
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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27 Chs

9. First ability user

"It is so boring" Robert couldn't help but murmur. He and May have come to New York City to take some wood for making their own fertilizer, Now that their jobs are done he is sitting in front of the KFC shop while May is giving their order.

"I really didn't expect to be it here" Looking at the familiar KFC shop, Robert said lazily. The people around him, mainly ladies had small smiles on their faces looking at him. After all his cute and handsome face and lazy demeanour made him more attractive.

"This little guy looks so handsome!!"

"Ooohh!! That little boy sure is too cute!!"

"Aaahh~~ I wish to take him home to taste him~~~"

Robert was using his mental powers to hear the surface thoughts of nearby people. Hearing the last sentence he shivered as the sentence came of an old woman in her 80s.

Although memory reading is hard to learn, surface thought reading is easy with his powers. Just as he was about to close his eyes again, his powers noticed unknown mental energy fluctuations in the nearby area.

"An ability user just like me..." Robert murmured, he saw two women, one black-haired and the other light blond-haired walking away from him. The mental energy came from one of the women, from the black-haired woman to precise.

He quickly got up and went to his mother who was still in line for food. "Mom can you double the order, two people will join us," He said and followed the two ladies.

May was a bit stunned, she had never seen her son behaving like this. "Ma'am, what's your order?" The voice startled her, May saw that it was her turn to order "Eight chicken burgers, eight french fries and four coke" She said.


Robert followed the two ladies at a safe distance for a while but noticed that they were just roaming around a building for few times 'Did they discover me?' This thought came into his mind.

But soon rejected it as he noticed they entered an alley which was a bit dark followed by four men. "So they want to snatch some money from these bastards?" He said with a smile, not caring if the ability user kills them as he knows she can't because she has such thoughts.

"Look what we have here boss? Two sluts, huh?" One of the goons said with a lustful smile. "Boss you should let us enjoy them once at least" Another goon said while licking his lips and showing his dirty teeth.

"Hahaha, sure, sure, after I have my turn you can use them" The supposed leader said. Robert raised his eyebrows at their comments, one of the hatest the most is when a man forces himself on a girl.

'Looks like your punishment is worse than death' From their surface thoughts he can feel that this wasn't their first time. In current times, rape is a sensitive issue, no one wants a girl who has been raped. But the same people can marry a girl if she had a boyfriend before and had slept with him.

"Truly hypocrites..." Robert murmured, but in future, this will also change with advancements in science "Sorry those girls are with me" Robert said loud enough for them to hear.

All the people in the alley turned only to see a boy who was between 13-14 years old saying such words. Finally, Robert had a chance to see their faces, he didn't even look at the four guys cause his eyes were stuck on the blond-haired woman.

'What is she doing here!!' His face didn't change but inside he was dying because the blond-haired woman looked like Harley Quinn from the DC universe. 'Clam down Robert, this isn't DC universe. After you still have your memories of some of DC plots meaning this isn't that world' He calmed down his beating heart.

After all in a world filled with powerful people, demons, gods and best minds, he could have asked for a better wish other than Tatsumaki's template. Although her power is strong but far from the power ceiling of that world.

"Hahaha, look boss this pussy got scared just by hearing you're named" A bootlicker said to the tall, bucky man who was their supposed leader. "You right John, hahaha. Why don't you fuck this guy up and you will be second to enjoy these sluts" The tall white man said with arrogance written on his face.

John smiled heard this and walked toward Robert, while other goons were jealous to miss this opportunity. "Boy don't blame me for this, you shouldn't have meddled in our affairs" saying he pulling out a knife while walking towards Robert.

"Little guy run now and call for help" Suddenly a sweet voice entered Robert's ear, whose source was the black-haired beauty. Hearing such a cute voice from a punk-looking girl was a shock to him, but compared to his shock other blondie was even more shocked.

"I didn't know Kali you like a cute handsome guy... well even I like him now" Blondie wanted to tease her friend first but confessed that she has more liking to this boy. This is also Robert 10x times charms and handsomeness making him likable to many girls.

"Shut up Dottie!!" Kali said furiously while trying to hide her blushing face, even though she was shocked that she cared for someone whom she just met. "Bastard!! You sluts...!!! Let me fuck up you little pussy face fucking boy" John who was forgotten by both Kali and Dottie singed his knife at Robert.

"NOOO!!" Kal and Dottie yelled to stop him, Kali even wanted to use her powers but the next scene shocked them. Robert instantly appeared in front of John and hit his solar plexus with full force making him split saliva with some blood.

He flew 2 metres above the ground and crashed into the wall, knocked out. The other goons were too stunned to even understand what happened, while Kali and Dottie looked at Robert with narrowed eyes 'An physically enhanced person' Both took a defensive stand which was noted by him.

"I will explain later," Robert said calmly. "Boy what did you do-" The leader wanted to say something but Robert was too bored to even hear him. He shakes his hand slightly, two dustbins float and hit the other goons hard on the head knocking them off. Kali and Dottie are shocked to see this scene, they can see that Robert has some powers similar to them.

"By the way my name is Robert Parker, I want to talk about something with both of you" Robert first introduced himself but noticed that both were in a slightly defensive position making him puzzled. "Who sent you here?" Suddenly Kali asked while she put her two fingers on her head.

"Me, no one. I just noticed you powers similar to me so I want to meet you" He said directly. Both girls stood in their position for a few seconds just when Robert was going to say something Dottie opened her mouth "Why don't you let the little guy explain first Kali? Oh and by the way my name is Dottie, baby" She winked her eyes at him while pursuing Kali to give him a chance.


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