
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

New System Ability

Standing next to flare Yuki's long white hair blew with the wind, even though her face looked cold as always, it couldn't hide her beauty, with clear skin and curvaceous body that not even her clothes could hide, Flare couldn't help but look in a daze

The little ice Phoenix appeared and looked at Flare in distain " is it the first time you're seeing someone beautiful stinky dragon boy"

"I..." Flare felt embarrassed

"Keep looking and I'll freeze your eyeballs pervert "

"Little Mi show respect to Vice Dean Meng" Yuki said


Looking at Flare Vice Dean Meng asked "What are your conditions to evolve your talent".

Without thinking Flare' said" my condition is related to battle".

"You're really lucky your condition isn't one of the unreasonable one's, alot of growth type talents die in the process of trying to fulfill their unreasonable conditions " Dean Meng said

"When you both choose an organization you should choose wisely, and also remember don't get too arrogant in the New world although you can still be considered geniuses, in the New World they are thousands of geniuses like you there, what will set you apart is how hard you work.

Taking out 6 items dean Meng said "you can choose one item each from these, this is the reward the school will be giving you"

"Some of these items might be useful to you or not pet fate decide "

Flare cursed in his heart how will I know what I'm choosing. Walking to the items Flare tried to examine them carefully, suddenly when he looked at one of the items a. bunch information appeared above it, he almost screamed , after calming down he realized it was one of the systems ability to identify items and their uses. "with this won't I be able to identify gold in a pile of thrash?"

Looking at the items again he browsed their information

Name : Ice Luan bird core

Grade : Tier 3

Uses: when used by someone under Spirit core realm it can help to increase cultivation , get double or triple the results when used by someone with ice related talents or ice related cultivation techniques.

Name : Ice Luan Bird blood essesnce

Grade : tier 3

Uses : Containing a trace of ice phoenix blood, when used by someone with ice related talent or Cultivation arts, it increases their control over the ice element and also has 10% probability of gaining an ability of the Ice Luan Bird.

Name : Tiger Beast Bone

Uses : the bone contains an ability of the Horned red Tiger, absorbing the bone will allow you to gain an ability of the Horned Tiger.

Name: Blood Fruit

Grade: unranked

Uses :Cleanses Impurities from the body, improves physique, physical strength and defense

Name : Red flame grass

Grade: unranked

Uses : Burn impurities in the body, Increases control over Fire , If used when cultivating fire based cultivation arts can increase the cultivation speed by atleast 2 or 3 times

Meteor Iron : Rare material used to make enchanted weapons.

Looking at all these material Flare was tempted to take everything and run, he finally focused on three items, Tiger beast Bone, Blood fruit and Red flame Grass.

Meanwhile Yuki directly picked up the Ice Luan Blood essence that Little MIora hovered above .After some thinking Flare eliminated the Tiger beast bone because he will soon get to pick 2 martial arts. An extra ability would do more harm than good

In school when other students chose multiple basic martial arts, he only chose basic Sword arts and it paid off, only Flare and Yuki completely mastered their skills defeating everyone in their class.


Only two choices remained for Flare, Blood fruit and Red flame Grass. After careful consideration he chose Blood Fruit, although Red flame Grass can help increase his flame control, a stronger body is more beneficial to flare right now, he only knows sword technique right now so he would have to fight close range where a strong body is essential.

Looking at their choices dean Meng nodded in appreciation, "you can go and choose martial arts with the others"


Martial Arts Tower one of the most restricted buildings in Sky martial High school, stores all the school's martial arts. Standing infront the entrance an old man opened his eyes," You have 1 hour to select martial arts,, When you find a suitable martial art bring it to me".

In the martial arts tower shelves stretched farther than the eye could see. The martial arts tower is divided into sections, cultivation arts Section., martial skills section , Body arts Section.Cultivation arts are techniques that help an awakened individual absorb the Spirit energy in the air to increase spirit power. Martial skills utilizes spirit energy with strength of the body to attack, defend and escape. Body arts are techniques that uses spirit energy to temper the body.

Flare went directly to the Martial skills section. Picking up a scroll the information came to his mind

Mountain Tiger fist - Grade 1 martial skill divided into 4 fist strikes... Practicing this skill to completion allows every punch to generate a Mountain Tiger phantom.

Swift palm- Grade 1 martial skill, practicing this skill allows you to attack with 3 palm strikes in a single attack ....

Golden bell manifestation - grade 1 Defence martial skilll,. Ultimate defense skill, manifest a giant golden bell to protect the body

Cloud step - Grade 1 movement martial skill....

Lonely blade - Grade 1 martial skill...


Flare leisurely went through around 100 martial skills when suddenlynhe heard "You have 10 minutes remaining" snapping out of his reverie Flare almost cursed himself, he was so shock seeing so many martial arts he forgot his purpose. Moving quickly to where Sword martial skills were Flare started to browse again.

Basic Sword Move - grade 1 sword skill, containing 4 sword moves, If practiced to perfection learning sword skills in the future will be easier as every sword skill has basic sword moves as its foundation.

This was the sword skill he had already intended to learn , he was already practicing a version of the basic sword skill for unawakened individuals, Now although he has to start all over, there is a chance he can directly learn this technique to Mastery as the only difference between this version and the unawakened version is that you have to channel spirit energy in your body to assist the sword skill.

Mastering a martial art can be divided into 4 stages , Innitial stage , Mastery, Completion and finally Perfection

Picking up the the technique he quickly went a to his next destination, the Body arts section he was looking for a body tempering technique, ever since he was young he had a weaker body than someone his age, which is not entirely Flare's fault as he was an orphan and was only given the bare minimum food since young while other children were eating beast meat that contains alot of spirit energy that can nourish their body, if he was not talented at learning martial arts he would be at bottom of the basic martial arts class with his weak body.

With the body tempering arts he intends to make up for his body's weak starting point, although it would be expensive to learn these body tempering arts because he is now almost at the peak of spirit Awakening realm he can hunt low level beast outside the city and sell.


Demon blood art- Grade 1 body tempering art,Use beast blood and temper the body,

Steel bone art- Grade 1 body tempering art- use spirit energy to temper the bones into steel,

Snake scale armor art-Grade 1 body tempering art- use spirit energy to temper the skin, can manifest a snake scale armor over the body in battle.

Dragon elephant Body - Grade 1 body tempering art....

Flare continued to look through all the body arts without anything catching his eyes, when suddenly he saw an old looking red scroll at the bottom of the shelf that almost blended into the shelf's background, Reading the scroll flare eyesball almost fell out

Incomplete Flaming Battle Body- Grade 1 peak body cultivation method , Use your body as the medium to absorb fire spirit energy to temper into a Flaming Battle Body.

(Warning Talent specified technique - if you do not have the talent of Flames or a strong Physical type talent do not practice).

"I actually found a body cultivation method!! Did the luck Gods fall for my handsome face" Flare said narcissistically.