
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Fire Tower

"Greetings Elder Park "Instructor Lily said respectfully

"Didn't I tell you stop being so formal,I and your master are good friends"Elder Park said laughingly

"What do you think of the outer disciples this time around "

"It's my first time teaching but it definitely seems better than usual "Instructor Lily said after some pondering


" it's not only us, other sacred grounds are seeing a surge in talents"

"The monsters are getting more and More rampant outside lately, we need to train those kids properly,the calm New World will be thrown into turmoil pretty son.


"Since they love the training grounds so much, we can increase the difficulty,

they need to get use to being outnumbered and feel more pressure, the Palace Master also agreed"

" That means we will need to buy more monsters from other cities" said Instructor

"Ohh damn it I forgot about that"

"Sometime I really forget that your only twenty years old"Elder Park said with a smile

" The strength of the disciples is more important than a little gold coins"

"Ohh do you know when your master will be back "Elder Park said with sparkling eyes

"No she didn't say anything to me " Instructor Lily Said shaking her head

"Ohh can you tell me when she is back,I can give you a good reward"

"Last time I told you I was punished I can't do that again"


Flare stood infront a tall red tower on the Main peak. It was the Fire tower that Su Wei told him about in the beginning.

A week went by really fast, during this time he went to classes on the Main peak and every other day he would practice his Weapon refining skills on the Weapon Peak. During this time he heard that Yuki , Catherina and some other disciples had already broken through to spirit transformation realm.Although it was expected as they were already S class talent and he is only B class,he still felt a sense of urgency.

Because he was still lacking the fire seed his progression slowed down a lot. Once he forms the second fire seed it will be only a matter of time for him to break though to spirit transformation realm.

Flare received 1000 contribution points for coming first in the entrance exam. That was only enough for him to spend two hours in the Fire Tower. He planned on only staying one hour and keep 500 contribution points for the future.

"I really hope this is worth it "

Flare prayed inwardly, he already found out how hard it is to get contribution points, if you don't take on difficult missions it's really hard to get a lot.

Apart from missions ,disciples can trade in gold coins for contribution points.100,000 gold coins can be exchanged for only 1 contribution point,so without being super wealthy this method isn't feasible.

"Oh I forgot, I can sell my refined weapons in the furue ,I won't be so poor for long hahaha"

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Concentration Realm late stage

Burning Points (BP) : 1540

Talent : Dragon Flames B rank (A rank ?? )

Innate Skills :

Level 2 Dragon Flame armor (?? ) :( Cool down 1 hour 30 minutes ).....

Level 1 Fire Dragon Wings (??) : ...

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique (Realm of perfection)

"I also need to hurry and breakthrough I'm eager to find out what is behind those question marks "

"I hope the burning points needed to upgrade further isn't too outrageous "

The fire tower is divided into three floors, the higher the floors the more benefits you can receive, but at the same time the higher the floors the more contribution points is needed.

With his current contribution points he can only stay on the first floor.

After paying the contribution points he entered the Fire Tower.Walking through the first floor the first thing he noticed was the hot spiritual energy that slowly burnt his skin the further he walked on the floor. At some point the heat became so unbearable, he had stop as his skin color slowly turning red.Even with his high affinity with fire element he couldn't withstand it for too long.

He had no choice but to sit down quietly and and cultivate.

Performing the Flaming Battle Body, the spiritual energy in the tower rushed towards him like a tide,quenching his body and spirit.


Time passed by very quickly,the absorbed spiritual energy slowly turned into the second fire seed. It took the shape of a diamond tattoo right beside the other diamond tattoo in his chest.

His bones and muscles trembled the same time the the second Fire seed was formed.Without even testing it out he knew that his physical strength and defence just took a big step forward.

Also to his surprise,his cultivation rank that moved at snail pace for the past few days, was now advancing very rapidly.It climbed From late spirit concentration realm to the pinnacle of peak spirit concentration realm, only one foot away from spirit transformation realm.

He already had a plan of how he could catch up with the other disciples and step into Spirit Transformation realm very soon.


Flare's next destination was the training grounds of the Battle God Palace.The training ground was created by the first Palace master of the Battle God Palace to train the disciples in combat while helping them to break through faster.The training ground was located on a separate mountain peak, solely for training disciples. Every year experts would capture low level and higher level monsters from outside the Palace and place them into the training grounds. However that's not what makes the training ground so special for Flare and the others. When monsters come to the training ground the elders perform a special technique on them.When the disciples kill the monsters, the monsters will turn into an monster orb, something completely different from monster cores. These orbs are full of pure spiritual energy, if you can absord this pure spiritual energy your cultivation speed will increase at a rapid pace.The stronger the monster, the better the orb that is dropped.

However there is no free lunch in the world, the Palace doesn't prohibit disciples from fighting against each other, so robbing is a frenquent occurrance in the training ground s.Only killing and crippling other disciples is not allowed. Because of that, it isn't uncommon for disciples from same Mountain peak to team up against other Mountain Peaks, turning it into almost a competition for which mountain peaks disciples do the best.

After verifying his identity and paying the 100 contribution points needed to enter,Flare went to the foot of the mountain which was designated to outer disciples on the training ground.No inner disciples or higher is allowed entry.

He carefully travelled for almost an hour without even seeing a single monster.Flare could be seen sneakily hiding, as he looked for monsters.Moments later he saw a group of green skinned lizards walking around.They had two hands and two feet closely resembling features of a human.He already looked up what kind of monsters were in the training ground and knew this was a monster called the lizardmen.Although the ones Infront him are only regular Tier 2 monsters,Lizardmen are known for their intelligence and , because of that they are one of the most difficult monster to deal with in the training ground .

Flare wasted no time ,he performed four slashes that reaped the lives of the group of Lizardmen.

Instead of their corpses falling onto the floor, their bodies turned into light particles which then condensed into monster orbs.

At this time something unexpected happened

[Congratulations you've killed an early stage tier 2 monster, 5 burning points gained]

[Congratulations you've killed an early stage tier 2 monster, 5 burning points gained]

These messages left him dumfounded,he never expected to get burning points as he thought the monsters in the training ground were already dead.

" What!!!!! if I can get burning points that means the monsters here are not dead"

"luckily I found this out early or else I would be too careless later on"Flare said as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well that's good , I would have had to wait a year to collect burning points ,now I can slowly accumulate some here"Flare said excitedly


Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp!

Flare's mouth released gulping sounds as he swallowed four monster orb in one go.Pure and refined spiritual energy circled his body, leaving his pores craving for more.Although it isn't enough for him to break though to spirit transformation realm ,he could feel that a few more of these orbs will likely do the trick.

Wasting no time he cleaned up the rest of the Lizardmen in the area,but it was still not enough so he needed to find stronger monsters.

Suddenly as he was looking at a snow leopard a few meters Infront him, he heard voices coming not too far away from him.Following the sounds he saw five youths ganging up on Catherina.

"You better obediently follow us and point us to where the monsters are , don't think that your Blossom Peak can interfere if we seriously injure you."

"How did you find out about my talent"Catherina said grimly.

"Does that matter? you better be obedient, or else you will sent out of the training grounds" said the youth with a dark haired cat beside him.

Happy holidays

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