
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 6

The next morning the media was in a frenzy, the headlines on many top entertainment magazines and websites read "RISING ACTRESS OF STEEL CITY DAPHNE ROSS AND BILLIONAIRE QUINN CY RUMORED TO BE A RELATIONSHIP". "ARE THEY IN A RELATIONSHIP OR IS IT A ONE NIGHT STAND" and other headlines along that line, with the pictures of Quinn carrying Daphne into his car, their accidental kiss and Quinn holding her closely.

 The two parties involved did not know they were making headlines even on business news channels.

 Daphne groaned as she woke up with a splitting headache, she searched for her phone on her bedside table but accidentally hit her hand on a lamp and it fell and shattered on the ground.

 Her eyes widened at the loud crash and she scratched her head in confusion, she had a vase on her bedside table not a lamp then her eyes widened in realization as she looked around the room, she jumped off the bed she realized she was in an unfamiliar room, her eyes widened in realization as she recalled the events of last night.

 She sighed in relief as she realized she was in the Cy mansion, but was again startled as someone unexpectedly barged into the room, it was Mira and she had a huge smile on her face.

 "Good morning sister in law she said with a huge grin on her face," Daphne looked at her in confusion.

 "What do you mean?" she asked.

 "After our last conversation, I thought you wouldn't give up on the donkey monkey Ethan but I'm so glad you came to your senses," Mira replied.

 "But girl how did you bag my brother, Mum is so excited that Quinn finally has a girlfriend and it's my best friend. You're so lucky Ethan suggested keeping the relationship private, thinking about it now he did it so when Imogen came out as his lover no one would question her and would think you were trying to snatch your step-sister's man by going to all those business banquets with him. Those two really set you up Daph"

 "Either way, it worked in your favor, no one going to accuse you of cheating except the Idiot himself, Mira sneered"

 "Now that I think of it Mira you're right, everything is starting to make sense, you're right why would I fight for someone who doesn't want to be fought for, they're not worth it, but I don't understand what you mean by saying I bagged your brother," Daphe said.

 "You haven't seen the news, you and my brother are trending," Mira said laughing showing Daphne the news on her phone.

 Daphne snatched the phone from Mira's hand and her eyes widened in shock. "No no no no no, this can't be happening," she whispered to herself.

 Mira noticing her disturbed expression asked, "What's wrong Daph".

 "The news is fake Mira we met outside a bar and I was drunk, I lost my footing and fell on him, the kiss was an accident and he only held me because he was protecting me from falling, I probably blacked out and he brought me here," she said almost crying.

 "Oh," Mira said in realization.

"Well is not a big issue, if it gets out of hand my brother will handle it, Daphne if you're this worried because you think you caused problems for my brother then don't be, he traveled to Walt Island this morning for some business by the time he comes back the news would have died down and the netizens will probably be talking about something new"

 "You should be worried about yourself right now, stay out of the media eye for now, and don't stay at your place for now, Quinn's fan girls will probably find you if you want you can stay here," Mira said with a hopeful smile but it soon fell at Daphne's response.

 "No, I'll go to the main house. Dad will be expecting me, he would have heard the news by now, but I will stay for breakfast, Anne makes the best food," Daphne said smiling for the first time that morning.

 "I thought you'd have like a thousand messages from home, but your phones have been silent," Mira suddenly said.

 Daphne immediately looked around for her purse and saw it lying on the vanity, she searched for her phone and found it after some time. She tried turning it on but realized she had run out of battery.

 "Don't worry I'll get someone to charge it, just have your bath, I'll get my clothes ready for you and come down for breakfast," she said snatching the phone from Daphne and making her way out of the room.

 Daphne immediately went into the bathroom and took a long hot bath, she felt so relaxed when she stepped back into the room. She saw a beautiful white dress already laid on the bed for her, she got dressed and slowly made her way downstairs, she felt nervous because she didn't know how she would face Mira's parents but luckily they were not at home.

 She had a harmonious breakfast with Mira and when she finally got back her phone she saw ten missed calls from her Dad, ten from her stepmom, five from Imogen, and just two from Ethan, she sneered as she looked at his contacts saved on her phone with a heart emoji.

 She said her goodbyes to Mira and headed home in her car which was surprisingly parked outside.