
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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27 Chs

8. First encounter

Robert walked out in the backyard of his house in a plain T-shirt and shorts. He walked into the warehouse where he usually places his weapons, he wants to check them. After removing some household things three boxes came into view.

"There you are beauty," He said while removing a large rectangular box. Opening it we could see a 2k18 12Bore Pump Action gun, a modified shotgun which was invented by Robert.

He removed another small box and counted the bullets inside it. Next, he opened a small box which held 4 Beretta M9 with silencers beside them. He also noticed 20 magazines.

Placing the box in its place, he opened the last one. "I really want to use you baby" Looking at AK-107, Robert said with emotion. However, he made all of this but couldn't use them as they are made to kill and don't feel like killing someone now.

Locking all three boxes he walked out after hiding them carefully so May didn't find them. "Huh..." Suddenly Robert saw a silhouette of a man standing in the forest looking at him.

"Ehh, is he a robber?" Robert couldn't help but say out, and then chuckled, "Really you are going to rob my house. Let me teach you a lesson" He flicked his fingers towards the man.

A bullet made up of mental energy formed and rushed towards the robber. The bullet was invisible so there was no way to dodge it or so he thought.

As expected the bullet hit the target and knocked him down, Robert thought that he may have fallen unconscious but an incredible scene happened. The man got up quickly and finally, Robert could see him clearly.

The man... or the creature that Robert thought was a man had his entire body covered with black skin with long sharp fingers and toes. Its head was circular making lines on it.

"This..." Seeing this creature in front of him even Robert was in shock, he didn't even notice that the creature got on his limbs and ran like an animal. "This monster..." Finally, he was out of his shock, his eyes turned cold with his iris turned green.

*Warf* *Warf* *Warf*

The sudden bark startled Robert turning back he saw Jenny barking while looking at the forest. "Shit!!" Turning around he noticed the monster had already run into the forest.

He used his mental powers to trace him but failed "Jenny..." Robert speechlessly got on his knees while rubbing her head as she licked his face. "Is this monster somehow related to the plot?" Robert couldn't help but question himself.

After 9 months he finally has a clue where and how the plot of this world will start. "First find out where this monster came from, but before that..." He got up and walked inside the house "... enjoy tomorrow's date with Nancy and break your virginity" He said with a lustful smile.

Robert got to the kitchen and made food for them, while sitting he told May about his plans. "So you will not be home tomorrow night?" May asked seriously to which he nodded.

"With whom are you going?" May's eye stared at him like a dagger, but Robert wasn't affected. He was in this situation too many times making him immune to her intimidation "Nancy" he said.

Hearing 'Nancy' words May smiled and said "Sure, why not but be safe okay" She had seen him going with Nancy outside many times, so she didn't notice anything unusual. If she knew that her son would be losing his virginity tomorrow to Nancy, her answer might be different.

Both went to bed but not before May pulled Robert into a hot passionate kiss, making him harder to sleep with his erect dick.


Like usual both May and Robert got up and did their own things. Robert brought over a suitcase which held one of his guns in front of May "Mom I want you to take this"

May was confused by his words, She opened the box and was shocked to see four unknown pistols in it "What is this Robert?" She asked seriously with anger in her voice.

"Wait, wait don't be angry. First, hear me out" Robert said as he pushed her on the chair while massaging her shoulder. "You better have a good reason to make such weapons at home Robert" Although now she wasn't angry she seriously wasn't going to let this matter slide easily.

"I know. I know you are angry that I made some guns, but it isn't that bad" Robert said with a shrug, but May noticed something "Guns? You have more in the house?" She asked irritatedly.

Now Robert had a cold sweat on his back, after all the difference between his pistols and other guns was too huge. Seeing his awkward look, May already knew the answer "R-O-B-E-R-T!!"

"Okay, okay I will take them out" He didn't have any other opinion other than to follow her words, waving his hand as two other boxes from the warehouse came to the table, which he opened and showed to May.

May now had a dumbfounded look, the previous four pistols were already shocking enough but soon her son gave her another shock. She had handled guns before so she knew one was a modified shotgun while the other was an assault rifle.

"Why do have such guns baby? We are not at war now and if officials find them it will be difficult We might have to go to jail" May said with a sigh, She knew her son was a genius but genius often tends to make trouble.

"I made them in case of robbery or emergency, I wasn't going to show them to you before but until yesterday I saw something which is clearly not human" Robert's words made May confused, "What do you mean by not human?"

Robert began to tell his yesterday experience of seeing a humanoid monster. May was shocked to hear about this, She immediately took him in her arms and asked worriedly "You are not hurt are you?"

"No Mom, nothing happened to me" Robert rubbed her back to calm her down. "So do you know where this monster came from?" May asked.

"Mom, why do you think I will know where it came from?" Robert asked another question to respond to her making May's face stiff 'Yes how could he know everything'

"But you may have your suspicion on someone?" She asked to which he nodded. "I think this monster is related to the government laboratory in Hawkins," He said calmly.

"Why baby?" May asked. "Because they have devices that can notice changes in mental energy, I tried once but was nearly caught" Robert's words shocked May.

She knew that her son's powers were special. The people inside the laboratory must have come across such powers to make such kinds of devices, so it isn't weird for them to create a monster.

"So what should we do? Do we contact the police?" May asked to which Robert shook his head "We do nothing. The police may also be involved with them. We will wait for an opportunity" He said calmly.

"What opportunity?" She asked.

"An opportunity to expose their work," He said seriously.


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