
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Flame training

"I actually found a body cultivation method!"Body cultivation methods are one of the rarest type of martial arts, not even with enough money can you buy a body cultivation method. A body cultivation method is basically a cultivation art and a Body tempering art in one.

Unlike regular cultivation arts that specializes in storing spirit energy in the energy center located in the abdomen , a Body cultivation method allows you to absord and store most of the spirit energy in your body, which can both temper the body and improve cultivation.

" I hope I'm not using up all my life's luck in one day" Flare said in his heart

"The martial arts tower is about to closed everyone leave! "

When Flare arrived outside it seemed that everyone already left, bowing to the elder, Flare gave the scrolls to the elder.

"The Flaming Battle Body has been in the martial art tower for over a century you're the first person to find it, seems like you have talent"

"Activate your talent while holding the scroll the information will be sent to your mind"

Hearing this Flare did what was told, soon after his entire body was covered in flames but strangely it didn't burn his clothes, the information about the technique was also sent to his mind.

Handing Flare a new scroll the elder said "This scroll contains the basic sword moves, hold it and channel spirit energy into it"

Just like before all the information was sent to his mind.

With that the elder closed his eyes again like a statue.


*Dean Lu POV*

Blending In the surroundings Dean Lu followed Flare as he went to pick martial arts. Almost a hour passed, Dean Lu shook his head in disappointment

"I was hoping that dragon flame kid would find that technique but it seems they don't have fate together"Dean Lu said shaking his head however, when he was about to leave he saw Flare going over to the Body arts section so he decided to watch.

He watched flare go through all the martial arts

" just look a little down kid, it's blending into the background ! "

Like Flare's Cheerleader Dean Lu cheered for Flare silently when he finally saw Flare pick up the scroll , He rubbed is white beard "the New world will be interesting soon" with that he disappeared"


Very late in the night Flare walked to his dorm room , he lived in the school dormitory because of the scholarship he received, although he worked part time at the weapon store it only allowed him to eat a bit better than normal orphans he couldn't afford a place for himself.

Laying on his bed Flare was lost in his thoughts, today everything happened so quickly he didnt have time to properly process.

As he thought about his life in the orphanage until now, tears welled up in his eyes, since he was young the scorn from people and the constant verbal abuse didn't make him cry but now he couldn't hold back the tears, what he buried down for years finally overflowed at this moment,"finally my hard work paid off "he knew that starting today he had an opportunity to live a comfortable life free of scorn and worries.

Wiping his tears he said in to himself "what am I thinking....I have the opportunity to stand above all others, why should I just seek to live comfortable life? If I can live a comfortable life now what about 10 years later?.... 15 years later?..... Without strength can someone really live a comfortable life? "

The success today he had today completely clouded Flare's mind, but every question Flare asked himself, was like a sword spitting the clouds in the sky. Flare gradually came back to his senses looking at the ceiling of his room he murmured" Vice Dean Meng was right, I almost lost myself in my initial success "

After saying that he took out the blood fruit that he got as an award,he stared at it for a few seconds, he was already warned about the pain he will face after taking it but Flare still swallowed the Blood Fruit in one go.

Like a bomb explosion Flare felt spiritual energy completely erupt from his abdomen spreading to different parts of his body, at the same time he felt like thousands of ants were crawling over his skin. As time passed his muscles and internal organs constantly contracted and expand pushing impurities out of his body.

As all of this was happening his cultivation brokethrough to spirit Awakening peak stage, one step away from spirit concentration realm. Although he felt his breakthrough, he couldn't even celebrate because of the pain he was going through , after 30 minutes he passed out.


Deep in the night Flare woke up to a terrible stench that assaulted his nose, he ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Few minutes later Flare looked at his reflection in the mirror, before, although he had a handsome face, his body was Really lacking, now although he wasn't necessarily buffed, he has well defined muscles. Looking at his little brother downstairs he was even more proud "Not only am I handsome but I have monster downstairs, let's see who looks down on me in the future"

He then activated system view

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Awakening peak stage

Burning Points (BP) : 0

Talent : Dragon Flames D rank (C rank 0/100 BP)

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique mastery stage

[ Sytem AI Help: Burn your enemies, ignite the world to get Burning Points (BP). ]

Now my body is alot tmstronger after taking that fruit I can concentrate on martial arts.

"it's time to practice the basic sword move, I hope I can directly reach mastery "

Holding an old sword, Flare did his familiar sword movements, only difference is, this time he used spiritual energy. Following the spiritual energy pathway he directly mastered the first sword move, reaching the initial stage of the technique.Ater getting used to the the first basic sword move, he wanted to try the second basic sword move and reach mastery.

2 hours passed and to no avail could Flare master the second move each time the spirit energy would disperse before he could complete the sword move.

When it seemed as if he would have to call it a night, he completed the second sword move finally reaching mastery,

"the instructors were right, practicing before Awakening can really help when you awaken, now I'm one step ahead of everyone."

A beautiful face popped up in his mind" I wonder if she also reached mastery.... "He activated system view again

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Awakening peak stage

Burning Points (BP) : 0

Talent : Dragon Flames D rank (C rank 0/100 BP)

Martial Arts : Basic Sword move mastery stage ( 0/1000 BP)

[ Sytem AI Help: Burn your enemies and ignite the world to get Burning Points (BP). ]

"Wtf I need 1000 BP to reach completion of my martial skill I might as well practice normally , do you want me to burn the whole forest down!!!! " Flare cursed. Having mastered that he wanted to make further preparations for tomorrow.

"I can't practice the flaming battle body as yet, I need to find herbs with fire spirit energy or practice in an area with alot of fire element to form a fire seed in my body.

"I haven't actually practice controlling my Flames let's do that now"

Flare first tried to cover his hands with Flames and that wasn't hard next he tried to do regular fire punches. As he did the punches he realised that with the Flames his punches did atleast two times more damage than without the Flames. All night flare practiced condensing the flame around his hands, now he can can do it with little concentration.

Suddenly an Idea popped into Flare's mind "What if I did that with my sword "