
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 5

 Her face turned white and became pale as the contact saved as "MAGIC" was an already existing contact on her phone and the number belonged to her sister Imogen.

 She immediately regained her composure and sat down properly on her seat as she waited for Ethan. Her thoughts drifted to the phone call yesterday as she tried to find a loophole to prove Imogen wasn't the woman she heard with.

 Maybe something happened at the company and Imogen called and on his way back he took a detour, she whispered to herself. But she didn't even believe her excuse.

 "Even if that was true why did he save her name as "MAGIC"," her subconscious whispered to her.

 "No, I won't accept it until I see them together with my own eyes," Daphne whispered to herself. For now, she had to figure out an excuse because she didn't want to discuss her shares with her cheating boyfriend.

 Ten seconds later Etan walked in and sat opposite Daphne. But before Daphne could open her mouth Ethan's phone started ringing and the name "MAGIC" flashed on the screen. 

 For someone who's cheating he sure isn't discreet, Daphne sneered in her heart and then looked away from the phone screen like she wasn't just staring.

 Ethan immediately shot out of his chair like he was electrocuted.

 "There's an emergency at the company," he said, immediately grabbing his things and walking out.

 "You won't even offer to pay the bills?" Daphne's voice resounded behind him.

 He heard her clearly as there was a slight hesitation but he continued to walk away. Daphne stared at his retreating figure and thought about all the sacrifices she made for him and his future wife who turned out to be her sister.

 She laughed bitterly at her predicament, but she wouldn't break down now. She wouldn't let her sister have her way, but for now, she wanted to feel numb and alcohol was the only solution.

 She drove to the closest bar and drank the night away as she cried bitterly at the betrayal. Glass after glass, shot after shot the tears stopped falling because she started feeling the numbness she craved for.

 A man then walked up to her, he was equally drunk but not as drunk as she was. He sat beside her and decided to start a conversation with her.

 Daphne didn't yet realize someone was sitting beside her as she stared blankly into the space in front of her. She wondered how she felt pain in her numbness.

 Suddenly she felt something wet latch onto her neck, she shrieked in shock and pulled back immediately. She slapped the man hard across his face and stood up immediately but soon stumbled because she was drunk.

 She struggled to get up and when she did, she realized all eyes were on her in the bar, some people recognized her as one of the rising actresses of Steel City because before joining Ethan's agency Daphne had starred in many successful dramas and was quite popular.

 Some even took out their phones to start recording, but she ignored them and wobbled out of the bar and on her way out she hit a strong block and fell back but was caught before reaching the ground.

 She stared at the man before her, he was Quinn Cy the most influential man in Steel City, worth billions. Even people who lived under rocks and in sewers would recognize him.

 She stared at him completely blown away by his godlike appearance, she had seen him so many times on magazine covers but never up close she suddenly snapped out of her reverie and stepped back forcefully which made her fall back and Quinn once again pulled her back to safety but with too much force as her lips landed on his.

 She stared at him with her eyes widened as they both froze in shock. She then stepped back carefully to avoid further accidents and bowed her head deeply to express her gratitude and apologize for the accident, she was drunk but not unaware of her actions.

 "I am so sorry," she said flustered as she ran away immediately out of embarrassment, she tripped a few times and stumbled into her car. She turned in the direction where she left Quinn and screamed when she saw him in front of her.

 "You're drunk," he said in a deep voice. She nodded her head slightly confused. 

 "Mira would nag me to death if she found out I let you drive drunk," Quinn replied. She wanted to refuse but she started feeling dizzy and blacked out, Quinn stared at the woman in front of him for a long time before carrying her out of her car and into his and drove away.

 From the shadows, a man holding a camera emerged with a wide smile on his face.





