
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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26 Chs

4. Martin Benner

Soon both Robert and Nancy walked down, and Nancy greeted Karen while mocking Mike who angrily shout at her. Both got into a fight which was ignored by Karen and Robert.

While both were fighting, they didn't know there was currently been harassed by a guy. In the kitchen, Robert was behind Karen rubbing his already swollen dick between her ass cheeks.

"D-Don't... "Karen covered her mouth as pleasure ran through her body, stopping her from moaning. Robert didn't pay any attention to her words as his hand squish her boobs while the other hand pulled her closer to him.

"You're so hot aunty" He said while licking her neck making her moan more. Karen turned her head to him and wanted to stop him but her lips were soon blocked by his lips... and she lost her cool.

"*slurp~~* hhmmm~~ mmhh~~ *slurp*~~hhmm~~" Robert picked her up and place her on the kitchen platform. Karen interlocked her legs around his hip while her hand caught his head, as if not want to let him go.

Just as both were lost in pleasure, Robert suddenly widened his eyes. His and Karen's body covered by a green light, he flew to another corner of the kitchen was Karen was standing in her place.

Karen was confused, just a moment ago she was having the best pleasure and the next moment the pleasure was gone. When she was about to ask Robert, a loud voice came.

"Robert!! Come on let go, otherwise, we will be late" Mike came running into the kitchen and saw Robert eating a piece of bread in his mouth.

What Mike didn't notice is his mother's red face. Karen was feeling embarrassed, her children were still at home and she was thinking of such adultery.

"Let's go" Robert put his arms around Mike's neck while flashing a smile to Karen. Soon both got out and ride their cycles, to their destination: Hawkins Middle School.

Nancy also got her bag and entered the car, which was a gift from May on her birthday. Karen who saw them, sighed in relief "What kind of aunt am I?

While Robert seduces me I want to be drawn by his talks and hands. What will May think about this?" She didn't know that her little sis has an obsession with her son.

"Mama~~ mama~~" Holly's voice rang in her ears as she got out of her thoughts "Yes baby, mom's coming" Karen began to feed her while thinking of visiting her sister.


"Hey, Robert why don't you join us after school to play board games in my house basement?" While riding his cycle Mike asked. "What time?" Robert asked.

"2.00 clock" Mike answered. "Sorry can't do it, Mom need my help with some work. But I can join one hour later" Hearing the first half of the sentence made him sad, but the second half cheered him up.

"Okay let's meet up" Mike began to pedal with more energy. After losing his memories, Robert has gotten used to acting like a 12-year-old kid and also likes to play some stupid games.

While going to school, they arrived near Hawkins national laboratory. Robert don't know why, he had a weird feeling that all the trouble in this world has arisen from this building.

Well, he has his reason to judge, first, this building is surrounded by a fence with patrol guards carrying guns and dogs. If there is something important inside the building should be placed near a big city and not a small town like theirs.

The second reason for his doubt, the interior of this building has machines which can notice changes in surrounding mental energy. He once tried to see inside but fail and almost got caught.

Whenever he comes near this building, he wants to see what's inside just like now. Robert's eyes turned green and his telepathic powers surged from his brain.

Soon it slowly covered the surround of the building, usually when he uses his powers a green light shines. But with his increased control, he can use his powers without the green light shining but he has to do it slowly.

A map formed in his head, he could see many humans with guns, trucks with many scientific instruments and cameras. "ROBERT!!" just as his powers were about to enter, Mike's voice rang in his ears.

"Why did you stop?!!" Robert notice Mike was 10 metres away from him "Nothing, let's go" He quickly followed but Mike kept asking him about his unusual behaviour.


While Mike was asking Robert, inside Hawkins laboratory. A man in his mid-50s was walking, he had white hair on his head while he wore a blue suit.

He got in front of an elevator and enter it, he press the '-F1' button. After exiting the elevator he arrived in the front room with a metal door which was guarded by two guys with guns.

"Good morning, Dr. Brenner" Two guards saluted the man in suit "Open the door" He nodded and said. One of the guards moved the wheel on the door and opened it.

The man, Dr. Brenner walked inside, the room was filled with complex machines and many people in white coats moved around. "Dr Brenner" A man younger than him came and greeted him.

"What happens on the '-F2' floor Mr. Walker?" Martin Benner asked with an indifferent look on his face. Max Walker broke into cold sweat hearing his words.

Max knows that this man can do anything for his research, even going as far as using his own daughter for experiments. "The 'door seems to be expanding" Max replied seriously.

Dr Benner had a puzzled look "What do you mean by expanding doctor?"

"Come with me, I will show you something" Benner followed Max who was speaking "Yesterday all the cameras and people suddenly stop their contact with us and this is the last thing recorded"

He tapped a few buttons on the computer and a video played. In the video, many people walked around a mass of dark matter. The dark matter surrounded a red mass which was beating like a heart.

Suddenly the red light in the centre shined, and all guards entered the room raising their guns. After a few seconds, the light dimmed, and just as everyone let their guard down, the dark matter surged.

No one had the time to react and was engulfed by the branches made up of dark matter. The video ended there, from the start Benner's face didn't change as if the death of those people didn't matter to him.

"So what's our next move?" He asked Max, "We are going to send an assault team down there to check for any clue, about what happened?" Max replied.

Benner nodded and walked towards the exit, but suddenly turned to Max "Mr Walker, I want you to put a camera on every person entering that floor. I want to know everything happening in there"

Without waiting for a reply, he walked out. Max sighed in relief that Benner wasn't mad at him, he can't imagine what he could face if he angered him.

"Okay let's do it"


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One piece: Gadget master on Straw hat ship

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