
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 3


 A woman with an exquisite face sat by the window of an ice cream parlor, her long blonde curls sat on her shoulders and her figure was every girl's dream body, her long white and spotless legs were crossed against each other under the table, but the look in her eyes contrasted with her goddess-like appearance, her eyes were puffy from crying and they were filled with sadness.

 Moments later another equally attractive woman walked into the ice cream parlour and sat opposite the lonely figure.

 "Daph, I was so worried when you called me to meet here, what's wrong? Don't you have a huge audition today, why are you here? Oh no, did something happen between you and Ethan, did that bastard stand you up, I always told you he wasn't good enough for you, but surely you wouldn't miss the biggest audition of your career over this," Mira babbled without taking note of the constant change in expression of Daphne. 

 And was about to curse at Ethan more, when suddenly Daphne burst into tears, it startled Mira but she quickly recovered and ran to her side and Daphne rested her head on her shoulder.

 "I wish he stood me up, that would have been better than finding out he was using me," Daphne said crying as she narrated everything that happened.

 "He's been cheating on me for four years Mira, and we've been together for six years, the remaining four years were a lie, he just wanted the shares Grandpa left me," she continued in between sobs.

By now her face was a mess her already puffy eyes became more puffy and red, mucus dripped from her nose and Mira immediately took out some wet wipes she always carried and helped her clean her ace up.

"I've always known that leech wasn't worth the effort, missing huge auditions to consult for his company or accompany him to banquets, if you weren't with him I know you'd have become the most famous actress in not just Steel City but in Pollywood," Mira said.

 "Is that why you missed your big audition today, to cry over Ethan?" Mira asked.

 "No, Ethan said the role would fit Imogen's temprament more, so I let her take it," Daphne said regaining a little composure.

 "Again, Mira said. For the past two years you haven't starred in one major series or movie, and even when you did you were not one of the main leads, you've given up a lot of roles to her, why is that?" Mira asked with her brows curled up in suspicion.

"Not that it matters though, you've built a huge fan base but not a strong one from all your supporting roles because you're a natural," she said with a smile trying to cheer Daphne up.

 "Imagine how much of a boost a leading role would give your career," she said.

"Well Ethan is the owner of my agency and makes most of the decisions, he recommends her for the parts, but he still gives me parts to play," Daphne responded.

 "Could it be that "MAGIC" is Imogen, it only makes sense that he took all the lead roles of movies that requested for you and gave them to his "magic" Imogen, but still gave you roles to be less suspicious," Mira said explaining her theory.

Daphne's face flashed with different expressions almost at the same time, realization, shock, anger then denial.


"Mira, what are you saying Imogen is my sister", Daphne said not even sure of her own words anymore.

 "Half sister Daphne and we all know her mother doesn't like you very much even though you pretend not to notice. Daphne I know you treat Imogen like your own sister but that doesn't mean she feels the same about you", Mira said.

 "Are you saying that my boyfriend of six years has been cheating on me two years into the relationship with my half sister and I didn't notice? Come on Mira I would have noticed some tension between them," Daphne said.

 "The signs were there Daphne, the way they looked at each other, how he would leave his entire workload to check on Imogen anytime she fell ill and claim he was trying to be a good inlaw and how he sees Imogen as his little sister"

 "But traveled for a two-week long business trip while you were having a heart transplant, fighting for your life," Mira said slightly raising her voice.

 "You saw all this too Daph, you suspect them too even more than me but you overlooked it all the time because you're helplessly in love with a man who hasn't said "I love you" to his fiancee in over three years. The truth might hurt but you have to wake up Imogen, you know he is cheating on you yet you're defending him," she continued in anger.

"What can I do, Mira I can't help how much I love him and how do you expect me to let him go, he's been my life for 6 years Mira, it's not easy. We've been together since high school"

 "I need your help Mira to find out who MAGIC is, so I'll go to her and teach her a lesson," Daphne said.

 "Can you hear yourself right now Daph, no matter who magic is Imogen or not, they don't owe you an explanation, Ethan does, you're meant to confront him," Mira said getting angry.

 "Will you help me find her or not," Daphne asked.

 "No, I won't, you need to get you're priorities in order," Mira replied.

"Fine, I'll find someone else to do it," Daphne said standing up. "See you around"

 "Daphne, wait. I'll do it but only to snap you out of this dreamland that portrays Ethan as Prince Charming. I'll leave first," Mira said standing up and walking past Daphne.

 She was upset that Daphne didn't take her advice, but all Daphne wanted to do was salvage her relationship, no matter how broken the relationship was, she was determined to fix it.

"I've sacrificed way too much to let go," she whispered to herself.