
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 2

 Daphne slowly woke up from a deep sleep and stared blankly at her white ceiling, after what felt like hours but was actually only 5 minutes, she got up from her bed and walked towards the large window in her bedroom and pulled open the drapes.


 She instinctively covered her eyes as the blinding sunlight hit her eyes, she turned away from the window and walked to her bedside table. 

 She stared at her phone and was disappointed when there was no missed called from Ethan, then she suddenly remembered the strange call Ethan received yesterday.

 He said it was a work emergency but why did he save his work associates name as "MAGIC" is he seeing another woman, Daphne thought but quickly dispelled the thought.

" He loves me....he tells me..... I trust him, she whispered to herself. When was the last time he said it to you," her subconscious whispered.

 She immediately dailed his number, it kept on ringing and he finally picked on the final ring. Her racing heart calmed down a bit.

 "Where are you?" she immediately asked. 

 "I'm still at the office", he responded in a strained voice.

 "It's past 8 and you're still in the office," Daphne replied shocked whilst checking the time on her phone.

 "Daphne you were there yesterday when my personal assistant called me to come to work to handle the emergency, I'll see you later," he said ending the call abruptly and staring down at the woman clinging to him drawing circles around his chest and smiled.

 "Ethan you have no idea how jealous I feel when you indulge that woman, I've been with you for four years and we still have to meet in secret," the woman in Ethan's arms said pouting.

 "Don't worry my love, it's only a matter time till I convince that slut to sign over her shares to me and I'll be done with her," Ethan said with a smile.

 On the other side of the phone Daphne's heart was torn into pieces as Ethan's words echoed in her ears.

 "Don't worry my love, it's only a matter time till I convince that slut to sign over her shares to me and I'll be done with her"

 The man she gave her entire youth too, consulted for his company and worked overtime most nights was busy fooling around with some magic woman.

 She felt her blood boil as she picked up her phone and called a friend of hers. There was no response, she called six more times and the seventh time the other party picked up almost immediately.

 "Hello" a deep voice resounded through the phone. 

" Hello," Daphne responded. "Who are you and why are you with Mira's phone," she said sharply.

 "The phone kept on ringing and I should be asking you, who you are and why you're bothering my sister"...but the voice was cut short by Mira's high pitched voice.

 "Why are you with my phone," Mira said. Snatching it out of her brother's hand. 

 Instead of responding to her question, he just walked away. Mira returned her attention to her phone and a broad grin appears on her face when she saw who the caller was.

 "Daph, I've missed you so much you didn't call to tell me about your date with Ethan," she said pouting.

 "Can we meet at Daisy's," Daphne responded.