
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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26 Chs

6. An affair (18+)

Our mc, Robert was currently on his way to Mike's house. After having a nice meal, his energy was instantly recovered now he just had to relax his muscles and bones.

He arrived in front of Wheeler's household and did a mental scan which has turned into a passive ability now. His hands which were about to touch the door bell stopped.

"My dear aunt, you should have asked for my help, you know that I will help you right?" Robert said to himself. His powers surged and the door lock opened as he walked inside.

He placed his bag on the sofa, four figures were inside the basement. Robert knew that they were his friends Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin playing a weird but exciting game.

But he didn't walk towards them but went upstairs. Robert could see Holly was sleeping in her room while Karen was in her room. Seeing what she was doing made a tent in his crotch.

Karen's room door was locked but was instantly opened by Robert. "Ahhh..." As the door opened a moan was heard from the room, Robert silently walked inside and locked the door.

"Aahh~~ Robertt~~~ hmm.... mmhh~~oohhh" Continuous moans sounded behind him, he looked at Karen who was only in her lingerie. Karen didn't even notice someone had entered the room, she was moaning as her hands rubbed her pussy and nipples.

Robert moved towards her, his fingers touching her pussy making Karen jolt in surprise. She felt someone's presence in her room before she could do anything her lips were kissed.

Karen instantly knew the other party was Robert from the familiar way of the kiss "Jess, you nearly scare me to death- aahh... waiitt~~aahhh" Her complaints drowned in pleasure as Robert pushed his finger inside her.

"Just enjoy your service Aunt" Robert's voice rang in her ears as his hot breath made her tremble. His mouth moved to her exposed nipples taking her dark nipple.

Karen bit her lips with her eyelids closed, as her pleasure shot up in her brain 'This is the best...!' She thought as one of her hands pressed Robert's head on her boobs more, while she massaged her other boob.

"Aunt Karen your pussy seems to be too hungry. You're pulling my fingers too hard" Hearing Robert's words made her blush, she didn't want to admit but she liked it too.

Suddenly her nipples were pulled by Robert "Aaahh~~~ don't pull~~aahhh~~ them so hard~~ oohhh ~~aahhh~~sshiit!!" Robert sucked and pulled not listing to Karen's please, soon making her cum.

"Cccuummiinnggg~~ I'm cummingg~~!!!" Karen's body was shocked as her panties were wet from her juices. Her muscles relaxed as her pleasure was going down which he didn't want to happen.

He position his crotch on her face and removed his semi-hard dick. Karen who saw his dick was stunned but soon her tongue moved as her eyes saw this "mmhh~~ sweeett~~" Karen moaned.

Because of his 'special wish' Robert's body is different from normal human beings. It is more adaptable, better foundation and with 10 times better dick. If he didn't have this wish, his body cannot even handle the training he does every day.

This isn't his first time having an oral sex session with Karen, as she still has control over her mind, not like his mother. The semen produced by him is always sweet which is liked by Karen.

"Let this big guy enter your warm mouth, Aunty," Robert said. Karen opened her mouth as her tongue rolled out seductively, making Robert want to fuck her mouth hard but controlled himself.

"Mmmhh~~ so hoott!!" Slowly pushing his 7-inch dick in her mouth, Robert couldn't help but give out a moan. He also put his mouth on her pussy folds, sucking her clitoris.

"Ggghh~~ hhhggg~~ggghhh~~gghhh~~ gguuuhhh~~" Karen put her hands on Robert's ass as her mouth was violated. Robert also wasn't left behind, he put his tongue inside her moving it around her walls.

Karen crossed her legs on his head feeling an electric current moving in her body, every time Robert licked her. "Ggghh~~gguuhhh~~ hhggguu~~" Robert fucked her mouth with his dick while her pussy was fucked by his little tongue.


A flesh-slapping sound was heard near Karen's mouth as Robert's balls slapped her cheek, but Karen wasn't even angry. With every thrust her pleasure increased and her mind went blank.

Karen is in this condition because of Robert's increased talent in throat-fucking and licking. Even Robert was helpless to have such a talent which was sometimes useless and sometimes helpful.

Robert felt he couldn't control his cum anymore and cummed inside Karen's mouth "Gggguuhh~~ cough... cough... slurp~~ mmhhhhH~~~hhmmm~~"

Karen's pussy also give out her stored juices into Robert's mouth, which sucked all of it. After cumming and sucking Robert got off Karen's face while both of them were breathing heavily.

"Haa... masturbating with... haa... you is the best... ha..." Karen turned and said with a smile. "You don't have to thank you're lover Aunty" Robert pulled her into a hug.

"Ehh!! Didn't you seduce this married woman?" Karen asked half-jokingly "Who told you to seduce by my simple tricks?" Robert put his head in her hair taking a deep breath.

"Did Ted find out about our relationship?" Robert couldn't help but ask. "Humph! He doesn't even return home for 2-3 days. Must be with his little secretary" Karen said without an angry look. She doesn't want to act hypocritical by being angry at her cheating husband while she also cheats on him and is angry about his affair.

"And didn't you tell me this information, so you can make a move on me?" She asked teasingly. Robert was embarrassed by her words after all what she said was true. A year ago he found out about his uncle's hidden affair and used this opportunity to make a move on his aunt.

"Jesus... don't make it sound like I force myself on you. Now come give me a kiss to heal my broken heart" Robert had a pitiful look while demanding, Karen chuckled at his talks and moved closer to kiss...


... but the doorbell rang making them stop. 'Have I been blue balled now?' Robert couldn't help but think. "Go and open the door, don't just wait here" Karen picked up her clothes while pushing him out.

"But my kiss..." Robert wanted to say but was blocked by Karen "You can have your kiss later, now go and open the door" With this she shut the door.


Standing in front of the door, Robert heard the doorbell which made him angry "Can't wait for a few minutes, can you?" He couldn't help but protest in frustration.

"Rocky it better not to be you, otherwise be prepared to have an entire week filled with nightmares" He murmured to himself.


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