
Steel City

Daphne Ross was a rising star in Steel City and was taking Pollywood by storm but her shiny life and career crashed down after she was betrayed by her stepsister and a man who swore he loved her to the moon and back. She was sent to prison for two years and came back for revenge but wasn't strong enough, luckily she met. Mr Cy who became her business partner and maybe something mo....

blue_bookworm · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

 In a dimly lit restaurant with a huge signboard that spelled out Melody, there was a couple at the far end of the restaurant at first glance they looked like a perfectly happy couple but on closer inspection, it was obvious that the woman was using every trick in the book to get the man's attention but he couldn't care less.

 "Is this your great idea for a date, you've been on your phone since we got here and if you were so busy why ask me out?" Daphne said.

 "What do you want Daphne, you said we don't spend time together anymore and now I'm with you, isn't that enough," Ethan responded.

 "What happened to Daph, honey, sunshine, that's what you used to call me when you pursued me and at the beginning of our relationship, what happened to all that Ethan?" she asked.

 "Are you serious right now, I have stacks of paperwork on my desk in the office and in my study, I've been so busy yet I'm here".

 "I'm sorry I've been so busy taking care of my father's legacy and making money to spend on you Daphne, please forgive me", Ethan said with sarcasm evident in his voice.

 "Making money to spend on who?, Ok Mr. Money Maker when was the last time you bought me a gift or took me on a date I don't need you to work so hard to make money, I have my own money," Daphne responded exasperatedly.

 "What do you want exactly, you say you want gifts and to go on dates, but they cost money and now you're saying you don't want me to work hard to spend on you. Make up your mind Daphne", Ethan responded.

 Before Daphne could retort the phone on the table started to ring and a name flashed on the screen. 

 Ethan snatched the phone from the table as fast as he could, mumbled an excuse, and left the table.

 Daphne's eyes followed him until he was out of sight and her heart clenched as she recalled the name the number that called was saved as.

 "Magic" Who was magic, she mumbled in deep thought but was soon interrupted by Ethan's voice.

 "There is an emergency at the office I have to be there, let's do this some other time, I'll call an Uber to pick you up", he said calling on a waiter to pay the bills.

 "An Uber, is it that serious that you can't drop me off? I just want to spend a little time with you," Daphne said.

 "Be reasonable okay and stop being clingy it's irritating, I thought you were better than this," he replied.

 "Don't worry, I'll call a driver to pick me up," she said turning around to pack her get her things.

 "Be safe," she said and turned back for a goodbye kiss or a hug at least but he was long gone.