
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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26 Chs

3. Wheeler household

Robert came to the garage where his eyes fell on three vehicles parked inside. One was a black SUV, the other a red family car and the last a silver motorbike, the last one is his mom's favourite.

All of them were modified by him to be faster and stronger than their own counterparts. Although he couldn't make them into superfast cars or tough as a tank.

A green light shined in Robert's eyes as a figure came floating in front of him. It was a blue and black colour mixed bicycle, its body shined under the sunlight making it look expensive.

Robert has upgraded his bicycle to do many things like mountain climbing, and rough roads. He even installed a motor to his cycle, which can increase his speed up to 40 km per hr.

Sitting on his cycle, he got on the road. His hair moved as the wind hit his face, making him look more cute. He has a destination before he goes to school every day.

Soon he arrived in front of a two-floor house. Robert moved his cycle near the car parked in the shade, he went to the door and rang the doorbell.

"Mike come out or we will be late to school!!" Robert shouted in front. Noises of running and shouting were heard in the house, and soon the door opened.

"Good morning Robert, come in. Mike is just having his breakfast" A beautiful middle-aged woman opened the door. She had a three-year-old little blond girl in her hands.

"Good morning Aunt Karen." Greeting his aunt, Karen Wheeler who is his mother's big sister. "Hey there, baby girl. Hi!!" He turned and said hi to Holly, the little girl in her hands.

Holly seeing me said some words in gibberish, Robert knew she wanted him to hold her. Karen also handed Holly to Robert and walked in, as Robert followed her.

Entering the house he couldn't see his Uncle Ted "Aunt, where did Uncle Ted go?" He asked as he placed Holly on the chair "Ohh, he didn't come last night. Maybe he got too busy with his work?" She said while packing lunch boxes.

Robert notice her huge ass move in her tight jeans, a woman who has given birth to three children is bonded to have such a huge ass. Karen also notice his stares but instead of hiding, moved her ass more.

She likes to be noticed by someone. After giving birth to Holly, Ted didn't even pay attention to his wife or children, just work and work making her dissatisfied.

Robert really wanted to smack her ass, he walked closer to her as Karen felt his presence getting closer and closer her breathing became faster and faster.

Just as he was about to move his hand, the noise of someone running was heard followed by a shout "MOM!! I'm getting late" It was a 12-year-old boy with black hair and eyes.

"No, you are not? You still have 15 minutes" Karen said naturally as if she was horny at all. Robert wanted to smack his cousin now, who disturbed his time with his aunt.

"Hi, Robert. Nancy seems to call you in her room" He said, sitting on the chair to eat his breakfast. Karen gave him meaning full smile, Robert who didn't like it so moved his hand and...


"Eeehh!!" Karen was startled by the sudden slap on her ass, she looked at Mike who was still eating to make sure he didn't hear anything. Turning her head to Robert who already escaped 'Wait for me stinky brat' She thought with a blush.

Robert walked happily as he felt Karen's soft ass on his hand. Soon he arrived in front of Nancy's room and entered without knocking.

Nancy was standing there wearing a white shirt with blue jeans. Seeing Robert she smiled and moved towards him, Robert also closed the door behind him.

He pulled her into a hug as his lips landed on her lips, feeling her soft lips made somewhat hard dick harder. Nancy also felt his dick with a teasing expression, she moved her legs between his thigh.

Robert also wasn't done, both his hands moved at her boob and her ass. Feeling his hands Nancy showed a scared expression but soon pleasure ran into her mind and body.

Robert's skills in massage have also reached the peak of the world, if he ever opens a massage centre he could become rich overnight. Massaging her boobs and ass as his talent in kissing was also shown.

"Eeehh~~ aahhh~~hhmmm~~mmmhh~~" Just when Nancy was about to lose herself, Robert moved back. Even when their lips separated with a string of saliva, Nancy tranced.

"Why did you stop?" She asked with annoyance in her voice "Sorry baby, but we can't have sex now. You and I have a school to attend plus your mother and brother are just below us.

If I didn't stop maybe we would have already moved to the bed with our naked bodies rubbing each other" He whispered slowly in her ears. Nancy could feel Robert holding himself back, so they don't reveal their relationship.

Nancy doesn't know why but she wants her mother to know about this incest relationship between them while supporting and even joining them. What she didn't know is, this is also Robert's doing.

Robert has used his power of 'dream manipulation' to make her think about him more than any other guy. Slowly he planted the seed of love in her subconscious mind, making her only think of him if she wants a boyfriend.

He also used the same trick on Karen, so she forgets her husband and thinks of him. While he gave them dreams about having a threesome with both of them together in one bed.

"Come here let me tie your hair" Nancy turned his face, as now his back was facing her. Robert knew that her thoughts just smiled teasing but didn't do anything.

A black rubber band floated in front of Nancy, she wasn't even surprised to see this as Robert have told her about his powers. 'Still as soft as the first time...' As her hand moved on his hair, she thought.

She still remembers the first time they meet, he had a charm which attracted her. Soon her sibling love turned into love between a man and a woman, making her happy.

"Done" Robert looked at his reflection in the mirror and nodded "You know, you are pretty popular in our school. Some girls think you will grow into a super handsome guy, so they are waiting for you to enter high school.

Don't be seduce or seduce those witches, and even from your grade" Nancy told him while hugging his back. "Don't worry the girls in my school thinks that I'm weird as I roam with the weird group.

So no one talks to me" He said. Hearing him Nancy had a complicated look which wasn't noticed by him, the reason no girls talk to him is because of his charms and different physique.


Sorry for the late update guys. I caught a slight cold in the past few days, so I couldn't think of writing anything, but now I'm back.

Hope you guys like the chapter!! Send me some reviews and power stones!!

Check my new novel 'One piece: Gadget Master on Straw hat ship' please support me their too guys.

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