
Story 1: Part 3

After that day, 2 days later to be exact. Minet, GENIS and Sherry both got their own invitation card as well as the school's uniform to wear in the entrance exam.

Sherry: "Wow brother! These Uniform looks AMAZING right!"

Minet: "I suppose so Sherry, any uniform is fine with us right GENIS?"

GENIS: "That is correct brother"

Sherry: "Awww....you guys are no fun, it's sad that you guys lacks emotions and cannot feel most of the emotions except the ones that our mother gave you guys."

Minet:"Well, that's the price of our powers i suppose."

Sherry:"So when is the entrance exam going to start?"

GENIS:"It says here is about one week later, we got one week free before the entrance exam start, if we go with the mechanical road, we can bring some of our inventions, if we go with the witches road, we can bring certain ingredients and our broom with us. However if we are an S.U and a Mage, we cannot bring anything with us."

Sherry:"Damn that's kinda racist"

Minet:"Well, those items are absolutely needed for each class after all. So what are you guy's classes? I would go for S.U"

Sherry:"I will go with mage"

GENIS:" I guess i should go with mechanical then."

Minet:"Guess that settled, come one, let's go to sleep, these bodies needs sleep after all"

Sherry:" Yep a human body is so much more limited than i thought!."

Minet:"That's because humans are one of the most basic specie after all. After all this world is very large and vast."

GENIS:"You are absolutely right brother."

So after this, they went to sleep and started to prepare themselves for the Entrance exam. 1 Week later, the Entrance Exam was starting to open, Minet GENIS and Sherry got there just in time. The place they gather with other students looks like a stadium with multiple portals around them for each road they would take,

Sherry:"Phew! Glad we made it in time."

Minet:"well with our physical ability we would still get here in no time."

GENIS:"You guys better becarefull, people are looking at us with malicious intents."

Minet: "You are right sis, we better be careful, dying in this body is not pleasant at all"

Sherry:"i will keep that in mind then."

After that, the exam stars and Minet, GENIS, Sherry each enters a portal corresponding to the road they choose. The Teachers are also very fond of this year's students.

Teacher 1: So who do you think is gonna be top this year?

Teacher 2: I believe its Kinan, he is known for very talented after all.

Teacher 3: i am more fond with the recommended students, if what said in that paper was true, our school would need them.

Teacher 1: Come on we all know that's fake.

Teacher 3: i wouldn't be so sure if i were you, there is still a chance it is true,

Teacher 2: Right, i would agree with him.

Teacher 1: Damn both of you....

Teacher 1 and 2: hahahaha..!

And as the Exam start, each students gets to rooms corresponding with the road that they choose. A Mage will have tests of Magic control and magic powers. An S.U test will be their power control and skills, knowledge. A mechanical exam will have Knowledge and Skills. The other 2 are irrelevant as our Mcs don't enter those hehe...Ahem Anyways, everyone did their best and after the exam finished, scores have been announced for each group of students, both Minet GENIS and Sherry are top of their group, even breaking the school's histories of records.

Sherry: "Brother, SIster, you all did very well! We are all top 1s."

GENIS:" Yes Sherry, we all did well."


Teacher 3: "ahahaha! I told you they would be special. However i never knew they were THIS special."


Teacher 2: "That is very low to happen as our security are very strong, especially against cheaters."

Teacher 1: "Alright fine i lost..."

Teacher: "Well, now all we got to do is wait for the future, a bright future not only for our school but the students as well."

Hello everyone, sorry for being inactive for months, i simply got a massive idea block after chapter 2 and laziness struck me so please forgive me.

Minetcreators' thoughts