
Strongest Flame system

[Congratulations you've merged with the strongest flame system, please enjoy] 5000 years ago spacial dimensions appeared all over the blue star. Monsters came out of these spacial dimensions causing a bloodbath to human race, all until the first human awakened talent. With talent humans were finally able a survive until now. DING BURNT 1000 ANTS 1 BURNING POINTS GAINED DING BURNT 10,000 ANT 10 BURNING POINTS GAINED CAN'T I JUST BURN ANTS TO GET STRONGER THAN EVERYONE!!?? Congratulations D Rank dragons Flames evolved into C rank Dragon Flames Congratulations you've gained the ability Flame Armour Please join my discord https://discord.gg/7d3wujeV Please leave a comment good or bad i would like to hear your feedback this is my first time writing I do not own the cover photo if the owner wants it removed please contact.

Romawe · Action
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29 Chs

Joining the Weapon Hall

When Flare was still lost in his thoughts thinking about what he should chose, the other new disciples were already choosing the mountain peaks they wanted to join.The most popular peak among the new disciples was the Elemental Valley which was understandable as elemental type talents were the most popular in the New World. The second favorite among the new disciples was the Blossom Peak, Yuki, Catherina and most new female disciples chose it.

The war peak managed to get the third most new disciples while the Beast Hall managed to get the fourth most number of new students which waa surprising as beast type talents were even rarer than physical talents. The Body refining peak finished with the fifth most number of new students. The medicine hall didn't show up so only the Weapom Hall didn't manage to get any new disciple.

When Elder Agnes saw that Yuki actually chose the Blossom Peak over the Beast Hall, she could barely contain herself from exploding in rage, she could only leave with her new disciples reluctantly.Now only Flare and a few disciples were still contemplating,

He suddenly saw the beautiful woman from the Elemenetal Valley walk towards him, she then said" I'm a Elder Alice from the Elemental valley, Little brother if you chose anywhere other than the elemental Valley, you will only be wasting your growth type talent, only in the Elemental Valley can you find the right guidance,our peak master is a spirit emperor who is also a fire Elementalist" Elder Alice said coquetishly

Hearing the words Spirit Emperor caused Flare mind to be thrown in turmoil.On the Blue Planet, spirit Emperors was only a myth you heard about in textbooks, now, not long after he arrived in the New World he might get the opportunity to meet one, he was instantly excited.

"You shameless vixen stop trying seduce this little brother!!?? don't listen to her, there are many elders with fire talent that can also guide you on the War Peak, You can also get the best guidance in using weapons" Elder said furiously

Flare could only sigh inwardly, his look of excitement earlier wasn't related to the seductive Elder Alice at all, however to say that he wasn't tempted by her would be a complete lie. At this time he started to recall his Flaming Battle Body,to form new fire seed he needed to find a source of dense fire spiritual energy or somewhere with strong Flames like a volcano, so the Elemental Valley would be perfect for him.

"Who said we don't have any weapon masters, humpphh, we can easily find an someone to guide him on the path of the sword" Elder Alice said with a light snort

"Elder Sung what are the conditions to become a weaponsmith" Flare suddenly asked

"No you can't... .... "

"Hahaha, if you want to become a Blacksmith, you don't have to worry, since you already have your own Flames, you already meet the condition " Elder Sung said quickly cutting off Elder Alice's speech, his previous dead pan face was nowhere to be seen now.

[Author's Note-weaponsmith and blacksmith are the samething]

"Elder Lei, Elder Alice I really appreciate your offer but I'll like to join the Weapon Hall" Flare said as he bowed respectfully.


4 years ago in an empty weapon store, a youth around 12 years old boy with red hair could be seen, he gently picked up a sword from a weapon rack and started wipe off the dust and fingerprints with a cloth.

Growl! Growl! Growl!

Loud growling sounds were heard in the empty weapon shop, at the sametime Flare placed his hands on his stomach with a grimaced face, today marked the third day since Flare had last eaten a good meal, for the last three days the only thing he had, was water and some stale dry bread. Luckily the weapon store was empty saving him from embarrassmet.

"Damn it! what did I do to deserve this, if you didn't want a child, why did you have one ! "he said as tears fell from immature eyes.

Although he was young, he was still very prideful to his bones, he preferred to starve for days than walk around and beg in the Sky City.

" I swear one day I will definitely become a blacksmith so I don't have to ever go through this again! "Flare said immaturely.


It has been four years since that day when he the made the vow in the weapon store, although now that he awakened he wouldn't have to ever worry about starving to death,as he could easily enter the forest and hunt for food , that vow was etched so deeply within his heart he couldn't extricate it.Now that he had the opportunity to become a blacksmith he wouldn't miss it even if the other choices might be better than it.

"Why do I even need to hesitate, with my system I don't desperately need a sword teacher, with enough burning points I can upgrade any of my skills and gain comprehension in them"Flare said in his heart trying to convince himself.

"Flare are you sure, your sword talent is really superb, you will only be wasting it in the weapon hall" Elder Lei said

"I'm sorry Elder Lei, I've already made up my mind"Flare said with another bow, the last thing he would want to do is to piss off one of the elders on his first day.

" okay little brother, since you've made up your mind I won't pester you, however the Elemental valley is always open to you in the future, you can come pay big sister a visit anytime " Elder Alice said with a wink. Seeing her wink Flare felt a cold sweat on his forehead, he didn't dare respond.

A few feet away Yuki snorted in displeasure seeing how Elder Alice was talking to Flare.

" Big sis what happened" Miora asked with questioning eyes


A hour or so later Flare stood at the entrance of a mountain path that led up a tall, towering mountain peak. The mountain looked majestic as it's peak pierced the clouds in the sky. Not only was it a grand and majestic, countless faint lines and symbols could be seen, those lines and symbols cleverly formed a spiritual array across the majestic mountain peak.

Special pillars could be seen scattered across the mountain that seemed to hold the spiritual array together, creating a domain over the mountain.

Concentrated spiritual energy could be seen with naked eyes being drawn towards the pillars making a spectacular sight.

After he walked up the mountain path for a few minutes he finally saw the peak which left him stunned, it was actually a volcano.

Elder Sung seeing him surprised only chuckled and said "this huge volcanic mountain wasn't always in the territory of the Battle God Palace, it was the first peak master who brought it back after an adventure four thousand years ago. "

Hearing Elder Sung words Flare almost rolled back down the mountain path"what the hell!!!!what level of strength do you need to pick up and travel with a mountain " Flare asked aloud unable to control himself.

"once you are strong enough it's not impossible to even destroy an island with one punch, lifting a mountain isn't considered anything special for the powerful

"Elder Sung said calmly

"Elder Sung can you also lift a mountain " Flare couldn't help but ask

"I'm not at that level yet" Elder Sung said with a longing look.


After traveling almost half way up the mountain, around the waist area, Flare started to see buildings that went all the way up to the peak of the mountain.He could see that the buildings further up were even larger than the ones infront him, however for now that had nothing to with him. There were markings on the buildings, that corresponded to their respective disciple status, as such, no one could randomly occupy a building.

"You can rest for now, tomorrow morning someone will come and properly introduce you to the Weapon hall, this is your temporary residence token, after finding your residence, all you need to do is channel spiritual energy in the token "Elder Sung said handing him a token.


Following the marking on the residence token, he was led to his building, following Elder Sung instructions he entered his residence.

Hello, it is the holidays so I'm trying to get in some chapters and finish my story, so expect a bit more chapters, until the holidays are up

Romawecreators' thoughts