
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Growth type talent. Troubled times

Back on the stage, Lines under Flare's feet lit up forming some words. D Rank Talent( Growth type) - Dragon Flames

Seeing the scene of Flare's talent Awakening the audience was dumbfounded.

"Did the crystal ball BREAK?!! "

"No way, Is he trying to cheat? "

"humphh, Is your brain fill with water after you awakened? do you think anyone can cheat infront of the dean and instructors "

"Instructor can I go again since the crystal ball is broken". A student who still hasn't come to terms with his failure asked

The instructor's snapped from their dazed state, "silence!! "Nothing is wrong with the crystal ball,

" So why did it glow so many color!!"

With a gaze from the instructor that student fell to the floor passing out ." As I said nothing is wrong with the crystal ball"

"You should have already learnt about growth type talents in school, student Flare awakened a growth type talent which is even rarer that S class talents.It glowed all the colors because the talent Rank isn't fixed like yours or mine, It has the the potential to continously grow and evolve once the specific conditions are met. Right now his talent is only D Rank but it has the potential to be S rank"

"Instructor what are conditions "Isaac asked

" Conditions for every growth type talent evolution are all different, some need rare herbs, some evolve in battle, some require the owner to stand in a volcano or In a lightning storm, some evolve once the owner's cultivation increases, all in all conditions for growth type talents are all different , only the owner will know the condition to evolve, Isn't that right student Flare? "

Snapping out of his contemplation Flare answered "Yes instructor I already know my condition", thinking about it, collecting Burning points should be considered my condition although it was a bit different. This is also better for me as in the future when his talent evolves it won't draw too much attention. "

" You luck is pretty good, it's been 30 years since the last Growth type talent appeared in the city , although right now your talent is D Rank you won't be treated any different than any S class talents"


*Yuki's Soul Space POV *

"Little white why are you so irritated "asked Yuki

" hummph, Idk it should be because of that stinky dragon" said the little white Phoenix

"Did he awaken a summon like you?" asked Yuki with interest

" No I don't sense any Dragon, but that dragon flame has the breath of a stinky dragon, he should only have the dragon Flame" said the little ice phoenix

"Is that flame as strong as your Ice talent? "

"how can a stinky dragon flame compares to this queen's Ice, it might be comparable to your Ice talent though"

"Don't we have the same Ice talent?" Yuki asked with a smile

" Oh Stop calling me little white!! , call me Queen or Empress" Said little white irritable while changing the subject

" OK how about little sister Mio.... Umm... From now I'll call you Miora Snow " said Yuki

"this queen will reluctantly accept that name"


* Dean Lu's POV *

" Dean a growth type Dragon talent also appeaered" said Vice Dean Meng"

Dean Lu didn't answer for a while just stood there looking into the sky after a while he said "A Dragon and Phoenix appeared at the sametime, seems like the dangers us humans will face in a few years will be worse than ever"

"Not only our city but all the other major city's have been getting rare talents since the last few years" said Vice Dean Meng

With a gaze that could tear time and space itself two figures came into Dean Lu's view "A dragon and a Phoenix huhhhhh .... So auspicious... All we can do is leave this on the Younger generation and rest our old bones"

" I contacted some old guys from the Battle God Palace, make some accommodations for them tomorrow "

"What Dean!!! Of all the major holylands in the New world they have the highest death rate, what if these 2 kids die early!"

"Before I would consider that but now we are in the most chaotic times,these 2 kids are unpolished jades that needs to be polished through blood and fire

I hope my decisions this time is not wrong", with that Dean Lu disappeared.


*Back to the stage *

"Next Abu Cante",

"Hey Flare I told you my luck would of passed to you" said Isaac smugly.

"It looks like you also awakened a beauty talent with your fire talent"

"Why is that "Flare was puzzled

" look in this mirror"

Looking in the mirror Flare was stunned, his short red hair suddenly became long red hair, his decently handsome face from before now looks devishly handsome causing the girls in the surrounding to stare, checking his clothes it also got alot shorter although he didn't know his exact height he was atleast 15cm taller. , "I came here to awaken talent not to become a gigolo " Flare cursed

"Don't worry when you attract the girls it would be easier for to make a move ". With a whoosh Flare kicked Isaac to the ground. 2 hours passed since Flare awakened now the ceremony is coming to an end after Flare the highest talent that was awakened was a orphan Boy named Luca Braun awakening dual B class talents.

" I know alot of you might be disappointed by your talent but just remember the only way to turn your situation around is to work harder than anyone else around you , in the past their have have been quite a few low level talents that achieved something great even in the New world, there is one thing that is incommon for all, that is they work harder than their peers. When you sleep, they train, when you take part in worldly pleasures they train and when you are complaining about your low talent they train.So just remember talent only determines your future by a certain extent the rest is all on hard work and luck". After saying that a few students lifted their head with clenched fist. Looking at those students the instructors nodded in appreciation.

" Tomorrow all students who awaken C class talents and higher can participate in an once in a lifetime opportunity to enter the New World. As for the rest, you can still try to enter colleges and organizations from the blue star.m, Ymyou can leave now."

" Noah Lee, Yuki Snow, Franseca Fiore, Isaac Flores, Flare Hitoshi, Luca Braun stay behind"

In a luxurious room Flare and 5 other student stood, An old man with long white and a goatee walked in, even though you can tell that he was definitely old, his skin is silky smooth not wrinkled at all.After humans awakened 5000 years ago they solved one of their most long lasting problems that not even their advanced science and technology could solve that was increasing life spans. As soon a person awakens their life span directly jumps from 80 or 90 years old to 150 years, the stronger you are the longer your life spans.

"Vice Dean Meng" Flare and the others said in unison

"it's been many years since our high school had so many talented individuals in one Awakening,tomorrow the chances of you all to be chosen by an Holy land is really high.The school will award you all with a chance to enter the martial arts Pavillion and choose 2 martial arts and pick a Grade 2 Enchanted weapon. " said Vice Dean Meng

Weapon grades can divided into 9 rank,weapons from grade 1-6 are enchanted weapons, Grade 7 are called king weapons, Grade 8 are imperial weapons and grade 9 are holy weapons.

" Although you all here are considered genius on the Blue planet, when you arrive in the New world you can only be called Average. Those born in the New World have been nourished by the plentiful spirit energy since they were young, because of that, S and A class talents are not very rare. So when you arrive in the New world no matter which force you join, if you don't work hard, you'll quickly be left to eat scraps, as you can be easily replaced there "

" What about Growth type talents" Flare asked with interest.

Looking at Flare Dean Meng said "Even in the New world Growth type talents are rare,when a growth type talent appears in the New world all forces will fight over that talent, tomorrow you should carefully pick a holy land "

" You can all leave now except Yuki and Flare"

*Authors Note*

Spirit Awakening realm - 150 years

Spirit Concentration realm- 150 years

Spirit Transformation realm-150 years

Spirit Core realm- 300 years

Earth spirit realm - 500 years

Heavenly spirit realm - 1000 years

Spirit king - 2000-3000 years

Spirit emperor -5000-8000 years

Holy spirit realm- 10, 000 - 30,000 years