
Story 1: Part 1

Author's Note:

Please note that the character whom have the same name as me isn't me in this story, this is a whole separate character and therefore has no connections to me, the only thing we have the same is our name.


In an Empty white space where there are no ends; a boy whom is wearing a black shirt with a blue jacket, and long pants is floating in this empty yet infinitely large white space. It seemed like he was talking to someone; his voice sounded like an average teenager's male voice but slightly deeper.

"….Mother, may I ask you why are you here again?" he asked even though there was no one else appearing there. Suddenly, a female voice showed up "Hmm..not any particular reason; i just wanted to visit you.". The voice was very relaxing and gave off a chill vibe. It seems like whoever is speaking to the boy right now is his own mother. Then he answered her back:

"But mother, you know everything, you know what im doing, where i am and such."

"Yes, I know but still, i can still visit you if I wanted to right?" –The mother asked back.

"…..yes….now if you are done, please send me back; I got places to go right now."-The boy answered his mother than demanded her to send him back to where he originally was.

"Alright…good luck then, Minet"-The mother gave Minet a good luck and then instantly send him back. The infinitely large white space just now has become a decent room where Minet were just now. The room looked like a bedroom with high technology such as a light bulb in dark areas automatically turns on whenever it detects Minet's appearance; there is also a desk and a chair at one of the wall, it seems like that is where Minet works. There are bookshelves next to his bed and on one wall was purely made out of glass; looking out from there, you can see the sight a city in the morning, looks like he lives in some kind of skyscraper. Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

"Coming!" Minet said in order to answer the knock. He opened the door and outside his room was a 2 girls, one girl was as tall as him; she has a very curvy body which makes her looks sexy; her hair is black and she wears a black coat with purple hood and a shirt with long sleeves. The other one is a bit shorter than Minet and the other girl; she has a white slightly long hair, 2 red big eyes and has a thinner with a smaller bust size body; she is wearing a blue shirt with a yellow bow-tie; a grey long coat with 2 short sleeves and a pair of yellow long sleeves that is almost over half as big as her body. She also wears a black skirt with a pair of big brown boots on her leg.

"GENIS, Sherry?" Minet asked the two. The Shorter girl was named Sherry and she is the younger sister of Minet while GENIS is his twins.

"Brother have you done the preparation?" Sherry asked; they just moved into this Skyscraper not too long ago and it's still day time so Sherry figured that she would want to go around the city.

"Yea, I supposed so. But why do I feel so weak compared to before?" Minet answered Sherry at the same time question his sisters. It seems like they had some kind of power before.

"Ever since we came to this world, Mother has been limiting our own power by a lot. She also gave a note to us saying that unless we are outside these worlds our powers are always limited depends on how big and stable the world is. This is just in case any world gets destroyed because of our presence." GENIS said, answering minet as well as explaining their current situation.

"Well I guess that explains it." Minet said then he continued "Now should we go look around this new world that we are in?" He suggested.

"That is our goal coming here after all brother." Sherry answered Minet; that answer of her can be taken as a yes.

"Let's go then, GENIS can you lead the way?" Minet turned to GENIS, asking her to lead them to wherever they are going to go.

"Sure, let's go" Answering Minet, GENIS turned around and started walking down the hall, behind her is Minet and Sherry whom are following her.

The Skyscraper they are in is a very luxurious one; it can be called the top 1 in this world as well. Red carpet on every floor, Staffs coming up and down busy with their work. Heck even the customers here are also very rich people as well. "Woah.." Sherry commented in surprise. She didn't know that the skyscraper they were going to live in was going to be THIS luxurious. At the main lobby, on one side is the Counter where you get and order your rooms; another is the hall way to go to the Bar and Arcade games. They side they are on is where most elevators are put to allow customer to move up and down more conveniently and faster than going through the stairs since this skyscraper has a lot of floors. In the opposite direction is the Main door of the skyscraper; it is one big glass door that can spin whenever a customer enters or leaves.

"Well here we are, let's go out and see what this world has to offer." Minet commented. They then walk through the door to start their first day in this world. This is when their journey in this world starts.