
Story 1: Part 2

Walking out of the door, they saw a park in the opposite direction of the building; there are also some stores and restaurants nearby. The people around here generally looks like teenagers and they all wear a school uniform, looks like they live near a school as well.

"Hmm? There are a lot of students around here, perhaps we are living near a school?" Minet commented as well as asking GENIS.

"According to this map, there should be a school near here; not only that it is also one of the best school of this world as well." GENIS answered

"Really? Brother, Sister should we try to go to school for once? Please? Not only it helps others not suspects anything considering our looks which looks like teenagers but maybe we can also see any cool events that would happen as well." Sherry insisted on wanting to go school as well as giving her reasons and explain them.

Seeing how much she wanted to experience this, Minet and GENIS left out a sigh.

"Alright, we will let your sister do with the applying to this school." Minet said, he would let GENIS handle the task of letting them enter the school because she is the smartest in the three of them and she actually did this multiple times before as well.

"Yay!!' Sherry felt happy because she is going to experience what is school for the first time. Suddenly, there are some shouting.

"EVERYONE MOVE ASIDE, EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE TEAM IS COMING THROUGH!!!" A guy shouted, with a group of 4 or 5 people behind him; they all wear some kind of uniform that resembles a police officer's uniform. But the strange thing is that in the group, there is one person flying without using anything, one was using some kind of magic to fly because you can see a magic circle on their feet; one was using some kind of tech to fly, and the guy on the lead was using some kind of power to fly faster than the rest of the group. Both Minet, Sherry were surprised to see such things in one world.

"Oh yea GENIS, you haven't explained to us about this world have you?" Minet asked GENIS

"That's because you never even asked. Anyways this world is a very complicated world compared to the other ones; there are 4 main roles a human can take in this world that is either a witch, a magician, a Super-power User or S.U for short; and finally a person whom specialty is to create special machines, robots, AIs to assists them in many tasks. Next we also have Non-Humans entities, these are general called monsters but each of them has a name for each race. Later on we should know one of them." GENIS answered Minet and gave both Minet and Sherry a bit of explanations of this world.

"Wait, what do you mean by late-" Sherry was about to ask GENIS what did she meant by later but cut off by an explosion.

"We will know one of the race now" GENIS said, rushes towards the explosion. Seems like she wanted both of them to follow her. So they ran with her towards the place where explosions keeps happening.

In front of a big building a group of Werewolfs, which is also one of the race that GENIS mentioned earlier that belongs to the Monster races. The werewolf race is specifically very aggressive but that doesn't mean they are stupid, they know when to retreat or when to continue the fight. They are also very strong physically as well so damaging them is also very hard, getting hit by them is even worse, of course can't forget about their general speed as well, they can run as fast as a car which is a feat that not many humans can achieve.

Anyways, at the battle, the person whom who doesn't uses anything to fly was actually a witch, she made potions which allowed her to fly for a limited time. She kept on throwing potions to the enemy to damage them and to her allies to heal them, next is the magician, she is using magic to create energy-constructed balls, beams and lasers to attack the werewolf. Then we got the one who uses robots to assists him in the battle; he summoned robots that could create explosions as well as shooting robots whom can shoot out bullets at a high speed; finally we got an S.U and his power was levitation, that was why he could make himself flew much faster than the others, the guy was using his power to help his ally dodges faster as well as throwing anything that can be thrown around him at the werewolfs in order to damage them. Overall these are pretty useless moves of the groups as they DID NOT deal any damage at all. Then the werewolfs jumped at them and starting to attack them, it didn't take long for the group to fall down.

"argh, we will need more help for this." The S.U person.

Suddenly a big slash swept next to him and hit the werewolf, but it also cut the whole building in half making the building fall down. The other werewolf were surprised and actually shocked, They were planning to retreat but suddenly got attacked by a white hair girl with red eyes; her punches was so powerful that it sent every werewolf she hit miles away from their original spot and killing them. The S.U was very shocked, suddenly 2 figure appears next to him.

"Our sister is strong right?" The male figure asked and he nodded. Then the figure hold out his hand to help him stand up. The S.U accepted the help and grabbed the guy's arm, he successfully stand up without knowing why, he wasn't even supposed to be able to move.

"Who are you all kids." He asked.

"Hey we are not kids, my name is Minet and this is my twin sister, GENIS; the girl you see over there is Sherry" Minet replied to him and introduced himself and his sisters.

"Tell me, WHERE DID YOU KIDS GET SUCH POWERS" he grabbed Minet's should and asked him. The powers they just pulled out was too much for an ordinary human to have, you either had to be a genius or someone who went through a lot of battles to gain such powers but before him was 3 teenagers.

"I'm sorry but that is a secret. Plus why don't you introduce yourself as well?" GENIS answered him

"Ah my bad, my name Anthony and I am a teacher at the MagicTech Academy as well as an E.P.T's leader." Anthony introduced himself. Seeing how the teenagers in front of him as a lot of potential to be great people in the future, especially with their talents. He made an offer.

"Say, are you kids learning at any academy right now?" he asked.

"Nope we aren't and we are planning to enter one soon." Sherry answered him.

"Very good, how about I give you all a recommendation letter to let you all join the academy entrance exam without any requirements? I'm sure you all will pass anyways." He said, he was confident that they would definitely pass the exam without any failure, even though he haven't seen GENIS pulled of any feats yet but he can already tell that she is the most intelligent among the three.

"Sure, that sounds convenience" GENIS accepted the offer on the behalf of herself and the other 2 as well.

"GREAT! I'll quickly go and write recommendations letter as well as prepare you three the uniforms that the school uses for the Entrance Exam participants!" he said and just like that he was gone.

"Well, that was oddly fast and convenient" Sherry commented

"Well now that the school problem is solved, why don't we just go and check around the street eh? I see some good foods around here" GENIS suggested.

"Sure! Let's go!" Sherry said and hurriedly go which is followed by GENIS and Minet.