opportunity for him to see how geniuses from the New World fought.

Flare vs Tian Feng !!!

Finally it was Flare's turn to fight, Infront of Tian Feng ,it really looked like a mismatch,not because of his height but because of how old Tian Feng looked.

"Don't think that because you have a growth type talent you are something special, until you can upgrade it to S class you're not my opponent ,you better concede "said Tian Feng ,although his words were really arrogant,you could see no arragonce in his eyes.

Some disciples in the crowd who took the entrance exam looked at Tian Feng like they were looking at a idiot.

"Humphh because you were privately recruited you think you can look down on us...wait till brother Flare teach you a lesson "said one of the disciples

However on the battlefield Flare and Tian Feng heard nothing.

"You don't need to worry about me , fight me with all you've got " Flare said with strong self confidence

"You can't say you weren't warmed" Tian Feng said shaking his head.

As soon as he finished speaking a large 10 foot ape phantom appeared behind him ,and smashed towards Flare with it's humongous fist with no warning.

"That shameless bastard he is cheating ,Flare clearly isn't ready"One of the disciples from earlier who were defending Flare said .

"Shut up !!! On the battlefield ,will the monsters or your enemies wait until you're ready to fight" Instructor Lily said sternly but in her heart she cursed Tian Feng for his shamelessness.


Wind blew across Flare's face as the ape's fist rapidly approached him ,Flare quickly summoned his Battle Flame armor to surround his arms as he didn't have time for the full transformation,he punched out as soon as the armor covered his arms.The collision forced Flare backwards and caused the concrete floor under Flare's feet to break .After taking dozens of step back he finally steadied himself..

finally getting a foothold he couldn't help but give Tian Feng a second glance,just now he was acting all righteously,soon after he pulled such a shameless tactic,if it was anyone else they would lose in that one punch, the words earlier was clearly only an act.

Flare immediately summoned his heavy sword ,this time taking the initiative , he performed the basic sword move first style ,slash.Flames accompanied the sword everywhere it went ,lighting up the large battle room.Sensing the danger ,Tian Feng's Titan ape phantom appeared Infront him and blocked the incoming flaming sword with crossed arms which caused Large sword wounds to appear on the Titan ape phantom arms,if it was real it would of been seriously injured .

"He his better than I thought ,seems like placing first in the entrance exam wasn't only for show"Tian Feng said himself

" you should feel proud for drawing out my full strength " Tian Feng said arrogantly, showing his true colors.

"Good, your Titan Ape's fist only tickled my skin" Flare said teasingly, he was evidently still upset with Tian Feng's shamelessness earlier.

"You....you... " said Tian Feng stuttering.