
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Movies
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27 Chs

2. New life

May sat beside him on the bed. Her hands slowly moved towards the tent, soon touching it. Robert who sleeping till now, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at his mother with a speechless look "Can you not wake me in this way, Mom?" He asked. May's face has changed into a motherly smiling face with a teasing smile.

"What's wrong with this method?" She asked with a change on her face "You will always be my baby" Robert didn't want to fight her on this topic because he loses everything.

His light blue eyes turned green and he floated in the air, moving away from May towards the bathroom. Suddenly his ears were pulled "How many times have I told you not to use your powers for such simple things?" She said.

"Sorry, sorry... "He quickly escaped from her clutches and entered the bathroom. "This brat...!! *sigh* leave it" May walked out of his room, and came near the kitchen counter.

'Aaa~~ baby grow quickly~~aahh~~ mommy needs you~~aaaa~~' May's face was filled with obsession and lust as she looked at Robert's room. Robert who was in the bathroom sighed, he could clearly feel the lust radiated by his mother.

With his powers it was easy for him to notice her emotion change when she was near him. but he could make his move because of two reasons.

First, May still hasn't made up her mind. both of them can have sex now, but later their relationship may get awkward which he doesn't want to happen. He wanted her to accept him completely as a man.

And with her current obsessive look, maybe she will tie him in the house after they had sex. The second reason, Robert doesn't want to lose his face on his first night with her.

He remembered that middle-aged women have a high sexual drive with experience. Even if he had some experience with sex in his past life, it was erased. Now he is just a virgin boy with knowledge but no experience.

And with the looks May give him every time. He was pretty sure she will suck him dry. He looked at the screen in front of him and sighed.

[Tatsumaki template:-

Available power: 100%

Current understanding: 50%]

"Still it has been 12 years since he came to this world..." He notice this was a gift given by the old man with a note attached. The note said:

"When you can use Tatsumaki's powers 100%, the plot of this world will start"

It has been 9 months seen the power level reached 100%, now he has started to think that maybe this is a normal world with a slice of life and a comedy mixed plot.

But Robert has trained his powers too, unlike Tatsumaki who uses brute force he had develop other uses of his powers like emotion manipulation, dream manipulation, telepathy, memory reading, and half-baked memory manipulation skills.

His last skill is not completely mastered, he can only erase someone's memory completely but cannot make any changes. He uses his powers to rob many rich bad people, after all, he isn't a saint.

May also helped him but warned him not to go too far, they only took 40% of the stolen money and the rest was given to various orphanages. With this, their house was loaded with cash.

He looked at his body which had some muscles and nodded with satisfaction. Robert walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist.


Jenny came running towards him and leapt on him, making both of them fall as she licked his face "W-Wait Jenny, I just took a shower?" he said with a helpless smile.

She also stopped licking him but sat on him. Robert has given her the ability to understand human language. He had found her in the forest badly wounded two years ago.

After healing her, she didn't leave and became a part of the family "But Jenny your weight is getting heavy" Hearing his words she nodded excitedly, if Robert has said those words to any human girl he could get a slap in the face.

For animals more weight means more strength, Jenny was 40 cm in height, weight over 40 kg. Although she had a bit of a smaller figure compared to others her age, she can go toe to toe with a male wolf.

Robert used his telekinesis powers to deposit all the nutrition in her muscles and bones, making her strength and agility faster and stronger.

He also used this method on himself and his mother, which made May's figure more perfect and sexy while he gain some muscles.

Pushing her aside he wore his clothes, a red T-shirt and blue jeans. Robert walked out of his room to the kitchen, only to see his mother's sexy back.

He swallowed his saliva and hooked his head hard 'NO!! Robert don't lose control... but she looks so pretty... NNOOO!!' Only after a few seconds of debate, his emotions calmed down.

"Good morning, Mom" He went and hugged her back as his lips landed on her cheek. "Hehe, good morning sweetheart" She just turned her head and placed her lips on his.

Robert didn't move, he knew if he moves now she would want more. In a few seconds, their lips separated from each other "Okay, get to your chair and eat your breakfast" She said.

"Okay" Soon he started to eat his breakfast, and May also joined him while handing him a glass of milk. They talked about their today's plan and schedule.

Although both of them were free most of the time, after all, how much work a farmer and a middle-schooler have. "Baby, tomorrow we have to get some wood for our fertilizer," May said.

Robert nodded his head, with his increased talent he easily found various ways to increase the quality and quantity of their crops making them one of the best-selling crops.

After their breakfast, May wore a simple white T-shirt and light blue pants. Robert waved his hand and his bag flew towards him and was about to open the door when Mayshouted "WAIT!!"

"What?" He turned and asked. She threw something at him, catching him notice it was a simple crucifixion. With Jesus in the centre nailed to the cross, this crucifixion was made up of platinum, a gift from May.

"Thanks, Mom. Goodbye," He said. "Goodbye, baby" May's voice came into his ears as he walked out of the house. Although he knew god was real, he won't help him only he can help himself.


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