
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 7

Daphne got to the entrance of the house and stared at the door for a long time, it was her house yet it didn't feel like home. Her dad only called her back home when he needed her to consult for the company.

 She finally walked into the living room where her dad, mum, sister, and Ethan were present.

 Good morning Mother and Father, she greeted slightly nodding her head, and was about to sit when her arm was roughly grabbed.

 "You disgust me, Daphne, I never thought you were one to sleep around," Ethan sneered.

 "You have some nerves accusing me of cheating when you've been sleeping around with MAGIC," Daphne replied.

 The whole room fell silent and Imogen's immediately turned pale.

 "Daphne, you must be mistaken Ethan loves you a lot and I'm sure the news about you and Mr Cy is fake, you guys need to talk it out," Imogen said slightly fidgeting.

 " Did I ask for your opinion, just drop the act and while you're at it shut your mouth hole Imogen because I know you are MAGIC, you've been shamelessly sleeping with Ethan," Daphne yelled and turned to her dad getting emotional.

 "She and Ethan have cheated me, Dad I trusted them and they were using me for my shares," she cried with tears rolling down her cheeks. She then turned to Ethan.

"You, I gave you my all, I sacrificed my entire career for you, my time and effort, I would have died for you Ethan, that's how much I loved you and this is how you repay me, by sleeping with this slut," Daphne screamed.

 "Watch your mouth, Daphne, I'm not a slut," Imogen retorted and was met with a slap on her right cheek and another on her left cheek, she felt a painful sting on both sides of her face and her eyes started to water.

 "No, you watch your mouth, but I must say you really had me fooled with the whole sister act, It's impressive how you lied for four years, that must have taken discipline and a lot of practice. Is that what you did with Ethan whenever you were done sleeping with him, you practiced the next lie to tell me. After everything I've done for you and all the sacrifices Imogen, you are a famous actress in Steel City because of me and my sacrifices, didn't you for once think of how I would feel before betraying me this way," Daphne screamed in anger

 Ethan then stepped in between them and said "This is why I chose Imogen over you, I can't handle your temper or craziness, learn a bit from your sister maybe you'll be able to keep a man"


 Daphne saw red and gave Ethan a well-deserved slap imprinting her finger on his face then a punch followed after making Ethan's nose bleed.

 "If you loved Imogen so much why waste my time for four years, why am I even asking, you did it to get my shares didn't you, both of you are so shameless and disgusting," Daphne yelled.

 She turned to look at her father and stepmother who hadn't said a word and it dawned on her.

 "You all knew,"she said in a shaky voice. "You let this disgusting pig use me for years dad, you watched him ruin my life and career yet you did nothing because I refused to give you my shares, I'm not surprised you were in cahoots with them Agatha," she said staring at her step mum then her eyes shifted to her father.

 "But you Dad. Ever since Mum died you've changed, I knew you preferred your new family over me, and I know you favor Imogen more than me but I never complained and took it all. But never in a million years did I believe that you would betray me this way"

 "None of you deserve me, I'm too good for this family and way to good for you Ethan," Daphne said walking out but was stopped by her stepmother's voice.

 "Stop acting like a victim it's disgusting, didn't you also cheat on Ethan with Quinn Cy, so you're not that innocent? Aren't you going to explain to us what's going on between you two," Agatha said.

 "I would also love an explanation on what your daughter has been doing in bed with my boyfriend but I can't get that can I," Daphne responded.

 "You want an explanation well here is one your sister fell in love with Ethan and I gave them my blessings because he proved he loves her and I prioritize the happiness of my daughter," Daphne's father said.

 "So you sacrificed the happiness of one daughter for the others, you are a hypocrite father and I have no place in my heart for hypocrites, I hate you, I hate all of you," she said walking out and suddenly turning back to her family.

 "No one should ask me if the news is true or not none of you have the right to know, she said and then exited the building.