
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

chapter 4

 After Mira left, Daphne received a text message from Mira. Daphne sighed as she stared at the text. She knew Mira was really upset with her but she quickly put the thought at the back of her mind.

 The message read " Get the number of "Magic" from Ethan's phone"

 Daphne immediately called Ethan but got no response, she called again but there still wasn't a response, so she sent him a text saying she wanted to see him but there was no reply.

 She fell into silence for a moment deep in thought then sent in another message. 

 'I need help deciding what to the with some of my shares'

 And after 2 minutes a response came in from Ethan, she smiled bitterly at the message she received from Ethan. He said he'd meet her immediately because he was done with work.

 She sent him her location and waited for him. Ten minutes later a 1.80 meter tall figure walked in clad in a navy blue suit, walked in. He carried the aura of an heir and there was always a hint of arrogance in his eyes.


 He was Ethan Sawyer, the current CEO of the Sawyer enterprise but was known for his great interest in the Star talent agency which was one of the Sawyer enterprise's main subsidiaries. Rumors had it that he was so interested because of his fiancee.

 He walked towards Daphne and sat opposite her, irritated that he was sitting in a measly ice cream parlour but didn't voice out his displeasure as he knew what he stood to gain from their meeting.

 Daphne stared at Ethan's phone that laid beside his wallet on the table and couldn't help but stare blankly at the phone's screen saver which used to be a picture of her.

 She soon snapped out of her trance as Ethan called out her name. She pushed all her negative emotions aside and was about to speak when a server arrived at their table with two bowls of ice cream that were pre ordered by Daphne while she awaited his arrival.

 Ethan looked annoyed by the intrusion but didn't say anything.

 As the bowls were being placed on the table the server accidentally spilled the entire content of Ethan's bowl on his pants which made Ethan instinctively stand up.

 He was about to give the clumsy server an earful when Daphne's sweet voice interrupted him.

 "Ethan, let it be, go to the washroom and clean up we have more important things to discuss"

Ethan was immediately disgusted by the idea of using a public washroom but the mess on his pants wasn't exactly easy to ignore.


 So Ethan nodded his head in agreement and walked off not before giving the server a dirty look.

 Once Daphne was sure Ethan was gone, she brought out a thick wad of cash and handed it to the waiter, who took the money and walked away mmediately .

 Daphne immediately grabbed Ethan's phone and tried to unlock it but soon realized she didn't know his password. She tried her birthday, his birthday, when they started dating and some random combinations but still couldn't unlock the phone.

 She was running out of time and a thought came to her head, she tried another number combination and her heart fell into her stomach as the phone unlocked. 

 This should have been enough to tell her everything she needed to know but she still had a glimmer of hope that it was a lie, she knew there was no point in further investigation but she was as stubborn as a mule as she immediately accessed his contact list and went through his call history and saw the contact "MAGIC" spoke to him everyday. He didn't even bother cleaning up the evidence on his phone because he knew she respected his privacy and wouldn't look through his phone or even figure out the password.

 She knew what she would find out would hurt her but she just wanted to be sure. She quickly typed the number, removed the recent apps on Ethan's phone and put it back in it's place, she attempted to save the contact on her phone but the next notification that popped on her screen was something she expected yet prayed she didn't see.