
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

I can fly now, Fire Dragon Wings

The Sun dissappeared from the horizon replaced by the moon than shined down on the majestic mountain peaks of the Battle God Palace giving it a really mystical feeling, for Flare and the other new students they couldn't help but look up at the stars in the sky, maybe becuase they were hundreds or thousands of meters high in the sky, they felt closer than ever to the stars and moon in the night sky.

At this time Flare sat down comfortably on a mat in the center of his residence, crazily absorbing the spiritual energy that was being drawn towards him and the cultivation mat. Faint lines and symbols circled around his residence making up a spiritual array with the cultivation mat as the center of it . Although he didn't manage to breakthrough, he was only a short distance away from reaching peak spirit concentration realm.

"I am upgrading too fast recently,before I can form the second fire seed my cultivation speed will slow down quite a bit"

"I wonder if that magma pool can help me form the fire seed..... "Flare thought to himself.

A few hours ago as he was patrolling his new residence, he saw something that really left him speechless, there was a stairway that went downwards to a complete new floor.On that floor there weren't any new rooms only a mini magma pool with a floating furnace in the center of it.

Although Flare didn't really know anything about weaponsmithing, he knew that a furnace was the tool used by blacksmiths to make weapons. However when he saw the magma pool the first thing that came to his mind was diving in it and to try and form the second fire seed.

"What the hell!!! when did I become so suicidal, it's good that I want to get stronger but I need to calm down"

"I'm too impatient, what if my body cannot resist the temperature from the magma pool?" Flare's body at that thought

"this is a holyland for cultivation , I will certainly find ways to form the secondfire seed"

Turning his attention away from the magma pool, he examined his system.During the monster horde he collected alot of Burning points but didn't get to use them, now that he was settled down, he could focus on ugraging his talent or his innate skill.

"I wonder if I will get a new innate skill when I upgrade my talent again....or am I too greedy? "

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Concentration Realm late stage

Burning Points (BP) : 1040

Talent : Dragon Flames C rank (B rank 0/500 BP)

Innate Skills :Level 1 Dragon Flame armor (0/200 BP) ( Cooldown 2 hours )

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique completion stage ( 0/1200 BP)

"Who could have thought I would collect so much Burning Points, the monster horde was really a haven for me... "

[Are you sure you want to use 500 burning points and upgrade your talent to B rank? ]


"yes" with no hesitation Flare answered,

Boom! Boom!Boom!

Flames erupted from Flare's body and crazily and bombarded the ceiling of his room causing it to slightly shake, the flames continued it's rampant behavior as if it wanted to escape to the sky. The spiritual array in the room immediately became active, trapping the crazy Flames in the room, this caused the heat in the room to rise to unimaginable heights.At this time he felt his connection to the fire element increasing at a really fast pace giving him the feeling of being loved by flames. After sometime this feeling dissappeared making him feel lost again. As time passed the crazy flames started to become docile and slowly took the shape of dragon wings on Flare's back that flopped on its own making him levitate.

Messages continously rang out in his mind at this time

[Congratulations your talent advanced to a B rank talent]

[Congratulations you've unlocked the innate skill, Fire Dragon Wings]

[Fire Dragon Wings - When activated gives the ability to fly with a slight increase in speed ]

Flare looked at his Fire Dragon Wings proudly,even though it was made of flames it looked identical to real dragon wings. Gaining the ability to fly was a real game changer for him. During the monster horde if he had this ability the amount of burning points he would have collected would of been astonishing.Even more shocking was that it didn't have any cooldown time like the dragon flame armor, once he had enough spiritual energy he could use it any amount of time .

"Let's strike the the iron while it's hot, level up dragon flame armor!! "

[Are you sure you would like upgrade Dragon Flame Armor to level 2]




The flame that just settled down suddenly ignited again ,the clothes he specially purchased for it's ability to withstand flames couldn't survive this time, even the temperature in the room increased a notch , additional information about Dragon Flame armor started to appear in his mind,giving him a deeper understanding of it,he believed that if he wanted, he could control the dragon flame armor to only appear around his hands,feet,or chest, he felt there was endless possibilities.As he felt the sudden changes, the Dragon Flame armor covered his body on it's own,with the fire dragon wings still activated he looked really dazzling.

[Congratulations ,Dragon Flame Armor successfully upgraded to level 2, cooldown time shorten from 2 hours to 1 hour 30 minutes.]

Name : Flare Hitoshi

Cultivation : Spirit Concentration Realm late stage

Burning Points (BP) : 340

Talent : Dragon Flames B rank (A rank ?? )

Innate Skills :

Level 2 Dragon Flame armor (?? ) - -( Cooldown 1 hour 30 minutes ).....

Level 1 Fire Dragon Wings- - ...

Martial Arts : Basic Sword technique completion stage ( 0/1200 BP)

As the commotion finally settled down, he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him,he didn't even have the strength to observe the new changes in the system as his eyelids felt heavy.

"I really overdid it.... " Flare said as he lost consciousness.


Early the next morning Flare was awaken by voices outside his residence, after getting dress he went outside.

"Oh are you the new junior brother "

"Uhmm... yes I'm Flare a new outer disciple " Flare answered respectfully

"You really know how to sleep" a tall youth that looked a bit older than Flare said.

" I'm sorry I was too exhausted..." Flare said a bit embarrassed

"It's fine, I'm Su Wei, I was sent by elder Sung to introduce you to the Weapon Hall" he said with a light flash of his hands.

"Follow me, you still need to register your information at the main peak "

As he finished talking a small disc appeared in his hands, it rapidly enlarged to a size that two people could comfortably stand on, after inviting Flare to stand on it, they both soared into the sky.

"As you already know, on the weapon peak we mainly focus on weapon and artifact making.The weapon Peak is situated on a large volcano, we use the magma from the volcano to make our weapons. Along with you there are five private recruits that will make up the outer disciples for the weapon peak this year, huh.... two times more than last year"

"Hmm.... Although we have the least amount of disciples we are still very respected across the seven peaks.In times of danger if your strength isn't enough, a good weapon or defensive weapon can be the key to save your life, because of that no one is willing to offend a Weaponsmith, because if you offend one, you might end up offending all. Especially for our Weapon hall because of our low numbers, that doesn't mean you can go out and make trouble though... "

" Although we focus alot on blacksmithing, we don't neglect our personal strength. In the Battle God Palace no matter which peak you're on, eventually you will be sent to the front lines to fight against the rampaging monsters,so the disciples of the Weapon Peak never forsake their own strength" Su Wei said stressing the last part"

Also all new outer disciples are required to go lessons on the main peak for one year , you can call it a newcomers academy. So in the next year you will learn blacksmithing in the weapon hall while you go lessons on the main peak. There, you're not only representing yourself but also the Montain peak you're part of, the better you guys do the more the Weapon hall will benefit.

"you have to be prepared this years competition is going to be really fierce"