
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

One Thousand Hammers of Salvation

Infront of Flare and the others there was a large scroll depicting a hammering method, at the top of the scroll there was a very eye catching name 'One thousand hammers to salvation', creator, Holy Emperor Authur.

The name left them really shocked, Holy Emperor Authur is someone who's legend started on the Blue Star even before humans started to explore the New World, it later spread even more in the New. His legends of defeating thousands of Monsters with one swing of his hammer still resounded even in the present, drilling fear into their very soul.

They were also very confused, how come they learning such a legendary technique while just entering the Battle God Palace.

"This technique was made by one our founders, Holy emperor Authur, over 4000 years ago, this is one of the techniques that spearheaded humans on the path of weapon refining. He is also the one who created the Weapon Hall"

"This hammer technique is a unique technique only available in our Weapon hall, you can't use contribution points to get it inside the Palace, unless the Palace master wants to award someone with it, you can never get it"

"Every mountain Peak has there own unique methods that are not available to other mountain peaks, but out of all of them ours can be said to be one of the most important "

"To get the information you have to drip some of your blood on the scroll, the information about this method will be sent to your mind, however, if you do that you are also signing an oath, that you can never break"

The excitement in the room suddenly died down, Flare heard many rumors about oaths,they were not good. Some oaths can even enslave someone for life, the last thing he wanted was to become a slave just after starting he awakened. Thankfully the next words from Deacon Wu made him feel a little relieved.

"Many people over the years tried using shameless methods to get our techniques, so we make our disciples sign a oath before they can learn it just incase there is spy amongst them, it only restricts you from ever teaching anyone it and if you betray the Battle God Palace you can never use this technique again, if you do..... " A sudden chill was spread into the surroundings as Deacon Wu finished speaking

" Many spies over the years died because they underestimated this oath, it is said even a Holy Spirit Realm expert will only turn into blood mist infront of this oath."

Listening to Deacon Wu last words he felt better, although the punishment was really harsh, for him it was no problem, Flare always wondered how come there are so many techniques in the world but they never spread out, without joining any organization you can never find out about them, now it was clear they used oaths to protect their secrets.

Flare only hesitated for a moment before he dripped some of his blood on the scroll.

Information about the technique quickly appeared in his mind, he could see a man performing the hammer strikes, he swing of his hammer caused a resonance with the metal he was refining, he also saw that man using the same hammer strikes to attack thousands of monsters that was swarming towards him , all the monsters exploded into blood mist when they met the strike of the hammer covering the earth red. At the same time he could feel as if he was being wrapped up tightly into a bondage, he knew this was the path being placed on him.


After everyone finished receiving the technique, Deacon Wu started talking again.

"When you strike your metal with the hammer, channel your mind power into your hammer so that when your hammer meets the Silvermoon stone, you can feel the changes happening in the molten silvermoon metal, you will be able to control it's shape"

" You are free to create anything you want. You can also reinforce the hammer with spiritual energy if you think it's not strong enough"said Deacon Wu

As soon as Deacon Wu finished explaining, Flare followed the one thousand hammers to salvation and lifted the one thousand pound hammer by the side of his work space with relative ease,or a body cultivator like him this hammer technique really suited his weird taste in using brute force.

Bang! Bang! Tink! Tink!

With a swing of his arms, the hammer heavily impacted the molten silvermoon stone causing sparks to fly upon every impact.Although it looked really fragile after being in the furnace, it's sturdiness left Flare's hand really numb from being unprepared. He wasnt the only one, because some of them didn't have a strong body like Flare, they had to take a few steps back to steady themselves from the impact caused by hitting Molten Silvermoon Stone.

The only person that looked steady was the only female, she wasn't using the hammer provided by Deacon Wu, she was a hammer that looked like it was condensed from pure spiritual energy, it had weird patterns on it's surface that gave it an out of. The world feeling, it was clearly not simple. Another weird thing was that she wasn't holding the hammer, it moved on its own while she only observed,because of that she didn't have to deal with the impact from striking the stone.

"That's her weapon talent,not only can it be used in battle, it can also used as the hammer when weapon refining " Deacon WU said seeing Flare and the others confused eyes.


One strike, two strikes, three strikes...

Flare swung the hammer non-stop as he struck the molten silvermoon stone that was slowly cooling.

He was so into the process that he even forgot to keep track of time and ignored the tiredness that his body felt. He suddenly realized that blacksmithing was very interesting for a brute like him. Reaching 1000 strikes his aching body woke him up from his reverie,his body could no longer support his crazy behavior, the silvermoon Stone was already in the shape of a short sword, only requiring him to sharpen the edges.

Looking around Flare finally realized that only him and Deacon Wu was left in the room.

Standing there Deacon Wu was still in shocked.The qualifications of a genius naturally differed depending on a person's age.

Being able to perform one thousand strikes the first time after learning One Thousand Hammers of Salvation was unprecedented in the Four thousand years of the Battle God Palace , he was absolutely worthy of being called a genius.

However, Deacon Wu didn't plan on telling Flare any of his thoughts. Seeing that Flare finally came back to his senses he spoke after a while "doing one thousand hammer strikes on your first attempt not bad, you must be cultivating your body to make it this far... "

"Can this be called a sword? this can't even cut vegetables. "Deacon Wu said as he observed Flare's short sword.

" You're too focused on brute force, if you could control yourself this short sword would have been complete after your one thousand strikes"

"On your own time you should practice without these special furnaces, until you can use the furnace without help you can't even be considered a forger"

"Your talent is fire related so you can use your own flames instead of the fire from the volcano, you will realize that you can control the heat much better without using your mind power too much"

"Refine these stones into weapons for practice until we meet again, starting tomorrow you'll have to go to the main peak for lessons"Deacon Wu said as he handed Flare six unrefined Silvermoon stone

After Flare left an old man walked in, it was elder Sung

"Greetings Elder Sung" Deacon Wu bowed respectfully and greeted

"How are this years outer disciples? "Elder Sung asked as he smoked a pipe

" It is really as you said this years disciples are really beyond ordinary, especially that red hair boy and the little ancestor"

"the red haired boy performed one thousand strikes only few hours after he learnt the technique" Deacon Wu said, still really surprised.

"He really isn't ordinary, wait until you see him fight "Elder Sung said with some praise.

Also the little ancestor talent is really heaven made for becoming a blacksmith, if she can stop being so naughty..... I mean if she focuses she will be unmatched in weapon refining" Deacon Wu said quickly correcting himself.


In the middle of the night Flare arrived at his residence and jumped into his bed comfortably, finally relaxing his tense body. He thought about everything that happened today, it happened so fast he wondered sometime if it's real.

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