
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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26 Chs

7. Planned date

"Hello Nancy baby" Robert opened the door and saw Nancy in front. "Why are you at my-" Before she could complete her words, she was pulled and her mouth was blocked by Robert's lips.

Robert pulled her inside and continued to kiss her, Nancy also soon melted in the kiss. Suddenly she opened her eyes and pushed Robert, looking around.

Seeing no one she sighed in relief and looked at Robert with an angry expression "What if my stupid brother saw us?" The stupid brother in her mouth is Mike.

"Don't worry he is playing with Will and others in the basement. And now I'm going too" Robert said with a smile while moving away from her "Wait-" Nancy wanted to say something but another loud voice was heard.

"Robert!! You are finally here, we were going to just start a new game. Come with me" Mike didn't notice his sister's angry look on him and pulled him.

Robert didn't forget to tease her by sending a flying kiss. "Stupid Mike" Nancy couldn't help but curse her luck to have such a brother, She walked upstairs to her room.

"Oh, Nancy come home so soon" Karen who just wore her clothes came out, and asked casually as if nothing had happened before. But Nancy noticed her mother had a red face with some sticky fluid on it.

'Did she and Robert...?' Nancy couldn't help but think about the scene from last year where her own mother was sucking Robert's dick. At that time she and Robert hadn't started their relationship, so she couldn't say anything.

After that, she talks to Robert to find that Aunt May is also in love with him, making her so angry that she stops talking to him... for one day. The next day Robert convinced her that he would try to love all of them equally.

She asked why he couldn't love everybody equally, and his answer was too smooth "Just like wine with passing time comes tastier, love is the same. So I wouldn't leave you for them and leave them for you, I will just convince you to accept my idea"

In just 2 days he made her accept his crazy idea of a harem, which made her relationship with her mom complicated "Hi Mom" She said and entered her room to avoid the awkward situation.

Karen looked at her daughter and smiled stiffly "I should give a name to my relationship with Robert" Their relationship first started with relief from sex then turned into love for each other, but both still haven't given a name to their relationship.

She sighed and walked to Holly's room to check on her. While Nancy in her room looked at a poster in her hand "Even if you have some sexual relation with mom, you will lose your virginity with me"

On the poster 'Magical amusement park' was written in bold words.


Time quickly passes and Robert prepares to leave Wheeler's household, Karen wants him to stay for dinner but refuses 'I don't know what I will do after the dinner. It's better to be safe than sorry' That was his thoughts.

While Robert, Will, Lucas, and Dustin were going out Nancy called me "Robert can you come here for a moment" He heard her he could only say goodbye to his friends and entered her room.

"Man, Robert seems to have such a nice friendship with your sister" Dustin sighed as he looked at Robert who just disappeared from his sight.

Lucas and Will shrugged while Mike had disgust on his face "Who cares if she is friends with Robert or not?" Dustin just patted his shoulder "You are the last one to say that. Didn't you like Rosie from our class?"

Mike suddenly blushed and stumbled in his words "Wh-What are y-you talking about? We are just friends and..." his shoulders affected his mood "... I think she likes Robert" he walked inside his house.

Hearing this other three were stunned and a bit helpless, they knew that Rosie actually liked Mike but was very shy. And this stupid guy can't even understand her give signs.

"Why Lucas? Why? Why do all ladies fall in love with either a handsome guy or a stupid guy, Lucas?" Dustin couldn't help but hold Lucas's shoulder in distress.

"Don't worry Dustin, one day we will also have our own girlfriends" Both boys hugged each other comforting them, Will who knew their behaviour just hooked his head. Soon they got on their cycles and left.

In Nancy's room, "What's the matter, baby?" He pulled her into a hug and asked. "Robert are you free tomorrow evening" She was holding the same poster with 'Magical amusement park' written on it.

Robert took the poster and asked, "Do you want to go here?" To which she nodded. A teasing smile appeared on his face "I'm free but I want something in return" as he rubbed his finger on her nether region.

Nancy blushed at his words but turned with a smile and whispered "You can me tomorrow night" Robert's eyes widened as he looked at her shy face, his inner self was dancing in delight.

He was waiting for her to say these words, now hearing them made him too happy but he controlled his expression to act normal... or so he thought. His bright face told how excited he was for this, which Nancy could see.

"I'm totally free tomorrow evening, let's meet at 6'00 clock," Robert said.

"Sure, but before that give me my fee of inviting you," Nancy said as she put her lips forward, like a spoiled princess. Robert's excited face showed a teasing smile.

Suddenly Nancy felt Robert's body heat moving away from her and her cheek was kissed. Opening her eyes she saw him near the window jumping down.

["Tomorrow I will give more than just a kiss"] Robert's voice sounded in her head which was one of his skills 'Telepathy'. Nancy smiled as she watched the beautiful moonlight while thinking about tomorrow's night.


"Hi, Mom" Entering his house he saw May sitting on the sofa wearing a red T-shirt and blue shorts. "Hi, baby. Come let me see you" She came and hugged him while pressing his head into her boobs.

Our perverted Robert didn't even resist but instead sniffed her, noticing that she wasn't even wearing a bra. After a few seconds he looked up but didn't move from his position "So what's for dinner?"

She smiled and pulled him into the kitchen, where he saw many ingredients like noodles, raw chicken, soy sauce, and many other things. "Tonight's dinner is chicken noodles," She said.

"Do I have to cook again?" Seeing just ingredients and no food he already knew what she was going to say next. "Yes baby, the Chinese food you make is so delicious, I can't even compare me. So, please" May said.

While saying she rubbed her nipples on his cheek making Robert's mind a bit messy. Thinking about tomorrow's night and his Mom's action made his body heat rise 'NO!! Don't lose control now. First, escape from here'

"Okay let's me take a wash first" He escaped from his sexy mother's clutches, while May pouted looking at her son who was escaping. She already noticed his boner "Come on baby you can use your mother to satisfy your sexual needs"


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